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S3 licensed
I have now changed the width and height so that 0 is send, but a colleague yesterday had this kind of disconnect.

I will try to write a program that displays and hides lots of buttons, so that I can reproduce this, because it only happens very rarely.
S3 licensed
Too many? 239 buttons ids can be used, so I assume I can use 239 buttons. I display not more then 30 buttons at one time.

What du you mean with the wrong way?

What I do is that if a button is shown and I want to change the text, then I send IS_BTN with the same values but the new text. I do not send a prior clear.

If the buttons are not shown I never had this kind of disconnect. This disconnect only happend to me twice, and I have done lots for laps with the buttons activated.
S3 licensed
Nation: Austria
Number of Registered LFS Users: 1523
Other information : Also raced in the LFS Nations Cup. We have a well working community and a national league, that is currently in the 3rd season with a good and constant number of participents.
Avoiding buffer crash (OK)
S3 licensed
In the last time I had two disconnects from LFS and got the error message: Avoiding buffer crash (OK)

I never had this kind of disconnect before and the only thing that had changed was, that I have extended the LFS-Dedi with an InSim application that displays the recent laps to the current driver.
I use buttons to display the information and I have the suspicion that this extension is the cause for the disconnection. So is it possible that I have a bug in my program, so that some wrong data is send to the client, that causes the crash?

Here is a screenshot of an early version of the extension:

If someone wants to see this live, just join one of my servers ( \\\ or \\\f1challenge ) and enter the chat message '/i board'. (Currently a restart of the race is needed to see the times)
S3 licensed
I have made a countdown timer on the website some time ago to avoid this kind of questions
The countdown indicates when the qualification starts:

UTC should be 18:00
S3 licensed
Quote from DJMOZ :Lfs Is Full Of Idiots,

As far a I know that is not right. Only a few people to not know how to behave, and for this I love the ban button
I also have banned people for bad language, so if someone uses 'special words' like f*** multiple times in the chat messages, then it is very likely that I use the ban button.

So be nice and drive clean and you will never get banned.
S3 licensed
Sure it is possible. I write all my InSim programs with Java. If you do not want to start from the scratch you can use jinsim. You can find the latest version here:
The package also contains some example applications.
S3 licensed
I'm the other way around. I use frameworks. Before I start to implement something, I searched if someone else has done this before. If I find something good I use it, if not I do it myself.
Ok, the main language I use is Java, and as Java-Developer you normally use lots of frameworks and libs (starting with apache commons).
But I also want to know how it works, so I prefere open source frameworks/libs, where I can read the source, to see how this works.
When it now comes to web-frameworks for Java, I must say that the major frameworks here (struts, jsf, ...) are not the holy grail, and every framework has it glitches. But in the end you are faster than doing it all by yourself.

One other good thing about frameworks is when you need additional developers (e.g. a company) then you can search for people that already have experience with this frameworks, and the time to familiarized with the product and work productiv is much shorter.
Last edited by Brilwing, .
S3 licensed
Maybe you should take a look at drupal ( Yes, drupal is known as CMS, but is is very simple to write custom modules, because it has a good and well documented api for forms and database access and much more.
I have written a complete league managment as drupal module, and I think that I have never done this with PHP if I havn't already used drupal as CMS before.
Austrian Championship
S3 licensed
I want to announce the start of the 3rd Saison of the Austrian Championship on the 28th October 2007. The first race is on Blackwood with the XFG, XRG.
This championship is for austrian drivers only, so every austrian that have not signed up and want some good races, come and join us.
All details can be found on our homepage:
S3 licensed
Quote from DemonTPx :Thats only for LFS I see. Paddock is for LFS, rFactor, <your favorite racing game here> and it can also be used for real-life racing leagues.

For the first tool yes.

