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Quote from p1u :4) GTR has good engine sounds (not generated mid junk=P)

Personally, I prefer the engine sounds in LFS. Sure, they aren't as "beefy" as the ones in GTR, but at least they're not 'canned' sound effects.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrfell :The driver animations of gear changing is done quite well.

I can't agree with that.. The animations in the videos I've seen look out of synch.. And you can't see the animation from outside the car, which makes it all seem a bit pointless.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :About the "automatically off going indicators":
In the 80th era cars indicators are made with relays and the complete mechanism weighs a fair bit (new cars do this with transistors, which weight about nothing). Thus a lot of people remove it. This is also handy because in trackday racing you sometimes indicate for several turns when you're letting people pass.

However, it'd be very nice if the indicator-buttons worked as triggers. So pressing 7 starts the indicator, pressing 7 again disables the indicator. Currently I need 4 scriptfiles for these two functions (indicate left and indicate right), which would be reduced to one single file.


Re the toggle button setup...

Yes, I agree. I did make a crappy script file for Joy2Key to do this, which allowed me to turn left on/off, right on/off, or press left/right to turn hazards on/off.. But I lost my config file, so bleh.

(Joy2Key, for those who don't know what it is, allows you to bind any key/key combo/key cycle to any signal from your controller (Button/Pedal/Wheel). Handy for having Button 11 cycle from F9/10/11/12 and back again... Google it to find a link. (Great for people who hate Logitech Profiler, but have a moomoo)
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Erm, hazards or even the indicators have never turned themselves off while I was playing. Are you sure you're not somewhere accidently turning them off yourself?

Yep, I'm positive. It seems random to me, but maybe it's timed. Either way, I can sit my car in the grass, go for a brew, and when I come back they're off. (Sometimes)...

Perhaps Scawwy can shed some light on the mysterious indicator-light ghostie?
S2 licensed
This might seem petty, but I'm sure it'd only be small to fix.. The indicator lights on the cars that have them.. The 'Hazard' mode (9) turns itself off sometimes, which wouldn' thappen in reallife. The left/right ones would turn off when the wheel is turned left-right/right-left, to cancel the indication, but this wouldn't happen for hazards.

Is this simple to fix? It's just something that always seems to happen to me which makes me remember it's unrealistic. (And, when my car is bust and I'm heading for pits, I turn hazards on, so people can see I'm not 'racing'.. Then they turn themeselves off at the most annoying moment)

Again, just an idea that I figure would not incompatibilize* the patch

*Word Added to the BlackSpider's Earth Survival Guide.
S2 licensed
Quote from Renku :Just like here: LINK!

S2 licensed
Ahh, I thought it was a global setting.

[::.. Awarded the D'oh Badge ..::]
S2 licensed
[::.. What Dajmin Said ..::]

I always thought you could, but yes, having looked... You can't. Another fine idea...

In short, I think there needs to be far more options where the minimap is concerned. When I began in LFS, I thought it was pointless.. But as I raced moer, I learned how important it can be, in learning tracks, remembering them, and figuring out if it's safe to leap out of that pitlane.

Customizable Minimap!
S2 licensed
+1 I hadn't thought of that, but yes, bloody fine idea.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :So people expressing their opinion (and in many cases, their anger) with the FM-Servers (and the way they are lead) is just flaming and kid's posts? I'm sorry, you're missing the point completely... Face it, you HAVE a problem with your image, as is displayed in this thread, and (especially) your posts didn't helped a bit to change that... In fact, the worst replies I've seen here were from [FM]-guys... Yes, Thor did make this thread without you all knowing, yes, it was heading for desaster right from the start, but all you did was to bring this thread further down (which is kind of art, really)... Just take the results of the poll, change something or live with the bad image you have now... I don't care what you do (and I couldn't care less about your community), but blaming others for your bad reputation won't help matters...

I heard something once that would fit nicely here.. But I can't remember what it was. I'll just say "Well put." and leave it at that.
S2 licensed
Not sure why, or if this is a bug from a previous version...

When I switch to "Between the wheels" view, then set my clocks to 'Real', they don't show up anymore.. They still appear in 'ChaseCam' view, but no longer show up at all in Between-The-Wheels. If this is on purpose, fair enough, but surely it shoudl either show in both (B-T-W and Chace), or neither?

Additionally, splendid work with the new speed-measuring, wootness.
S2 licensed
Thank you.. And no, I'm not being sarcastic

I understand language barriers, so don't worry about it to omuch.. I'm just picky sometimes.
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :It isn't so. In fact you don't know, unless you're able to read the mind via Internet. What if somebody read another thread on FM before reading what you have written now? He/she could know a part of a story that you made public and have an idea about you (and someone else) already, heavily contrasting with your expectations. It was an interesting story that made me think a lot. At the same time, there was nothing particularly strange in what I read, it all seemed so fitting in its way. So your post is nothing new. But basically what you wrote here and elsewhere tells there may be some problems that can and must be corrected. These are problems which have to be solved internally to FM, but at the same time these very problems affect the way FM community is perceived by non-FM members, and the results are clear. FM members who deny this and reduce other people's opinions to trolling or flaming, or state their will to defend friends because they are friends won't do any good. Moreover, it doesn't change the perception of FM, which is for many people in this moment similar to the one you expressed. I find this rather ironical.

In response to your post, I can only say... That sectino of my post was directed more t'ward those who knew that I was an FM Admin, and had been for almost a year now... Obviously, the statment was pointless in your eyes, but I felt it had to be said all the same.

