kinda yeah, but i ment dieing is the best thing you can do for your career, not your life. same thing happent with juice, he died--> alot of people bought hes albums and listened to his music alot
anyone could tell me how to make rain edit look better? i aint really good at them
original picture isnt mine, posted on edit my screenshot long time ago
just put them to a really long race and go do something else at the race. AI seems to be imporving if you race with them, my AI's cant drive on wind yet
you know, this is exactly the same thing that in MOH:airborne. i bought it, heard that its very small game, so i desided to go on first try at hardest difficulity i could get. it is insane, i died on almoust every new place, pechause you die on freasking ouple shots and you need to do most of the shooting yourself -.- that if something is frustrating, i died like 20-50 times on every mission. and i havent even finished it yet, im on the last mission(or i think so), and there walks at the same time 10 of the best enemies in-game (some people who played might now the frustration on them), that you need to put 3+ clips to head to get him dead, or throw grenades. on that ive died probaply 50+ times, and alwas died. impossible part, respect if someone is finished that game on hardest difficulity
altrought, IMO they did the wrong thing. thay shouldve had some strong evidence about the drugs, or even search her on drug dog before stripping her
:woohoo:finally hes gone. he was a little too close friend to childs, and i just dont like that.
but i still i like how he affected the rock/pop music and all that...RIP
i think this is real, nobody i mean NOBODY wouldnt share his personal moments with a remote for all the world unless. he wouldve not done it if he wouldve knewn that theres a camera