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S3 licensed
Because during the first 48 hours of the sign-up championship points take priority over speed of signing up... Therefore, you were placed where you were in the championship points. This is the second time you've asked this question. If I am not being clear, then let me know until you understand, but please remember how it works rather than asking each time.
S3 licensed
I also wanted to let everyone know that the cut detection layout is being used on the [SR] server, so going there will show you. Touch the pole and your considered cutting. We will only be reviewing cuts that are noticed and brought to our attention within a few hours of the event - as we do not have the time to review each race. However, with the pole added it should be relatively easy for 10 pairs of eyes to see when it is bumped.

It may benefit everyone to know what will be considered cutting throughout: Warmup, Qualifying, and Racing.
S3 licensed
Quote from pacesetter :ok, well its now changed to the 7th, i wont be changing it again though for any other clashers

For future reference please check the calander so you don't clash, or at least try not to clash with others. Same day as Event 3 of the Head-to-Head: Winter Series '09, which means I can't be there and would have enjoyed showing...
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :This will be a tough day. Three races the same day -.-

6 hours of Fern Bay starts 11:00 (qual 10:30) to 17:00 utc
IGTC test race starts 19:00 to 21:00
Head to Head series starts 20:00 to ?????

Will be an entertaining day. But we might get a problem, since everyone is signed up to h2h, but we will get enough drivers

Head-to-Head is at 19:00
S3 licensed
Remember to practice standing starts and post those times... You only get to do 1 flying lap in the entire event, and that is in qualifying, sure still very important, but there will be many more chances to be doing laps from a standing start...
S3 licensed
:doh: What an idiot, I even posted right after you did, but thanks for covering me this time around!
S3 licensed
Grr, I missed this. I was actually looking at it when the pole was first opened than never saw it pop back up Well looks like it was a nice little event.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :
Quote from Chrisuu01 :When wil the entry list get updated

After 48 hours of being opened, so we can get the order sorted.

Or, when I feel like doing it, which will probably be sometime today/tonight when the 48 hours closes, more or less when I get to it. Been a bit busy at the moment, and renaming the replays is taking priority over this.

Oh, does anyone have the Warmup and Qualify Session 1 replay? For Event 2? I didn't have replay saving at that time.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Does it mean that there are only those drivers who raced head-to-head races themselves? Or are there also those who lost it in qualifying?

It means those drivers who haven't shown up to an event and made any points.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Oh no, not first.

Four people in the first minute, I would say you were 2 minutes too late.
S3 licensed
I will be uploading all the Replays in named format sometime soonish, I need to get on renaming them and all but the will be made available.
Head-to-Head: Winter Series '09 - Event 3
S3 licensed
Ok here it is, sign-ups are opening. Only the top 24 will be allowed at the event. However where as this is the third event, the championship points will take priority for the first 48 hours.

January 31st, 19:00utc
UF 1000 at Fern Bay Club Rev (UF1@FE1R)

To signup: (Follow this or be moved to reserve list, no matter what your points are.)
Full Name Registered for the Series (LFSUserName)
Ex: Tim Beaudet (blackbird04217)

You must arrive to the server BY 19:00utc. There is no room for being late.
The event will not immediately start at 19:00utc, instead there will be a period where reserves are brought in to fill the empty spots.

All reserves are to meet up in the LFS Meeting Room. (Multiplayer -> Display Hosts -> Meeting Room)
As people are needed, the SRS Admin will call up the reserves until the server is filled.
If a reserve driver is not in the meeting room at the time, the next on the list will be called.
*There will be no waiting around for people to join the server or meeting room*

Sign-up List (Goto the Head-to-Head Website to see the current standings.)

Rudy van Buren (Rudy van Buren)
Nolan Scott (BigTime)
Niall McEvoy (niall09)
Taha El Alaoui (evilpimp)
Matthew Beattie (AMB)
Patrik Seidler (zeugnimod)
Alex Gassman (Minimaxman)
Tommy Østgaard (Tomhah)
Eduardo de Souza (de Souza)
Jouko Leskelä (JoLe)
Bernhard Bendl (bbman)
Lukasz Kaczmarek (Mischief007)
Demetrius Adelin (Bambo)
Andris Pavars (andRo.)
David Williams (DaveWS)
Stefan Alfons (Stefani24)
Niko Puntola(LFSn00b)
Tim Beaudet (blackbird04217)
Zdeněk Cagaš (Kid222)
Michael Passingham (Mp3 Astra)
Tony Lönnström (tonyonparas)
Craig Taylor (TAYLOR-MANIA)
Stein Andrè Skavdal (stein-andre)
Scott MacDonald (Mackie The Staggie)