But the second tool depends only on the gstats file format, or to be more precise the mysql db schema. I don't know rfactor, but if you have a results xml and convert it to my format than you can also manage rfactor league. Theoretically

There was a discussion about a common xml format some time ago, but nothing came out of it.
(I also mentioned there that a common xml format should be racing game independend:
S3 licensed
Bin there, done that

Ok, from the start. I have written a league manager which consists mainly of two programs.
The first one generates a stats file from the replay (live recording on the lfs server also works).
It is not xml. I use a simple CSV like format, but extending to store XML should be a simple task.
Here is an example of the current format:
The tool is written in Java and the source is here (Apache 2.0 License):
and here

The second tool is a module for the drupal CMS ( with is written in PHP. Here multiple leagues can be created with different rules. The stats file generated with the first tool can be uploaded and stats, graphs standings are dynamically generated.
See: and
The source code for the drupal modules is here (GPL): ... nk/drupal/modules/league/
and here ... pal/modules/league_graph/
Last edited by Brilwing, .
S3 licensed
The race is on Sunday the 30th 19:00 CET (17:00 GMT).

But you need to pre qualify on our server (\\\F1Challenge) until Saturay 24:00 (CET).

Pre qualification result is listed here:
S3 licensed
You can only sign up when you have registed on the website. (

I've added a countdown on the website on the right, that shows the countdown when the qualifing starts.
S3 licensed
Programming (also InSim programming) is not difficult, it is only time consuming, very time consuming.

+1 for Hollywoods first post from me.
Dedi mpr bug
S3 licensed
I don't know if this is already reported (i used search and found nothing).
The mpr that is recorded on the dedi has the wrong track stored. Today we raced on SO4 and I lost my connection during a thunderstorm power failure, so I used the mpr that was recorded on the dedi to create the stats. Watching the replay is funny because the track layout SO1 is used but the cars drive SO4. So the the cars drive though walls and fly round.

Here you find the replay: (15.4MB)

The dedi version is X10 and it runs under Debian Linux with Wine version 0.9.25

With InSim I get the track name SO0
Last edited by Brilwing, .
S3 licensed
Hmm I don't have this exception when I run the hello world example. Nevertheless, I have updated jinsim that this exception is handled, cause it indicates that the jinsim connection is closed.

here you find the update:
S3 licensed
Quote from joelbarton1987 :ok thanks but new error : error = in dedi host screen when trying to load insim : = " insim: first byte in packet does not match size "

Hmm, I have tested this example only with LFS not with the dedi, so I don't know if the example works with a dedi, because it only sends a chat message. But you error message look like that you are using an older dedi version. Are you using the latest dedi version patch X?

@Eclipse: download this:
S3 licensed
The system classpath is not need cause the Main class is in the jinsim.jar
S3 licensed
Quote from joelbarton1987 :same error aaaarrrrrrrggggg ....... any segestions

You must execute this command in the jinsim-0.4.95 directory.

C:\workspace\jinsim-0.4.95>java -cp dist\jinsim.jar;lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar org.kerf.jinsim.examples.helloworld.Main 192.168.99.
2 60000


C:\workspace\jinsim-0.4.95>cd ..

C:\workspace>java -cp dist\jinsim.jar;lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar org.kerf.jinsim.examples.helloworld.Main 60000
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/kerf/jinsim/examples/helloworld/Main

S3 licensed
Quote from joelbarton1987 :i keep getting this error Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/kerf/jinsim/examp

please help ............... me

I'm wondering how you get this error.
Try this:
java -cp dist\jinsim.jar;lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar org.kerf.jinsim.examples.helloworld.Main

You need Java 5.0 of course.
S3 licensed
Quote from joelbarton1987 :ok change of plan i need a java connection program . please

JInSim also contains several examples from a simple Hello World to an button example.
S3 licensed
Here is a new package of the current jinsim for patch x:

- Both TCP and UDP is supported
- New button system added
- Encoding support. The LFS codepages are converted.

So this package should now have all features of the new InSim in patch x. If I missed something let me know