a little bit of update in this, i made the wing and hood carbon, but ive made them easy to remove in the psd if somebody doesnt like it. still WIP, probaply gonna make a grille and maybe something to hood for the non-CF option. also if someone has any ideas how to make this better please tell
im one of those shy people who isnt really good to talk strangers. in my case i almoust never have anything to talk about to them. and the thing of not even talking to people who you know on puplic areas is mainly because they dont want other people to hear their business(or alteast for me its that, i hate when some straner listens to everything you say)
yes. another kit for xrt. im bored to the ones avilable, so tough id make one for myself. heres a little preview of side, not much done yet
i think it depends on the movie. like any other not real stuff, like in some movies ghosts can go trough walls,fly,go transperent and in some they cant
did you know, that you should actually do nothing for alteast half an hour before going to sleep if youve done something exiting or that. some doctor said you ''adrealine brust'' is still on for half an hour after the thing youve done. and i find that actually helping, niko try it. also, you should not play games for that half n hour, just watch tv or smthing like that
i have to face that everyday >.< i go to school with bus but in the buses there is places wrong way so you can see the guys face who is in front of u. altrought now summer started and no need for that problem anymore