Hi there!
A question to all programmers!
If someone arranges a 24hRace or a Lonrun like that, it would be advantageous that admins can save into pieces cutted replays.
If someone of the Racewatchers or a racers teammate informs the admins about a foul the admins have not seen, they only have to know in which lap the incident happened and chooce the cutted replay to consult about a penalty!
Is it possible to code a tool which cuts the replays in 5 or 10 min pieces or better 5 or 10 laps and saves them automaticaly?
It would give a Raceadmin a new weight and an explicit authority
#thx 4 the answer
A question to all programmers!
If someone arranges a 24hRace or a Lonrun like that, it would be advantageous that admins can save into pieces cutted replays.
If someone of the Racewatchers or a racers teammate informs the admins about a foul the admins have not seen, they only have to know in which lap the incident happened and chooce the cutted replay to consult about a penalty!
Is it possible to code a tool which cuts the replays in 5 or 10 min pieces or better 5 or 10 laps and saves them automaticaly?
It would give a Raceadmin a new weight and an explicit authority
#thx 4 the answer