Some people may know me, some may not.. But that isn't important for this reply...
Let's just clear a few points up.
Firstly, Thor posted the thread here, not 'The FM Team'. It was his desire to get an opinion, for himself. Anyone who thinks otherwise obviously doesn't know much about the FM Community anyway.
Regarding the Oval Server that FM run, yes, it has a lot of "noobs" on it, and there are lots of crashes. This tends to make the admin a little wary of people, and so perhaps sometimes bans/kicks are put in place when they simply shouldn't have been. It happens everywhere, not just the FM Oval Server.
FM also run some other servers, including WE, Aston and from time to time a banger server. They also have a demo server running, but I doubt any of you care about the "good things" FM do for the overall LFS community.
FM house many other taems on their Ventrilo server, free of charge. A server which is hosted by Failure, from a rented server... Which he pays for. Free stuff for everyone, except Failure, who ends up with the bill.
FM also run servers for other games, such as Quake 3 and "That other racing game", free of charge. More freebies for the scavenging forumites.
Let's see, FM also host LFS servers for other teams, so far as I know. I believe MW team (Or something like that) have one. Free stuff abound.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Blackspider is a brown-noser who's kissing Failure's arse."... You're mistaken. I am banned from the FM Ventrilo, and don't visit their servers. I recently told them what I thought of them, but Iwon't repeat my colourful words here. So, what gives?...
There are some FM members who I detest.. A lot of them. There's a few who I really like, Torben and Thor are in that list, as are a few others. In general, I dislike the FM Community, and have voted as such. But please, don't think of them as 'oval noobs' who just rape the LFS community for all their needs. The FM community gives far more back than they have ever taken.
The collective intelligence of the FM Community is lower than some, I grant you. There are a few childish kick-happy admin, and I was also known for being quick to kick. I have the patience-span of a pregnant hippo on crystal meth.
In short, what I'm trying to say is this... Regardless of your feelings about the FM community on the whole, bear in mind all the good things they do for the LFS community, and the general gaming community. They may have idiots within their ranks, but their heart (if not their brain) is in the right place.
I believe this thread has gone on far too long, and has been so derailed that it servers no purpose other than to further anger people who should just go read something else. I vote for a moderator intervention to put a halt on this pathetic trail of petty squabiling.
- The Black Spider, Founder of the Federation Against Bump-Drafting.