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S2 licensed
R.I.P Dave. Such a shame.
S2 licensed
Does anyone else have their LFS crash with or without the Patch at all? I seem to be having that problem lately.
S2 licensed
Heh I won't bother after all .

Thank you for the help lads, I have my pc back up and running.

I do have one question.

Which AA and AF settings maxes out the LFS?

I have mine at 8xS and 16x at the moment.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :You'll have to flash the bios back to the standard settings. Not sure exactly how though.

btw FSB=front side bus

Thanks mate .

Can anyone help how I can get to the BIOs and set it back to normal?

The monitor light flashes, *monitor works* and I can't get any further.
S2 licensed
Ok I'm in a right pickle. I was searching around in BIOs, just familarizing myself, and looking about on my PC. I accidently set the CPU FSB (Clock) *that is as much as I can remember* from 204, to 250. Don't ask how, I have trigger fingers.

And because it was saved to a "CSMOS" *can't remember the name* The PC doesn't boot itself up properly anymore.

Accidental, but I am sure it is fixable.

How do I solve this problem?
Overclocking CPU
S2 licensed
I was thinking of overclocking my CPU just to see how much of an improvement LFS would be.

Here is the components I have.

Athlon 3500+ XP 64 Bit
2GB PC3200 RAM
Nvidia 6800GT 256MB AGPX8

I just changed the settings on my graphics card to add Antialising Setting from "None" to 8xS, and Anisotropic Filtering to 16x.

On my previous settings, both Antialising Setting and Anisotropic Filtering were switched off. And on the race I would have 50+ onto T1 from the back of the grid, and 90 when racing alone. *only because I set the max fps to 100*

On the new settings. It's 40+ to T1 and 70+ FPS during the race. Just thinking of overclocking the Processor, to see how much better of a performance it would be. But before I do:

What is the consequence of overclocking processors?
Is it recommended?
How would I overclock it? Via Bios?

Any help would be appreciated.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :oh i am lol i think its kinda funny, the thing that upsets me though is that she keeps acting superior to everyone else here as if she is some god or something, and wont accept the fact that her server isn't perfect as if she tries to make it seem to everyone else in this forum, which it doesn't bother me personally, but rather that its like.. really a negative thing on her own part to be so rude to everyone (either way, rules or no rules.. she obviously has no sympathy to anything.. no middle of the road anywhere that i can see)

im not whining in any way, just trying to show to everyone that just dont even worry about her, shes already proven to everyone here that she is extremely rude, arrogant, and incosiderate to other people's thoughts so.. ya

I can see where you are coming from though. . I'm open minded you see .

Anyways, chin up big guy, plenty of servers to go around.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :lol.. no point in that, she pmed me saying im banned for life from the server... no reason.. i never went against the rules.. cant get me there lol i think its kinda funny quite honestly because shes more of a child than i was back in RSC when i got furious when everyone didn't agree with me

im not worried.. i never went on that server anyways (and never planned on it quite honestly since .. like it has been said, it only runs 1 car and 1 track for .. like ever)

Well, if she says you are banned, you are banned, whether her intentions are right or wrong, its best to hold your head up high, and leave with dignity. Unlike some over the past few days.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :i got banned and didn't go against 1 rule, solve that one if you keep posting the same thing bigdave (not being mean, just stating a fact)

Simple, e-mail them .

*gasp* Oh look, we can contact them personally without moaning on a forum!!


Quote from ayrton senna 87 :what about my ban dammit, evidence? warning?
why should i discuss something with sum1 who thinks they are right, whats the point.

i hate idiots like evo and people who agree with her

/me goes off on one

As stated as a above, e-mail them, and discuss the matter appropriately, without calling her an old hag or a 4 star power tripper in McDonalds.

I agree with her, because I am open minded, I see where she goes with it.
S2 licensed
Guys, two words for you for those that are moaning that they got banned.


Moaning on a forum where members wouldn't give a donkeys arse of why you were banned. Evo has stated many times that if there is a problem *being banned as a good example* use the e-mail address and discuss it. Don't bring your tears to this forum. I am for one starting to feel a bit annoyed that every time I come on to this forum, its Redline this and Redline that.

Evo does come up with very good reasons, and suffiecent evidence to clarify your ban. She is very strict with rules, simply because she wants a clean server. If you don't like the way she plays, don't play it. Find another server.

It is as simple as that.
S2 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :how is that abuse u old hag? i said, you have got a bit power hungry, u could have said, u are entitled to your opinion, or, dont say that again, or just ignored my opinion.

u have been banning loads of people for silly things and its a shame because redline server used to be the best.

Netherless, it is HER server. Simple rules, not matter how strict it is, you must abide by them. Calling her an old hag isn't going to make things better, you just dug yourself a deeper hole.

