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S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :have you tried the fan add-on?, the xbox gets very hot in confined spaces.

I've got an air purifier and 6" flexi-duct hooked up to mine

so if i smthing like this ... 87&c=55&subid=163 it should work better?. well it might be useful, my xbox really gets a little too hot than i think it should be after long playing
S2 licensed
a quick edit, altrough i needed to scroll few pages to find something with good AA and AF
Last edited by batteryy, .
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :I have a standard xbox and it runs like a charm

then i quess my xbox is crap or it could be the cd, and thats what i think it is. when i bought it i had to install it to xbox hd so it wont crash once every hour so there might be some problems with it
S2 licensed
oh crap. strange i couldnt find it on search
The offical post your Xbox Live gamertags
S2 licensed
title says it all...almoust. post your xbox live gamertags and games you play live for people who are looking for someone to play with. i know there probaply is a thread like this already, but i think there is no ''the offical'' yet so i made one. dont post ps3 stuff here, make another thread for them if you want to post those
mine is batteryy1, but i havent got any golden live for now.
S2 licensed
nice edits altrought strange that you couldnt use xrg, it looks abit like old car
S2 licensed
holy crap IMO all those rapers should get killed. the the church but only the ones who rape
S2 licensed
ive made a wheel that haves a yellow stripe on the top but i dunno if thats what u wanted
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :whats wrong with the 360 version?... it works fine for me.

maybe the fact that atleast the normal xbox cant run it perfectly.(not sure about elite or any else version) for me in some points the fps gets so low its hard to play. for example drive some of the briges at night. or get alot of cop cars behind you and blow them all up
S2 licensed
really awsome
a little OT but...Cahs flow, that avatar rocks
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Go online, free mode, with police on. Then get some buddies, kit yourselfs out with all the guns and ammo you can find, and go to war. You will notice the game turns into a slideshow when you fill a street with cop cars and blow them all up.

that sometimes is starting to happen when you do the bridge with alot of lights and on the same time see the town at night. really annoying when you do a police chase or smthing
S2 licensed
Quote from declang :ah, pity.

Who all is in the team now ?

im not actually sure am i in it, havent been active in a while
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Then you are not paying attention. On the start of the game you can find out that they are serbians (When Roman says, "it's better then my Serbian", meaning that Niko speaks better english then Roman do serbian, since he's so long in the US and all..)
They talk and curse troughout the game on serbian (but ok, you can't know that, you don't understand the language) and they fight AGAINST russians in the game

i got the idea this way. Niko used to live in russia, he lent some money and haves a dept that hasnt been payed to Dimitri? im not sure, been a while from the time i played the story
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Get your facts straight, have you even played the game? They are from Serbia.

lol? i always tough they were from russial. and yes ive played it, i have it
S2 licensed
i smell conspirancy :hide: , niko and roman are from russia isnt it that right?. but, if he is ROMAN bellic, doesnt that mean that he is from rome. so that means he cant be from russia but at the same time roman? :detective moments again
S2 licensed
Oh the irony...

some irony pics found
S2 licensed
god damn it first i was like ''wow'', then like ''holy sh*t!'' and then like ''ouch''
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Wow, worst "song" ever. :vomit:

you havent seen/heard a thing, watch the video of it and you see what is bad
S2 licensed i missing something here, ive been away couple days and there is already a new form of lerts born? :detective:
S2 licensed
Quote from STF :

i have a slight fealing that, that chicken is a bad mother...OR its murdered that dog and is hiding the body. and that small guy is his ''crimemate'' and he is saying yo dawgn pechause he is informing that the body has been captured on camera and they need to run:hide::detective
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Mine is simple really....

So i was watching the movie DareDevil and quite enjoyed it, so it was stuck in my head. Next day I was thinking of a new nickname, ofcourse DareDevil came into mind, so i just chaged the two words together and made DevilDare. Ever since then it just stuck to me...

i knew it was that lol. great movie btw
S2 licensed
that motorbike chasing one is awsome. the other is good too, but seen it too many times
S2 licensed
mine is batteryy pechause....
back in old days when i played CS, my friends started calling me patteri(with is battery in english) and after some time i chanced it to battery and in one game i dont remember i had to make my name ''batteryy'' pechause i couldnt use battery
S2 licensed
id take it to police too tough, i bet someone would notice if you go buy something with 30k cash
S2 licensed
ur music is quite good also nice site