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Quote from 5haz :Having a life is overrated, if you have a life you are forced to be nice to people known as 'friends'.

now your not, your only forced to listen to their things when they get drunk and emotonial:doh: that is one pain in the arse if your not drunk and he is
S2 licensed
how much did you drink that night, i mean, half a bottle of jackdaniels, 7-8 beers before your beer devilvery, and then the other beers+ possibly some on the bar
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :update

how do i look

nice, what about chanching that colour of blue thats on the hood fitting to the rest of the car? it is quite nice like that too, but imo it would be better if it would fit in there
S2 licensed
make me a black window tint?
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Only people who hate playing videogames can become gametesters. It's not fun and has nothing to do with playing games.

yeah, its only about getting them free for your son
S2 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :Everything that has core in its name is fail.

how dare you say that! " target="_blank">
S2 licensed
omg now thats what i'd call a nolife
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Play RBR, why bother buying DIRT if you want realism? Unless you want realism, but not so realistic that you're not good enough to complete a stage. You might as well walk into a night club and complain that the music is too loud.

gotta agree with that, rbr is so realistic its too hard, but once you practise ALOT like ive done i can finally finish the stages wit hgood times
Quote from The Very End :Yeah indeed, the pictures still haunts me

they come to your mind every time you get some choclad icecream
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Kid girls like everything on the top music charts.
Chavs like all the chavvy stuff on the top music charts.
And kid guys like rock/metal/dance.

At least its like that at my school.

then britian hasnt been infected by america, most peolpe here walk around with baggy jeans and big hoodies and listen to rap. gotta say i kinda do the same, but still sometimes i like to listen something like metallica, pantera, iron maiden etc+.
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Thats the biggest load of bullsha ive ever heard.
Id say the majority of kids like rock.

majority of the people i know, likes rap. about 15 out of 20 listen to rap, and as revengerR said whats on the top of music charts
Quote from RevengeR :Id say they like everything thats on the top music charts.

S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Bruce Campbell/Ash Williams is my hero...if only chins could kill.

evil dead is brilliant, altrough ive only seen one but yeah, shaun of the dead is good one also
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :I live on a rather small island
4miles x 7 miles. So there wont be many bikes of the same type being sold.
And yeah also not many bikes are sold for £200, thats extremely cheap, most bikes are sold for around £400ish.

damn these punds distrac me but AFAIK most of mopeds in here will cost u around 1000-3000e used(unless you take a chinese peace of crap)
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Everyone has a different opinion of what is metal, what is rock, what name should be given to the subgenre of music played by band X, Y and Z etc... At the end of the day it doesn't matter, if it scares old grannies it's rap, if it scares kids it's metal, if kids like it it's pop, and if grannies jive to it it's jazz.

End of.

actually probaply 80-90% of kids, or should i actually say teens dislike pop. mainly they like rap
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Mr. Google said...
Did you mean: FREX wheel ?

Aren't those like the shiznit of wheels anyway?

OT/ I love my G25, but I moved from JoyPad up to it, so it's not hard to beat no FFB, no clutch, no pedals, no shifter in comparison.

yea right, like id have the money to buy a 2000e or + worth wheel
but now when ive had a longer tought on it, im not buying it. im really almoust stopped playing racing games and i could get fair amount of other nice stuff with the 200e so
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Well i would exceptt....... i know of nobody seling a yamaha dt for £200, or acctually for any price at all.

strange, i can find many of those being sold, really popular moped round here but yea, i think there aint much fo that price
S2 licensed
Quote from BastianB :lol..
i thought you mean of what metal the amplifier case is made from..

sorry im a bit slow when it comes to logical thinking..

it was Slipknot 9.0 Live song "get this"

fail, if u want some rally heavy metal try this, sounds awsome from real good sound system with alot of bass (1.00)
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYAPIMP :Nice mod.

actually it is a quite good one
S2 licensed
oi, havent seen u around lately michael
thats awsome, cant wait to see the final thing
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Do not tell me you saw the ..thing?

few seconds of some actiong long time ago was enough
it was a trap, friend of mine said ''hey come look at this lol'' and then the horror striked
S2 licensed
Quote from Scatter :Graphics are doing well. Its not a eye-murdering bloomfest anymore. Still has that crappy brown look though.

Physics are a lot better than the last DiRT. It looks a bit too grippy though, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt because there are probably options to turn off driving aids if they were used. The chase camera is part of the reason why the car looks like its hooked on rails though.

Edit: Wth, 3rd video, 2 cups 1 girl? God no.

oh my, now i cant finish eating
S2 licensed
get a yamaha dt, awsome bike for a moped that is
S2 licensed
evil dead!
S2 licensed
i think you should wait that it cools down, take it off the car(if its got osme injury it may burn) and try if it works
S2 licensed
i think you just missed an option of