Hey, I've decided yesterday, that I'm going to go for the driving experiences in Knockhill. I got a 10% discount ticket, so instead of its original 135 quid, its gonna cost me 121.50 .
The motherboard does support Athlon X2. *which was why I got the motherboard in the first place*
Ever since I have heard the improvements of the Athlon X2, I'm excited of getting one myself. I could afford it now if I want to, but I'm settled with what I have for the moment. I do intend of getting it after new year, where it should be cheaper by then.
Also, I am interested of getting a new graphics card. The gforce 7 series.
It's starting to get on my nerves now. I've been playing on my new PC with LFS for weeks now. And I've been starting to get "Send Error Report problem" and the PC would sometimes reboot itself, and not give a reason at the startup.
I'll send over the detals of that "Send Error" report when I can, don't have the screenshots for it at the moment.
Has anyone else had that problem at all? All my other games work fine.
Ok I'm in a right pickle. I was searching around in BIOs, just familarizing myself, and looking about on my PC. I accidently set the CPU FSB (Clock) *that is as much as I can remember* from 204, to 250. Don't ask how, I have trigger fingers.
And because it was saved to a "CSMOS" *can't remember the name* The PC doesn't boot itself up properly anymore.
I was thinking of overclocking my CPU just to see how much of an improvement LFS would be.
Here is the components I have.
Athlon 3500+ XP 64 Bit
2GB PC3200 RAM
Nvidia 6800GT 256MB AGPX8
I just changed the settings on my graphics card to add Antialising Setting from "None" to 8xS, and Anisotropic Filtering to 16x.
On my previous settings, both Antialising Setting and Anisotropic Filtering were switched off. And on the race I would have 50+ onto T1 from the back of the grid, and 90 when racing alone. *only because I set the max fps to 100*
On the new settings. It's 40+ to T1 and 70+ FPS during the race. Just thinking of overclocking the Processor, to see how much better of a performance it would be. But before I do:
What is the consequence of overclocking processors?
Is it recommended?
How would I overclock it? Via Bios?