Additionally, could I be so bold as to ask for some formatting next time?
All Done...::]
S2 licensed
Personally, I believe that all timezones should be banned. EVeryone should adopt the BSET zone, or 'Black Spiders Eejit Time' Zone, whereby everyone sets their clocks according to what time I have dinner.

[::.. Sagely Nod ..::]
Minimap options...
S2 licensed
I found a suggestion regarding the car colours on the minimap, but I think it'd also be helpful to change the colour (background/foreground) of the minimap itself. Sometimes the area behind the minimap is the same colour, stopping you from seeing the map at all. Perhaps a 'negative' option, that means it always uses the "opposite" colour to that which is behind it?

Sorry if this is a re-request.. Yes, I did search, but I'm a noob, ghey, dumb, stupid and sleepy (Did I cover all possible search-you-idiot insults?)
S2 licensed
Personally, I always use 'best judgment' when deciding what to do. If I'm at a technical section of track (say... T1-combo on BLGP) and the Flagger is only a short distance behind, I will pull off to the side, so if the Flagger is lapping faster than I am (Likely), I won't cause a delay during a technical section of track.

If, on the other hand, I'm flagged on a straight, I'll simply hold my line so he can go around me safely.

In my opinion, Blue flags call not for 'Move outta the way' or 'Slow down!', but more for 'Use common sense, don't block'. Each situation should be handled differently, depending on the track/cars/location (Would you pull over as soon as you were blue-flagged in Uf1000s?)

I often had to point out to people (During my Ovalite days) that Blue-flag does not mean you have to swing off to the side and drive along the track wall.
S2 licensed
Some people may know me, some may not.. But that isn't important for this reply...

Let's just clear a few points up.

Firstly, Thor posted the thread here, not 'The FM Team'. It was his desire to get an opinion, for himself. Anyone who thinks otherwise obviously doesn't know much about the FM Community anyway.

Regarding the Oval Server that FM run, yes, it has a lot of "noobs" on it, and there are lots of crashes. This tends to make the admin a little wary of people, and so perhaps sometimes bans/kicks are put in place when they simply shouldn't have been. It happens everywhere, not just the FM Oval Server.

FM also run some other servers, including WE, Aston and from time to time a banger server. They also have a demo server running, but I doubt any of you care about the "good things" FM do for the overall LFS community.

FM house many other taems on their Ventrilo server, free of charge. A server which is hosted by Failure, from a rented server... Which he pays for. Free stuff for everyone, except Failure, who ends up with the bill.

FM also run servers for other games, such as Quake 3 and "That other racing game", free of charge. More freebies for the scavenging forumites.

Let's see, FM also host LFS servers for other teams, so far as I know. I believe MW team (Or something like that) have one. Free stuff abound.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Blackspider is a brown-noser who's kissing Failure's arse."... You're mistaken. I am banned from the FM Ventrilo, and don't visit their servers. I recently told them what I thought of them, but Iwon't repeat my colourful words here. So, what gives?...

There are some FM members who I detest.. A lot of them. There's a few who I really like, Torben and Thor are in that list, as are a few others. In general, I dislike the FM Community, and have voted as such. But please, don't think of them as 'oval noobs' who just rape the LFS community for all their needs. The FM community gives far more back than they have ever taken.

The collective intelligence of the FM Community is lower than some, I grant you. There are a few childish kick-happy admin, and I was also known for being quick to kick. I have the patience-span of a pregnant hippo on crystal meth.

In short, what I'm trying to say is this... Regardless of your feelings about the FM community on the whole, bear in mind all the good things they do for the LFS community, and the general gaming community. They may have idiots within their ranks, but their heart (if not their brain) is in the right place.

I believe this thread has gone on far too long, and has been so derailed that it servers no purpose other than to further anger people who should just go read something else. I vote for a moderator intervention to put a halt on this pathetic trail of petty squabiling.

- The Black Spider, Founder of the Federation Against Bump-Drafting.
S2 licensed
I can't remember the exact quote, or who said it.. but it was something like 'The only way to become a better opponent, is to play a better opponent' (Was it SunTzu?)

Anyway, that's my penny's worth.
S2 licensed
LoL! Agreed!


So, how many of us have AI named Scawen?
Last edited by BlackSpider, . Reason : Addition...
S2 licensed
I knew it! I have my AI named after people in LFS.. Scawen, Eric and Victor are there.. And it's always Scawen who spins me out! ALWAYS!!

It's a conspiracy!
UFR blowout...
S2 licensed
Yes, I searched first...

Not sure if this is a program bug, or vehicle bug. Was driving with the UFR and the 'Easy_Race' setup. After having both front wheels blowout, I still had the ability to gain in excess of 100mph and moderate handling. The tyres eventually showed up black, with low temps, but I was still getting good speed/handling/braking, with no tyres. This is an unusual behaviour for LFs, so far as I can tell. MPR available on request.
S2 licensed
I will reply a final time, for one simple purpose...

1) When I post a message on this forum, I will do my very best to write in a polite manner and not use foul language and / or insult an individual or group of people.

Followed by:

5) I realise that if I ignore this agreement, I risk being denied access to this forum.

In the LFSForum rules.

Seems ignorance and inability to follow rules is a common trait.
S2 licensed
As I said to DragonFire on the FM forums.. You don't like it, go elsewhere. We don't force you to use our server. If it's *that* bad, why are you all on it anyway? If you don't agree/like our rules, and the way we operate *OUR* server, which *WE* run, then don't use it. Simple, really.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dragger :omg my two sponsors are about to sign the contract1

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