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S3 licensed
It looks like the car goes light over a crest with quite a bit of steering lock on so the car starts to rotate. I'm not an expert but wouldn't you expect this? There is a roundabout near my house which has quite a dip and crest, if I hit it at 40 and I'm not dead straight the car tries to rotate as the wheels lose lateral grip near the end of suspension travel. I will try that sector out tomorrow and see if it is still the same. I'm getting the evils from wifey for spending my wedding anniversary chatting on forums I don't think I will get away with getting my wheel out and getting my game face on as well.
S3 licensed
@Matrixi Four wheel drifts on uneven terrain? Do you mean off track? Grass has been an issue since the tyre changes to incorporate heating and varying grip levels related to heat. There is virtually zero friction on grass, but as the game is in development and not finished it will get sorted at some point.
S3 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :I would imagine they have different people working on art and physics so they can progress together. Unfortunately digital art is easier than correct digital physics it seems.

Yes and yes, I'm sure Scawen would agree.

Quote :Anyway as with every other sim in development I hope this turns out good. I've not driven it for a few months myself but last time I tried it was definitely not going to keep my attention for very long unfortunately. I'll wait until closer to release then try it out again.

We are approaching what could be one hell of an era, Assetto Corsa, Raceroom Experience and pCars all coming along. It's going to cost me a lot of money if I love them all

As I've said to others, please get involved and feed back what your issues are, it can only help the game develop. In reality that's the reason you have the access you do. It's on Steam now, but you will have retrieve your unlock code from the WMD forum.
S3 licensed
@Matrixi You do need telemetry to try to understand the calculations that make it happen though...but if you explain the issue with clear video evidence then it can help. And with respect it's not using Shift physics, that is just overused mud to sling at a game you have chosen to dislike in order to scare off other Sim racers from even trying it.

@Tristan, with respect Ben Collins feedback is on car behaviour in game versus real life...he does have a little experience of thrashing real cars around real tracks. I don't know your background so I'm not going to trash your view, but I'd like to understand how you came to your conclusion if you could explain further please.

The ethos behind the game development is to build a Sim that can be dumbed down for console, arcade and casual racers . The PC version will be the full fat, no holds barred version.
S3 licensed
May I humbly suggest you take a look at the physics &AI section in WMD. The physics, FFB and tyre modelling are not finished, in fact far from it. The tyre model is being developed constantly, and they are also focussing on individual cars to work toward "real feel" handling. They are not aiming for Shift handling, even if you think it's like that now. As I said before, the stage of development pCars is at, normally you wouldn't get a sniff of it. It's not a finished game so stop saying it will never improve because that simply isn't the case.

@ Dawedust as a "backer" don't you see this as an opportunity to create the game the sim community can be proud of? The WMD community is made up of some serious hardcore SimRacers. If you don't think it's right and can provide video or telemetry to demonstrate it (there are threads on how you can do this which are very helpful), then the Devs can do something about it, and will if it's clear cut. However, if you just say don't like it, providing nothing other than your feelings, how the hell do you expect them to react to that? What do they change to make it better? Do you see my point? Help them to fix it, provide them with details of the issue, and then maybe the handling will get better.

I'll say it again, opportunity of a lifetime to HELP shape what could be the best Sim Racer ever, or you can sit on the bench and just bitch about it. I hope you decide to help.
S3 licensed
Is that a screenshot from COD?

S3 licensed
Brilliant post from an AC developer reacting to the comments criticising AC's marketing approach (which by very definition is clearly working!)

