wtf is it with ''this is a race sim'' thing anyway? if lfs has high level of detail in physics, and people like it why exactly it wouldnt be possible for them to enjoy the physics the way they like it? if someone likes to go sideways just let him do it, if someone likes to cruise why wouldnt it be allowed for him to do? and why exactly devs wouldnt want to do it, it would probaply give them alot more licence purchases if theyd expand the abilities in cruising or drifting in this game
yeh. now i also putted the xbox on place where its got alot of room to get fresh air, also i take the dust off of it once a week and i wont play more than 4 hours in a row
yes indeed, especyally when played 7 hours GTA IV in a rowim suprised my floor didnt melt lol
now ive learned to have a break every 4 hours if i play alot
i wish i could lower my xbox setting lol, xbox cant run GTA IV perfectly fps drops alot especyally at night when theres a huge amount of lights and you drive some bridge
i also disccovered an easy way to get the altidue and speed achievement at the same time.just go straight up as high as u can(also use the rockets on this up goin) then just go straight down and you can reach amazing speeds
im watching that right now. also there was an UFO next to them once but they didnt tell because they didnt want that the flight command would cancel the flight. btw UFO is Undeinified flying object if someone didnt know so it doesnt mean life
i must warn you that lfs helmet model is really bad, so it might not look exactly so good ingame. but i got couple of options for u, pick another one. also please tell if you want some chances, tell me if you like the side and ill do the other side if its good