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LFS Reviews
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Hey guys and... Becky.

I'm doing a college magazine, as part of the course of "working with others" and one of the articles I'll be doing is involving an review(s) of Live for Speed.

I'm not recieving a profit, or cost, its part of gaining the qualification for "Working with others"

Would any of you be willing to write a review of LFS for this article? You can wish to remain annonymous, or put in your game name?

Any questions, feel free to ask on here.
S2 licensed
Here is what I consider my top 3.

Ayrton Senna Super Monaco 2 - Mega Drive
Grand Prix 2 - PC
Live for Speed - PC
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :On a front engined, front wheel drive car (i.e. the front tyres have to do everything, and the rear tyres exist only to stop the fuel tank rubbing on the ground) the balance in the wet is going to move towards understeer. What speed is that corner normally drivable at? And what type of understeer was it - power understeer or steering understeer - i.e. were you using too much power in the wet and exceeding the traction capabilities of the tyre, or were you at neutral throttle and still getting understeer.

Obviously, if you think it's 'odd', then have a look at your tyres - tread depth is important in the wet (it matters not in the dry, and lower tread is 'better' in nice conditions). Or are they just old tyres that have lost their 'bite'?

To be honest, it could be lots of things. How are you turning in - smoothly or throwing the car in? Are you braking or accelerating? Are you simply going too fast for the conditions, or is there something amiss?

Now that I'm getting replies for those with more experience in cars than I, and seeing myself a bit more in driving in both wet and dry conditions. It is infact me driving a bit fast on the wets, even though I have been confident of controlling the car. On the dry, the grip is there, but I have done heavy braking *car doesnt have ABS* and I locked my fronts quite hard on a few occasions, because of faults of other drivers.

What is the legal tread of the tyres? I might consider a tyre change altogether.

Quote from Tweaker :Wet roads are the most fun!!! I actually look forward to when I get some rainfall here for the Fall and Winter season.

I honestly enjoy it, because I like to learn to control the car more. I turn in too fast deliberately *when no cars are around and it is safe to do so* and control the car. It's actually improved my driving ever since.
Last edited by BigDave2967, .
Anyone else get easy understeer when the roads are wet?
S2 licensed
I drive to college Tuesdays to Thursdays, and some of the time when it rains, I tend to get sensitive understeer on my 1.3 Astra 1986. Good examples are roundabouts, and long curve corners, at slower pace, compared to dry weather pace.

Just now, I took a quick corner at 60mph in the damp road *consider me crazy, just wanted to see how sensitive the understeer was in that speed* And I had huge understeer, but was able to keep the car in control with ease.

Is it a simple case of "Slow down ya crazy scotsman!" or "Check the grip on your tyres*

Should I ease off on the corners a bit more? Or does anyone else get that same effect.
S2 licensed
I have the DFP anyway, so I'm happy .
S2 licensed
Quote from MoonForce :claim me at court dude...

?! what u want? "SO schumi stops" isnt a topic bout Kubica and sauber team?

Shumi stops tells about his retirement, it doesn't open a topic that reads the race result, Kubica on your title of topic for instance.
S2 licensed
Ah damn it! You beat me to it :P.

Yeah, Shumacher is retiring, that would mean Kimi to Ferrari, ooo!
S2 licensed
Buy an s2 lisence then . Or infact, try out the S2 for a £1 League, you can win an s2 lisence for free. Loads of fair players applying for that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Unclefloug :You didnt by any chance see the Forumla Hot Laps car when you were there?
If ur an F1 fan you might be interested in that, its a F3000 type chassis with two seats and a 2.5L V6 with F3000 like performance. Ive never personally been in it but ive seen it lap and its lightning fast, and for around £35 i think it would be well worth it for an F1 nut. Heres a wee pic too...

Yeah I saw that . I was thinking of going on that as well on the same day I drive the formula car .
S2 licensed
Quote from Unclefloug :hey there, ive had a few of the track experiences at knockhill, i did the skid pan course which isnt to bad for £99, u get 2.5 hrs and although your not drivng for all of that i would say that its prob worth it as you do learn quite alot.

Also my dad won two tickets for the ultimate drivers experience, now that was ablast! great fun but for £260~ i think its abit much, but neway, my tickets were free .

You get a brief then you get to drive a Seat Ibaiza (MG ZR when i did it) for 3 laps, 2 with tuition then the last is markered by ur instructor and they don't give you any help. Then out of that and into an MG ZS which im not sure if they've changed that car now but i'd guess they have. You get drivien around by an instructor for 2 laps, one showing the wrong way to tack corners the other showing the right way, and they don't half fling you about! Then out of that and into the modified Forumla First, modified because its pretty much a normal Formula First with wings stuck on, and off you go for 7 laps on your own. For any fan of the track this is an amzing experience to actually drive there on your own in pretty much a real racing car, ive been going to the track since i was 9 and i honeslty will never forget my fist few laps, especailly the chicane (john r weir chicane these days).