I have to get this weight out of my back.I've been reading lately that we are very good at teasing, masters of marketing and other things, regarding Assetto Corsa. Now I'm a positive thinking guy and willing to believe that the word "teasing" is meant in a good way, but I'll explain a couple of things anyway, no offence given or taken.First of all, I'd like to remind that a team of 10 guys with very limited resources, is trying to do a project that normally requires a team of at least 40-50 persons. That means that everyone of us is working every day at least 10-14 hours. This doesn't mean we are sacrificing our lives for the simracing cause, not at all.*We really really love what we do and that's why we're doing it, so I'm not complaining. But it does mean that when you're behind a monitor for so many hours, for so many days, for so many months, the monitor and your FB or twitter or chat contacts become your friends. And as such, whenever you're excited for something you really want to share it. That's what we do, we share our everyday job with friends. We even try to not talk to much about it, because we feel the "agony" (lol) of people that still can't drive AC, so we can't really describe everything we do, it would be a torture. We also can't tell everything because of stupid contracts, NDAs and other various reasons, we don't even have the time to tell everything, but sometimes we are so full of excitement that we need to get it out somehow.*So no, I can't really accept the word teasing for anything I say about Assetto Corsa. I'm not taking it personal or whatever, but then again I wanted to make it clear that there is no teasing.***Regarding official screenshots and people that are "bored" from the ongoing "teasing" again… I'll give you something to consider. Our Facebook page has almost 10000 likes (yay! thank you!). Let's double that and say that we may have 20000 people knowing about Assetto Corsa but not all of them have clicked "like". Do you think that's enough people in terms of possible sales (if all 20k people are buying it)?Well, count 10 people monthly pays, count the licenses, count taxes (italian taxes… ouch), count bills, count 3 years in the making etc and without not even going into details just think about it…*I understand that informed simracers, probably know all there is to know about AC and are bored by the usual screenshots, but just have a look at the comments and see how many people still don't know nothing about it and asks questions that have been answered months ago.*What should we do? Mainstream big video game websites and magazines won't even mention AC, we are nobody outside the small simracing community and even inside the simracing community still not everybody knows about AC. So how are we going to reach more people?Are we doing everything perfectly? Of course not!*Still, before thinking we're just teasing or before suggesting things like "put another car in the TP" or "get a demo out", or "release the game" and "stop the teasing I'm bored and my cat is angry" consider that we might have some very valid reasons for doing so… it's not too hard to imagine either.*Sorry for the long post, going back to my cave to try some more tweaking. Cheers everybody!
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Do you mean over and above the Ferraris on the car and track list?

Is the plural of Lotus ... Lotii, or Lotus' or Lotuses?
S3 licensed
Apparently they have done some simulation work for Ferrari and there was supposed to be a reveal related to it. Can't remember where I read it and can't find it again.
S3 licensed
Sorry, I couldn't help myself...apologies if it offends anyone.

^^^ fixed to make it less offensive, I'm such a softy lol
Last edited by Born2BSlow, .
S3 licensed
Oh and now the physics testing is getting more focus, Team Members and above will be getting daily updates too...normally only available to Senior Managers. They did this when MP was released to increase the rate at which bugs were found to get more stability more quickly. So everyone who left because they didn't like the handling is going to miss all the new updates on it specifically...ah well see you SMSoon as they say!
Last edited by Born2BSlow, .
S3 licensed
Here's one to wet your appetite a little an announcement that a deal has been signed with Oreca initially for their LMP2 to be included...apparently there are more to come. Mwahahaha.
S3 licensed
I read somewhere that AC have some deal on the cards with Ferrari being announced soon, anyone got any details?
S3 licensed
Praise the godly game lol...

I like it, you clearly don't so you hang around in threads about it and slag it off, nice!

It's not perfect but there is a long way to go before release, as I said shame you couldn't stick with it. I'm sorry if I presumed from your post that you had left early because you didn't get that it was a development and not a finished game and you whined about the unfinished physics...patience is a virtue!

Kickstarter gives you some pretty stuff in game and the chance to give the devs some money and maybe get beta access. WMD gives you money back if the game does well, pre-alpha access, the chance to voice opinions about every single aspect of the game on top of that. Kickstarter=donations, WMD=Investment (Yes it's official now!)

