Hey Its Chronic and i made street rollerz a few days ago and i wanted to get some members i dont have a server up but my LFS username is bamabogger just serch me, im in the process of making a website and you can email me, my email address is [email protected] and we can setup a tryout, cause i had another team and they all sucked so im looking for some good drifters alright well see you on the track
Hey im a big fan of The Don and i was wondering if you can make a don skin for the RB4 heres the picture i want on the car: http://i61.photobucket.com/alb ... CimemagodFather_vmed_.jpg
and if yall could can you put the picture on both sides of the car and make the car completely black and can yall put The Don right beside his name thanks so much
Hey im the leader of THeJOKeRz yall probaly dont know us were new, but if yall hear rumors bout us plzzzzz dont believe them its not true this guy wanted to try to get the jokerz and [BT1] together but i said yes but when i wuz on it they started callin [BT1] noobs and stuff and when i heard that i didnt want 2 be a BT1 and 2 day we told him that we didnt want to join teams and i think he might be mad but dont believe the rumors were not noobs ive had the team for like a year. And if you hear anything else just ignore them plzzz.
Well u can visit are site at www.freewebs.com/jokerzdrifting
hi my name is matt and we need more members cause we switched to s2 and like 4-5 members got s2 out of 13 the other members i havent heared from in a while but you can reach me a [email protected] or you can go to are site www.freewebs.com/jokerzdrifting
hey i was wondering if yall can do this skin over for me like it has the joker on there but i was wondering if yall can color it in and put some decals on there, the reason i cant do it is i dont have the right stuff to do it my microsoft paint is sooo screwed up, and what i didnt say before can you color his hat like green and red thanxs.
ok when i got the new patch y and the setups were still in the data files but there not in the game and when i downloaded the new patch it deleted all my setups so i was wondering how do i get them in the game
ok like every time i wanna play lfs the screen is black but i can still hear the music so i know its turned on but its just a black screen ive deleted lfs 2 times but every time the screen is just black so if anybody knows whats goin on help me out.