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S3 licensed
The new site look nice and modern, but nowadays a website should be responsive in my opinion, so that it also works on mobile devices.
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK : can lfs even run on macs? just curious. nothing serious if so. can someone pm me how to set it up please?

Use homebrew to install wine. Installation of homebrew see the homebrew homepage:

To install wine type the following command in the terminal:
brew install wine

This takes a while.
Afterwards you can install LFS with 'wine LFS_S2_6F_setup.exe'

You will find the installation here:
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/LFS

Run LFS then with
wine LFS.exe

Works fine on my Mac. (Tested with OS X 10.9 and 10.10)
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :One thing I find a bit disappointing and strange about the tracks in LFS, are the spectators. Most grandstands are empty. In my opinion, they should be full, at least in the race mode.

If Eric decides to fill these, it would be a cool thing if we can send him photos of us, so that he fills the grandstands with people who really drives and likes LFS.

(I think there are enough people here in the forum that will help with the preparation of the photos like cut-out, etc)
S3 licensed
I find it a bit sarcastic that on the second video is about the VW Scirocco

Nevertheless nice to see LFS on the top of the top rated list
S3 licensed
I have installed wine using homebrew ( with

brew install wine

Then installed LFS using the installer and it works fine. (I have not tested my wheel)
S3 licensed does work fine on my box
S3 licensed
The problem is that on the setup grid website only LFS up to version 0.5Z is supported. So if you use a newer version, than SIG does not work.

The following instructions should make SIG work again:
- In the SIG install folder navigate to the bin folder.
- In this folder the localization files are located named setupgrid_??.properties with the language as suffix
- You can open the localization file in a normal text editor like notepad
- e.g. if you have a german Windows edit the (for english, or a language not listed use the
- When you have open the file in notepad, then navigate to the bottom where you find the following line: baseUrl ={0}&track={1}&patch={2}
- Change this to: baseUrl ={0}&track={1}&patch=0.5z&dummy={2}
- Now you have hardcoded to always get setups for the LFS 0.5z version.
- Restart SIG and this should work.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :As far as I understand (and I'm probably wrong, because I haven't checked) DX10 and later don't work on XP. If that is true then it would be a terrible idea to go further than DX9 because XP is still the best OS.

The problem with XP is that the support ends in april 2014, so no security fixes are made anymore. It is not a wise idea to use XP on a PC with internet connection after that date.
S3 licensed
Quote from ToxicKlay :Not sure, but only goes up to 0.5Z in terms of patches. Maybe the mod is checking version types and is coming back with 0 setups because there are no setups for 0.6E?

Correct. I did not remember how it works, so I had a look into the source code and the LFS Version is used the fetch the correct setups from the setupgrid website. So with the new 0.6E you will not receive any setups, because the website (in my opinion) needs to be updated.
S3 licensed
You have used the wrong constructor that does not initialized the sound value.
I have fixed that now, and if you use the build.gradle from my previous post you should get the new version.
S3 licensed
I've created an example using gradle ( that takes care of everything:

In the SVN repo you find it here: https://jinsim.svn.sourceforge ... nsim/branch/0.6b/example/

After you checked out the example and installed gradle you can execute the command 'gradle run' in the example directory and the example is build and run.
The example is the Hello World example that connects to LFS in the local PC on Port 29999. If you want to change this in the example look for localhost an 29999 in the build.gradle file.

If you want to create a zip file with everything you need just type 'gradle distZip' and you find the created zip in build/distribution. Here also a .bat file is created to run the app.

To create a eclipse project just type 'gradle eclipse' and the project file are created that can be imported into eclipse.
Last edited by Brilwing, .
S3 licensed
Try this jar: ... .0-RC1/jinsim-6.0-RC1.jar

The Admin Command is not yet fully implemented, but the app shouldn't crash anymore.
S3 licensed

I have not release a 0.6b version in binary yet, but you can easy build it yourself from the svn repo on source forge (using gradle):
https://jinsim.svn.sourceforge ... nroot/jinsim/branch/0.6b/
S3 licensed
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 65
- {isehwurscht, Günther Haiderer, Austria}
- {climbs, Robert Karner, Austria}
- {mensafest, Christian Ecker, Austria}
- {brilwing, Rene Pirringer, Austria}
- {drift8, Martin Bergmann, Austria}
Last edited by Brilwing, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ghowden :I noticed you updated the Track list, how about the MessageToConnectionRequest? Is that alright?

I have updated both now. I changed the MessageToConnectionRequest to use the existing Sound enum for the setter.
S3 licensed
Quote from ghowden :Here is the latest source code plus my collision packet code seems to work fine now. Learnt bitwise operators in java at long last lol

I have created a new development branch for the Z30+ changes add have added your changes (with some modifications):

I have not applied the changes in the OutGaugeResponse file, cause the current version is correct.

(If you want build the jinsim jar use gradle (
S3 licensed
I have renamed the latest 0.5rc6 JInSim version to 0.5 and uploaded the version to Sourceforge and here:

I should have done that a long time ago: :sorry:

JInSim 0.5 covers LFS Z28

I have not yet started to add the new insim features that come with Z30+. I indent to do this in the near future. If anyone wants to help me with that I gladly accept patches or can give commit privileges on sourceforge.
S3 licensed
Just use the MessageRequest class.


MessageRequest msgRequest = new MessageRequest();
msgRequest.setMessage("/press 3"); // turns on and off the headlights

You can use the helloworld/ example that is included in jinsim so see a full example how a message request is send.
S3 licensed
Log4j comes with all you need. Here is an example configuration that sets the global log level to info and the log level for all classes under com.mypackage to debug.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="">

<appender name="STDOUT" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern"
value="%d %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) - %m%n"/>

<logger name="com.mypackage">
<level value="debug"/>

<priority value ="info"/>
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>


S3 licensed
To get the correct result from the getResultPosition method that returns a byte just perform an bitwise & operation:

int resultPosition = resultResponse.getResultPosition() & 0xFF;

I'll keep in mine to update the getters for bytes so that this is performed internally.
e.g. change

public byte getResultPosition() {
return resultPosition;


public int getResultPosition() {
return resultPosition & 0xFF;

S3 licensed
My internet went down shortly befor i want to join as 2nd driver for the guglhupf racing team. Our 3rd driver got sick today so we cannot perform a driver change for the race. I'm really sorry. (I'm writing this message on my phone, if anyone wonders why I can write posts with no internet)
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Bit of a necrobump here. I was just playing about with pth files. After facing the same problem as you I got it to work by using little endian ordering. I've attached a few of the classes I've created to test this out with.


Do you want to include this into JInSim?
If yes, you can do it yourself. I can add you as developer to the JInSim project on sourceforge if you like.