How about we pick this back up when you've played the demo some time next year? Go on have the last word you know you want to lol..
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :I have just been told by somebody that is heavily involved in this game, these videos are "all in game footage"

:jawdrop: :woohoo:

Cheers Go4


Yes they are but with the code not yet optimised it works graphics cards hard right now. All totally configurable through the dev menu to make the trade between eye candy and fps. I'm loving it...
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :I got a refund, and that doesn't mean I'm going to stop following how this game develops behind the curtain. If by some strange way they manage get decent physics in, I'll buy the retail version at full price. Now calm your tits.
So if I was correct, why are you jumping on my ass? illepall

Bit tetchy aren't we? Chill out. I was just pointing out that you were responding to a question about the project when you are no longer involved. Behind the curtain is a fascinating place to be, it's a shame you just thought you were buying a chance to play a game 1/2/3 years before release. Anyone interested in games development would have been fascinated to get an inside view of what's involved, granted it's not full access but all changes are documented and open to all involved to see and try to understand.

For instance, Jonz who had only done 1 game video before joining the project, has trained himself to make those videos, for his efforts he has received multiple free upgrades so (if!-no) when the game is successful he stands to make a tidy return. He's not alone.

When the next gen funding opens then those investing will get access to PC builds, and get involved. I look forward to seeing you all there!
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Not at the moment as far as I know. Just wait for a free demo, you'll propably thank yourself for doing so later on.

There is also the possibility that he could like it and decide to buy it. Stranger things have happened.

Matrixi, I thought you got your refund? If you did then as far as you know is not going to provide any useful info. You are right that there is no way to invest right now, once the legal structure is sorted there should be a chance to sign up for next generation versions which will give you access to PC development builds.

The new tyre model seems to be progressing well, heating and wear are being implemented, along with carcass and something called tack!? All very complex and over my head. To top the game off the WMD community is a great place to be, I think I will be a little disappointed when it's over.
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Yes open to everyone, sorry for late reply, missed it

Thanks Jason, when is the closing date to let you know/signup?
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I think it's dependent upon how many (if any) people request refunds. People were getting upset because the more people who invest.. the less people will purchase, along with a lower return.

Refunds are being offered after the FSA got involved, although the option to get your money back was always there. Funding will not re-open for the current gen platforms and PC version due to changes requested by the FSA to the legal structure of the project.

The legal team are finalising the details so that funding can open to support next gen, PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game. This will get you access to the PC builds as it's the only way anyone can help development outside of using dev kits. The new legal structure will mean it can legally be called an investment, buying a Toolpack will buy you a percentage of the revenues of the game.

The number of people investing versus the targeted sales volumes means that the numbers investing will have minimal impact on the revenues. PC will be the smallest volume of sales, the target is to sell 1 million copies across the four existing platforms. If this happens I get just under 4 times what I put in back. Also everyone gets the same percentage return regardless of how much they put in.

I know going console immediately gets everyone screaming arcade but think of it this way, a PC sim with a revenue stream from massive console sales to encourage the Devs to continue supporting the game, and adding content.
S3 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :On low settings I couldn't get a smooth fps. 15-20 max

AMD Phenom II X4 965 black edition cpu and
Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 7700 series graphics card

and most games run very smooth even on high graphics, bf3 being a good example.

Did you post about your issues, or ask the developers if there was anything they could do, give them your pc specs and driver versions? Sounds like an issue they needed to know about if you are not having problems on other games.
S3 licensed
There are threads on the wmdportal on how you can turn settings down to get better fps, as you say not everyone can afford mid to high end hardware (low spec pc's will struggle due to the code not being optimised as I mentioned).

You only have to see some of the rigs posted in the "post your rig" thread to understand just how much money some people are willing to throw at their hobby though, even those who claim to be poor spend their time on diy cockpits. We are part of a proper bunch of nutters we really are.

