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S3 licensed
Quote from motary :

Cool pic there Siim!

Edit: Checked the other pics there in the folder and I really like this one;
S3 licensed
Nice to hear that you guys are working on it!
Hope it'll be up soon again! But don't get me wrong here, we (I) don't want it on a bad host tho. :P
S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :Well okay, a Smart car is female.
Still female?
S3 licensed
Congrats Scawen!
S3 licensed
Fabrik and The Very End, I don't have my usual pc now so maybe there's some things I say that isn't 100% correct but I'm sure you'll find it!

Ingame, choose the car you want the camera for. Go singleplayer (or multiplayer of course..), go on some track, press escape, options, dunno if it's camera or view (?, something like that) then choose custom, press ext1 (think it's 1, choose 1 or 2 then try looking left, right or back and you'll see the difference) and then you have the z,x and y "bars". Pull them around and you'll get the camera whereever you want
Don't forget to change the FOV because when I play I use 100. And when I do movies I'm not over 50.. (100 would look wierd in a movie..).

Hope you got it!

Edit: Well, Don was faster but I wrote more so I call it a draw..
Edit2: Here you have it:
Last edited by Bosse, .
S3 licensed
Nice movie squidhead! And so smooth
Only things is that you have a little too high FOV (I think?) in the incar views and you should sync the clips with the music.. But this is just imo of course.
Other than that, very nice!
S3 licensed
Nice, congrats!
S3 licensed
A new pic..
S3 licensed
Here's my first serious edit ever. Made by me but with help from zmbi and DoN's guide.

Maybe not so much for you, but I like it
S3 licensed
Well, you can choose whatever you want on keys; F1-F8 (think it's F8 that's the highest), ctrl + F1-F12, and now with the latest testpatch; alt + F1-F12.

So, if you dont have "/w pb" on F8, then you could just type "/w pb" on that slot. Then I have (standard I think) "/w wr" (think thats the right command) on ctrl + F8. And /w wr shows the current wr on that combo.

Sorry for my english btw, but you should understand.
S3 licensed
There is a picture that someone took and wrote which is what but I can't find it now..

But! If you connect to a server, and don't have a setup for that combo. Press F8 (shows your pb if you havn't changed the bind. otherwise you can write "/w pb" (without " ") and press enter) and there it says which number you are on..

For example, Fern Bay Club is FE1. And if you want it reversed, just put a r after. FE1R..

Hope it helped!

Edit: Oh and btw, the setups on Teaminferno's setupfield is named like this: XF GTI_as1_Party1582.set
Where XF GTI is the car, as1 is the first track on Aston (cadet i think), and Party is the first part of his nickname (PartyBoyU). The numbers there I don't know..

Here can you find the numbers and so for the tracks:
Last edited by Bosse, .
S3 licensed
Congrats moby
S3 licensed

Music -> Social Code - Beautiful
S3 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :Tried compressing it? or try Google...

Well, I don't have any of the uncompressed files left (format c: and then my other harddrive crashed ) and I don't think i can compress it now without losing very much quality..

Google also has a 100 mb limit if you upload with your, err, can't find the word but Internet explorer, firefox or so.. and if you want to upload more than 100 mb, you need to have a program which doesn't work on my computer..

So if someone want to upload to google video, please do it
And btw, I would prefer to download and watch.. Then you get it with full quality and you can have fullscreen. But maybe thats just me..
S3 licensed
thanks And about those pink cars, I recently left a team where I had skins for all the cars and I might be the worlds worst skinner so that's why I drive in a pink XRT.. Buuut, I could change to black now then :P

And anbiddulph, the file is bigger than 100 mb so any other site exept youtube?
S3 licensed
Well, don't want to go to offtopic but I have it like this: ... 49017_bf1.1_122_449lo.JPG

And if someone wants to have the same: ... 48997_bf1.2_122_449lo.JPG

Then I can see the track and my mirrors.. And I like the FOV at 100..
S3 licensed
Thanks! So fun to read the comments after I've released a movie.. And even more fun this time when it's just positive, exept the pink cars but.. :P

anbiddulph: I can upload it to youtube tomorrow.

Edit: Oh and btw, KeMoT, I only called it beautiful because it's the name of the song. I couldn't come up with something better and I do think it's better with Beautiful.avi than Untitled.avi =)
S3 licensed
I would also want to wish good luck to you! Hope you find some good members and that the team keeps racin'!
S3 licensed
Thanks for the comments, really fun to read them now! =)
S3 licensed
Ondrejko: Now you don't have to wait anymore Updated the first post with two new links!

And well, music, that's up to every one of us so.. Thanks =)
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :How much is $30 AUS?

£12,36 if I got it right..
S3 licensed

The music is: Social Code - Beautiful
S3 licensed
Ondrejko: There will be a new link tonight or tomorrow. Sorry but you have to wait until then
S3 licensed
Fellan: Thanks!

FallenReaper: Thanks! Well, Jack is in it quite much. He's the other pink panther
New driftingmovie! Beautiful!
S3 licensed

Now I've done a new driftingmovie!
In my opinion, it's my best movie so far so I hope you think so too!
Edit: Two new links, thanks to Sir_Sideways and Oregistrerad!


Last edited by Bosse, .