Reserve List
Chris Karsten(Chrisuu01)
Jason Lovett (JasonL220)
Martin Kapal (Flame CZE)
Luciano Benitez (enanex)
Travis D'Souza (travyd)
Kenneth O'Keefe (racer hero)
Arturs Jonaitis (ennD)
Ant Collett (anttt69)
Chris Ford (CSF)
Last edited by blackbird04217, .
S3 licensed
The general concensus was it would take too long for people to race again. Like, the first round alone could be upwards of 45 minutes alone. I don't have an issue with that if people were active, but it takes too long to get to the next race. Next series we will have a solution, but it won't be 32 player events, it will probably be split into divisions.
S3 licensed
Quote from andRo. :Tried your setup, but I somehow didn't like it. For me it felt too loose, and it was hard to control...maybe because I don't race with steering wheel.
But anyway, took my old setup again and got a PB - 1.09.69, and TPB - 1.09.61

It's sad that I'm in the reserve list, because I really want to compete in the race this time.

Just make sure you are in the meeting room at the time specified and you will have a chance. As of now 2 people in the event signed out of this one, and also 1 person above you in the reserves. There are only 24 people allowed in, but even with the first one as popular as it was there were 6 or 7 people from the reserves that were called up into the game server.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kid222 :I'm signing off this event because of internet issues.

Sorry to hear, hope you will be able to make the future events.
S3 licensed
Thats amazing Mackie, although, scary!
S3 licensed
Michael, I could always kick you off the administration board for even having that type of thought, let alone publicly announcing some awful thing. I would like to make a public announcement that we could never do such a thing to shame the name of Head-to-Head.
S3 licensed
Yea I will post them sometime, probably after event 2 I will sit and rename the replays for both events, I was lazy and didn't do this right after the event, and during the week I have been working on the Automated System to make the admin job a bit easier to get the results up quicker.
S3 licensed
Quote from NightShift :Misshifts are impossible, so it should either include the random chance of misshifts or the shifts should be tuned to be slower

Mis-shifts are very possible, I happen to do it occasionally and it sucks when it happens. Buy an H-gate shifter and you can get that level of realism. As far as mis-shifting on a sequential, why does that need to be simulated?
S3 licensed
1:10s are flying laps or standing start.

Flying laps will be good to judge qualifying times to aim for, but standing starts is obviously the race time to aim for
S3 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :I doubt it.

It seems to me the devs have lost an active interest in developing the game. I mean compare what kind of development went on 1.5 years ago and what has happened during the last 1.5 years.

I too have lost active interest as a result. Haven't played the game for at least a year.

This is truly a sad thing to say, you've lost interest because the developers haven't released a certain number of patches or improvements??? And stating the developers have lost interest is plain crazy, there is only one programmer, it takes a lot to ACCURATELY develop the systems that are in LFS. Any body could go hack together something that resembles driving, but they won't get close to realistic. Give them time when they need it, and people should show support and give the developers reasons to continue rather than nagging about how long it is between patches and how little gets done, a lot goes on behind the scenes - they just need support.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :That explains why it took me an hour to shave this morning actually.

Maybe shaving more often would make the once a year shave a bit quicker?
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I never thought I'd say that but I just had fun driving the RAC. I'm actually looking forward to Saturday now.

This seems to be a car where practicing really pays off and I urge everyone to get at least 50 laps in before Saturday in order not to cause crashes.

You have no idea how happy that makes me hearing others encouraging the participants to actually practice. Most of the combos chosen for Head-to-Head would benefit from some practice, and not practice driving the track, but the first lap practice where tires are still cold... (Do two lap practice to get qualifying practice in as well)
S3 licensed
Announcment Thread will describe what the reserve list is about, and how it was planned. Event 1 was simply raised to allow 30 players to be included which gave more people *some* points for showing up and attempting to qualify. This gives them a small edge against new comers to the series, but they will still need to wait for some championship contenders to not sign-up or show-up. Your the first reserve that will be called, unless Stein-Andre fixes his post and notifies me within ~16 hours or so. He has been PMed to clear this up, as I will NOT be tolerating people who can't follow simple sign-up directions to save me a lot of time.