She's been banning folk because they don't pay attention to the rules, and don't make an effort to apologise for their mistake. Strict it is yes, but netherless its her Server, she decides what goes and what not, even if you think its unfair. There are plenty of other servers to join.
S2 licensed
Try organizing one in a leagues and events section .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Is it? Okay, how about 4 then (all current at the time, none of the present ones).

Jeremy Clarkson's quite nice too (but apparently a bit evil 'backstage'). Should I keep going? It's got nothing to do with egos - I've been lucky that's all. It was merely (originally) to prove a point.

Care to enlighten us on the "evil backstage?" Just curious, because he was a right good laugh with James and Hamster on Top Gear .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I've always liked Fisi. I'd pay extra to keep him in F1. I wouldn't pay a cent to keep Alonso in F1 though...

Why is that?
S2 licensed
Problem was solved last week, turned out to be a lot of dust in teh ventilation of the router, gave it a blow, and the heating problem was gone .
S2 licensed
Started my first day back in college, Int 2 Administration, yay! /sarcasm

First thing to do today, complete as many tasks on the booklet called. "Microsoft Word Basics" pretty much an easy college day for me.
S2 licensed
Here is a good example of comparing head movement in a F1 car, from an average person, to a F1 driver.
S2 licensed
*hands Tikkie flame shield*
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :If one member of the team is disrespectful, then the whole team has to be disrespectful?

That's how they see it. To be honest I don't blame them, if the whole team was infact disrespectful *hypothetically* it wouldnt be a suprise if they did ban them, but since it was Blackwolf himself, MG have to clear their name.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Sorry? Did I read that right?

One member of a team doesnt behave correctly on a server and the whole team gets banned?

Now thats really a strange kind of admining.

From EVOs perspective, she found them disprespectful to the rules.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Nothing to say, I am disapointed.
I got baned now, from this server.

I got kicked, and I simply asked "why?".

And admin only says read the rules, I know you shal nto ignore blue flag and stuff, but I did nothing wrong. I repeat and ask nice what I did wrong, and what rule I broke, and admin Evo starts to say "read the ****ing rules", "I canot be bothered when ****s like you cannot read the rules".

Ok, if I did wrong sorry, but please at least tell me what I did wrong!
Thats all I ask for, and I only want to race.
And I did not even get a chance, when I got kicked some times I said "please wait, let me tell" , got insta kick... then rejoined and said "I only want to race..:" , but then I got baned...

Calling her a MILF didnt help either.
S2 licensed
Quote from xWolFx :Ok, I was on Redline Racing server at around 18:00 UK time. This is what happened and "a reason to ban me";

Race Starts: In turn one someone hits me and I flip over. I have to pit.
Lap 1: I re-join the race in second to last place after having to pit using shift+s.
Lap 2: I do a good clean lap.
Lap 3: After turn one I get a BLUE FLAG warning and so I get ready to pull to the side along the straight to let them past as soon as I see something in mirrors. I see movement and pull to the left of the straight. Redline Evo just follows my movement and is slipstreaming me, then I see the turn at the end of the straight. I slow to let her pass as she has by now gone to my right side, she passes. But touches the ground after the green (to the left of the blue rumble pad) and looses control for abit. I assumed she was goign to push back in front and slowed. Someone else (assuming it was [ITEK]The End) went to the left because he saw me slowing and hit Evo. Then not to cause any more accidents I accelarated forward and out of the way of everyone. At the turn before the pits (with the clear ground) I stopped. She said "Your just like your team buddy" "Don't you know what a blue flag is?"

By my understanding I did everything correct as to let her pass.

4 More people got banned from the server for sticking up for me and telling her that it's unfair.


Didn't lose control mate, I went on to win the race.

What you did was a bit stupid, even without the blue flag incident, you were insulting, swearing and ordering other members about, whereas you shouldn't.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :i often try a different setup tweak (i suck at setups, but sometimes i feel that the set could do with something, ie more DF or maybe more "give" in the suspension) and do a lap or so to see if it feels any better, and although i wouldn't ban (or kick) someone for a server for hitting me while im tyring to practice i can't say i would call it an injustice if it clearly says it in the rules

Hate to break it to you, but you and all of MG, just got perma banned on their server. You can thank Black wolf for it.

He was being a whiny brat, moaning, and refused to observe the blue flag *from Redlines perspective* Swearing, insulting, the whole "noob" titlement really.
S2 licensed
Quote from Honey :lol what an excuse!!!

if she is a motorsport passionate, just let her try lfs...she will go crazy for least so i did...

Shes a tough bird to overtake.
S2 licensed
Evo is a SHE mate, just to clarify.