I have only been racing on LFS for a few weeks and yes there are a few T1 accidents and the fast boys pushing you out of the way but once you get a bit quicker it is no longer a problem.
I raced real cars for several years and wreckers were never a problem but i bet they would have been, if every driver could rebuild his car at the press of a button with no cost involved as per LFS.
When a wreck costs mega bucks its strange how you try not to have one.
One thing that could be done is to not allow people to rejoin races by pressing pits and then going out again. The number of times you see someone wreck themselves and someone else, then pit, go out and wreck themselves and someone else, then pit, and so on.
I think thats fine to do this while you qualify but not during a race.
You should only be allowed to join a race more than once.
If i set my DFP to 720 (FF 100% in the profiler and 20% in LFS) then select MRT,
Then set my DFP so its centered then turn left until it comes up against the FF stop it turns 360 (1/2 720) yet the Wheel on screen on the MRT has only turned 135 (1/2 270)
I can force my DFT past the FF stop to the full 450 (1/2 900) and this does nothing in LFS.
I can only imagine that if you dont use FF and so cant feel the FF stop it would be real weird with the wheel having a load of extra turn that does nothing
I have just tried setting my DFP to 270 and selecting the LX4 and its just the same. I turn lrft from centre 135 yet the LX4 sterring wheel turns 360.
I bet driving the BF1 with the DFP set to 900 is a handfull....
The internal stop i was talking about is just a pressure stop created by the FF which you can go past to the full 900 deg.
The system remembers the last used settings so to test it you need to clear all settings.
If you set the your DFP in the Global Device setting in the control panel or via the profiler to 900 deg and then use a MRT (270deg) the DFT simply turns 900deg while the MRT steering wheel turns just 270.
If you set your DFP to 270 and then use the LX4 its wheel will turn 720
As i always have the wheel showing in LFS i like to match the profiler setting deg's to the Car's in LFS so the turns match.
I always start LFS using the profiler as i have some of the buttons set so i dont have to use the keyboard such as Shift+S and the POV switch set to left and right look and up and down to change FF settings.
I am not sure if you can assign buttons to keys without using the profiler
I have tried Logitech for a replacement wheel for both a Momo Black and DFP but they have none and have no idea when they will get any.
The supplier who was off the net when i purchased then first said they would do nothing and i would have to wait till Logitech get some then they said i must send them back to them at my cost and they will return them to Logitech for any warranty claim which will take at least 5 weeks
I have been through every post and found several people saying they get Insim::Initialise:: Bind Failed when they run it. Yet there never seems to be an answer.
What gets me is that I start a race with 20 others (with me in my normal place at the back) i dont pass anyone and after 3 laps of the 5, i am in 3rd as all the others have used the "beam me up scotty button" on their cars to get to the pits by magic. And now they return on track a lap down but force me off passing me again
For once i get a storming start and get up to 2nd watching the mayhem behind me. Then votes to restart flash up and whoosh i have my great start taken away. WTF is that all about.
Many drivers shift-s because they didnt get a good start or have had an off in T1 but then cannot be bothered to try to catch up, yet in a real race this is not possible.
Remember the old saying: To finish first you, first have to finish.
If a car has an off it should get back on track and then go back to the pits or stop where it is until the race is over even if the driver leaves the server.
As to the yellow flag, if this is a real sim rather than a game we should use normal flag rules including a black flag to ban someone.
Last week i did 7 laps on AS4 and a BF1 was still standing on the grid where it was at the start, it was strange to see how many people hit it in the air on the last lap as they crossed the finish line.
Oh, please dis-regard all I have said as the only 1st places i have to my name are when all the others Shift-s and i was the only one who finished all the laps as per a real race
I have seen the answer to this question but cannot find it now i want it.
When working on a skin for LFS its 2048 x 2048, however if i place a logo on the skin that is a true circle it looks oval on the car
By making the template 2048 x ???? you can skin with true logos and then convert it back to proper size before uploading it
Can anyone tell what value i should use for the ???? ?
illepall Thanks
Added: I have just been playing in Photoshop and 2048 x 3048 is correct on the body and sides but that does not work in other places so i think STROBE is right that its easiest to sqush to fit
I think other may be interested in the reason. Until Danowat wrote the instructions looking through the forums several people said the first run a server so i found dedi_s2 server and was trying to run that not realising that LFS is a server in its own right when not connecting via the net.
Yes it was rather stupid but its so easy when someone take the time to write out step by step instructions.