They throw in a wee skid pan compotition, who can do a figure of 8 four times in the fastest time from start to stop in the RWD Sierras. Then off you go for a free lunch.

Then off to the BT lodge on the rally course another wee brief and then into a Sierra Cosworth rally car, its an A to B rally course so you go A to B then que till everyones through and go B to A. You get 6 runs with tutition, then come your marked run with no help. Then finally you get a demo lap by your instructor and back to the lodge for de-briefing and the end of the day. You get both your marked scores back and they add them up to get 1st and 2nd. I didnt do to badly 1st place had 1 point more than me and 2nd had half a point more so im guesing i was 3rd or joint 3rd, not bad for an 18yr old. Also beat my dad whos been driving for over 40yrs lol!

It is an amzing experience but it is costly, it depends what your looking for really, a couple of laps round a track or an experience?

I'm actually after experience. If I wanted to do a few laps, I'd take the go karts any day. I went up to Knockhill today, asking about the deals. And the Formula cars really interest me, since I'm a mega fan of F1. Also its a dream to drive a single seater car, since I can't drive Formula 1 due to the price lol.

Plus it's £121 due to 10% discount tickets I have .
S2 licensed
Do you happen to know any other curcuits in the UK that can come up with better deals than Knockhill?
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :A 10% discount ticket, which only costs 5% less? Sorry i just had to say something .

90% of £135.00 = £121.50


Quite right, made a typo *blush*
S2 licensed
Yeah, that would be 90 quid with the discount for 2 and a half hours.
Knockhill Driving Experience.
S2 licensed
Hey, I've decided yesterday, that I'm going to go for the driving experiences in Knockhill. I got a 10% discount ticket, so instead of its original 135 quid, its gonna cost me 121.50 . - theres the link.

Has anyone had any driving experience in Knockhill? Would be nice to know if the money is worth the drive.

EDIT: Found a cheaper one, with same cars, same time durance. Changed link.
Last edited by BigDave2967, .
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :Dunno why ur posting a video about Need For Speed here...

Read more into it dude.
S2 licensed
Well the only reason I bought that motherboard, was because I had that decent graphics card for a year.

It doesnt stop me from changing it next year. I found that it would be a waste to get rid of a decent graphics card.

It'd be cheap to replace anyway, since I have the processor and RAM, and other specs needed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :" 256MB Nvidia Graphics Card AGP X8. " isnt very descriptive!

DX10 is DirectX 10, most cards are DX9, and with Vista some games (ie those ones that look really good) will need DX10 (which will only work on Vista) and a DX10 card, AGP, don't know, but they are coming out soon (ie by the end of the year), which means if they are AGP, you can buy a lot faster card (i hear the new line will be the 8xxxx, and that the 8600 will cost the same as a 7600, but run as fast as a 7900GT, but if its AGP it will be slower (the poorest quality cards get underclocked and made AGP, yet cost more im afraid), and if they dont come in AGP (or you cant afford them!), then the prices of the other graphics cards will fall as thier is "a new kid on the block"

Personally im waiting for the 8600, but i also know once i buy it i'll eBay my 6600GT's and get virtually nothing for them (in fact their the same speed as a stock 6800GT, only you need an SLi mobo to get them working so ill get even less)

I edited it, forgot to put the 6800GT on it. *blush* Thanks for clearing it up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :whats your current graphics card? and can you wait for DX10 cards? remember, dual core isnt amazing quicker just yet

Read my post again Jakg, I posted my graphics card

What are the DX10 cards? Will they be AGP made? If not. I may have to go for Geforce 7 series in the end. When do they come out?
Upgrade Advice - CPU or Graphics Card?
S2 licensed
I got this new PC a few weeks ago, with these specifications.

Athlon 3500+ 64 Bit (Venice)
2GB RAM PC3200
256MB Nvidia Graphics Card 6800GT AGP X8.

The motherboard does support Athlon X2. *which was why I got the motherboard in the first place*

Ever since I have heard the improvements of the Athlon X2, I'm excited of getting one myself. I could afford it now if I want to, but I'm settled with what I have for the moment. I do intend of getting it after new year, where it should be cheaper by then.

Also, I am interested of getting a new graphics card. The gforce 7 series.

What do you think?
Last edited by BigDave2967, .
S2 licensed
Wet weather races? Hell yeah.

That would be awesome, especially for championship racing.
S2 licensed
I just heard. May he rest in peace.

That actually stops me from playing the Croc Man games completely, altough I haven't seen them in years.

I often thought of him as many others, that would pass away with old age.

Like Eddie Gurreruo, or Bruce Lee. Such a shame he left too soon.
LFS keeps crashing itself and my PC.
S2 licensed
It's starting to get on my nerves now. I've been playing on my new PC with LFS for weeks now. And I've been starting to get "Send Error Report problem" and the PC would sometimes reboot itself, and not give a reason at the startup.

I'll send over the detals of that "Send Error" report when I can, don't have the screenshots for it at the moment.

Has anyone else had that problem at all? All my other games work fine.
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Im chatting to my friends online.