Part of the problem is that pcars is being designed to make the best use of quad cores and multi-threading, so dual cores and the like will always struggle. This is not a deliberate attempt to annoy anyone, it's a rational business decision. With the game not being released until next year, older hardware is going to be going out of circulation, focussing on new tech will prolong the life of the game. It's just a fact of life in game development.
S3 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :People hate it because it's physics are awful, it needs very powerful PC to run smoothly (and not everyone can afford that) and it just feel so wrong to some people they just wanna get their money back, and that's very well including me in all 3 points.

When it comes to your greeeeeet potential in this so called simulator, it's not the only simulator with potential there, infact even old sims like LFS are million times better and are still about to me improved (well, S3 is a joke but you get me). AC is a perfect example of a real simulator that has potential, as it's very early tech demo has already proved that it will be a real deal. Unlike your game pcars.

You think the physics are awful, sorry but that doesn't make it a fact. Presumably you had a toolpack to drive the game, you had the opportunity to explain to the devs what you thought was wrong with it and help them improve it? Can I ask when was the last time you played it? and what feedback did you leave? Did you take the opportunity that was given to you?

The game is in development, not scheduled for release until next year, none of the code has been optimised to run more smoothly. That's part of the game development process, it will be refined at the end. It's a shame but there are more important things like getting the physics right to deal with

I didn't say pCars was the only simulator out there, next year there are a huge number of driving games of all types being released, from sim to arcade. Yes Assetto Corsa looks like it will be one of the better ones, but development is along the LFS lines, small team with their own vision of what they want to achieve i.e. no community input and the risk that development might be slow. What SMS is doing is asking you what you want from a racing sim, and the opportunity to help shape that.

You are entitled your opinions but all I'm asking is that people give this one a chance if you want to you could get involved and help shape the game. Sadly it is far easier to say "meh, don't like it money back please", and then post how crap it is all over the internet. This is the reason for the hate, sadly a lot of people who haven't played pCars believe what they read.

Stay open minded and judge for yourselves. There is going to be a demo I believe so maybe people who don't want to get involved can try out what those of us who are involved managed to achieve. I'll be far more interested in your opinion of the physics then.
S3 licensed
Just call me Mr Asbestos...

Look it's not the perfect sim now, but there is feel to the driving experience, better than I've felt in any other game, other than live for speed. But they aren't trying to reproduce other sims, they want as real as possible, which is why some of the most important feedback is from actual racing drivers...the focus at the moment...tyres, it's the utopia that everyone is seeking. those 4 small contact patches that dictate all of the car behaviour and how fast you are going to be. It's far too complicated for me to understand but most of the changes they are making are producing the effects they expect, and this is being validating with blind testing of the changes by racing drivers.

What I am saying is there is a huge amount of potential, and it's being constantly tested by over 1,000 active hardcore sim racers. On top of this the people who help make the game will get a share of the returns rather than some corporate clown. Without getting evangelical about this, the only risk here is that they can't please all the people all the time. What they are doing is not tearing the sim community apart, it's giving it a voice and the chance to make the game everybody wants. The intent is a full on sim that can be dialled down by casual players. I don't understand this ever got to the point where people "hate" it so much. This is possibly the best thing that's ever happened, or has the potential to be. As they say, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

I could chat about this all day, as I'm either flame retardant or just ... well you know what I mean
S3 licensed
All 3 displays working, (maybe you mean dashboard not working, but that's what you get when cars are released as WIP, incomplete and a a year before game release), but it's not me, I don't have a rig that good and I'm not called born2bslow for nothing...

I'm pretty sure RWD cars under steer too, no idea about setup, but you can pretty much set the cars up how you like if you know what you're doing, it is a SIM after all
S3 licensed ... bedded&v=7yIDNmAhefs#

Giving it some...pCars just keeps getting better and better. Sorry some of you guys lost patience with it.
Last edited by Born2BSlow, .