You wouldn't be able to drive competitive in the first race that you'd drive, because of obvious reasons.
In the second race you know how much % you can subtract from your fuel.
I don't think it would make that much of a difference.
The reason is that otherwise someone could make spamaccounts with disturbing avatars and links to viruses in their signatures.
There are, however, some demo-users who have avatars/signatures, this is because 9(?) years ago, demo-users could have avatars and signatures. They didn't (try to) change it, so they still have their av/sig.
I'm just not really getting your point of view in this.
You seem to be claiming that Vettel driving away from that accident is lucky.
Sure, but you're forgetting the fact that he actually had an accident, which was pretty unlucky.
I'm pretty sure, that if Alonso was in the same position you'd call Alonso unlucky for having the accident in the first place.
Your views are slightly distorted, and I think that Vettel showed enough yesterday to deserve the WDC.
Anyways, I found a bug (probably still there).
After picking up your cargo, drop it somewhere, drive to your destination and call a maintenance truck.
You will be towed for something like €1000 and it will take 10 hours.
BUT, you will have the trailer and you will be able to drive faster to your destination, without having the fear of damaging your cargo.
A boat trip also resets the trailer to be with you again.