I'm doing a college magazine, as part of the course of "working with others" and one of the articles I'll be doing is involving an review(s) of Live for Speed.
I'm not recieving a profit, or cost, its part of gaining the qualification for "Working with others"
Would any of you be willing to write a review of LFS for this article? You can wish to remain annonymous, or put in your game name?
Now that I'm getting replies for those with more experience in cars than I, and seeing myself a bit more in driving in both wet and dry conditions. It is infact me driving a bit fast on the wets, even though I have been confident of controlling the car. On the dry, the grip is there, but I have done heavy braking *car doesnt have ABS* and I locked my fronts quite hard on a few occasions, because of faults of other drivers.
What is the legal tread of the tyres? I might consider a tyre change altogether.
I honestly enjoy it, because I like to learn to control the car more. I turn in too fast deliberately *when no cars are around and it is safe to do so* and control the car. It's actually improved my driving ever since.
I drive to college Tuesdays to Thursdays, and some of the time when it rains, I tend to get sensitive understeer on my 1.3 Astra 1986. Good examples are roundabouts, and long curve corners, at slower pace, compared to dry weather pace.
Just now, I took a quick corner at 60mph in the damp road *consider me crazy, just wanted to see how sensitive the understeer was in that speed* And I had huge understeer, but was able to keep the car in control with ease.
Is it a simple case of "Slow down ya crazy scotsman!" or "Check the grip on your tyres*
Should I ease off on the corners a bit more? Or does anyone else get that same effect.
I'm actually after experience. If I wanted to do a few laps, I'd take the go karts any day. I went up to Knockhill today, asking about the deals. And the Formula cars really interest me, since I'm a mega fan of F1. Also its a dream to drive a single seater car, since I can't drive Formula 1 due to the price lol.
Plus it's £121 due to 10% discount tickets I have .
Hey, I've decided yesterday, that I'm going to go for the driving experiences in Knockhill. I got a 10% discount ticket, so instead of its original 135 quid, its gonna cost me 121.50 .
The motherboard does support Athlon X2. *which was why I got the motherboard in the first place*
Ever since I have heard the improvements of the Athlon X2, I'm excited of getting one myself. I could afford it now if I want to, but I'm settled with what I have for the moment. I do intend of getting it after new year, where it should be cheaper by then.
Also, I am interested of getting a new graphics card. The gforce 7 series.
It's starting to get on my nerves now. I've been playing on my new PC with LFS for weeks now. And I've been starting to get "Send Error Report problem" and the PC would sometimes reboot itself, and not give a reason at the startup.
I'll send over the detals of that "Send Error" report when I can, don't have the screenshots for it at the moment.
Has anyone else had that problem at all? All my other games work fine.