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S2 licensed
If you want your wheel to match the in-game one, just look under Steering in the garage, set it to match the cars maximum, then change it in your wheel settings in windows.
S2 licensed
Man, i passed my test completely stoned when i was 16. It would of been a perfect score too, if i hadnt hit a cone parallel parking because I didn't have it completely in gear. If only i took the test in an automatic :\

IMO the tests are too easy. So many people here in the states can't drive for crap. Here in the Seattle area people arent too bad, but they do panic when it rains, which seems odd considering its friggn Seattle. But when i lived in Phoenix, AZ, i noticed that you can't use your turn signal when changing lanes. Because if you do, the guy next to you will almost always slam on the accelerator and close the gap immediately.

TBH, if ya really think about it, its not really driving skill thats the problem. Its idioitic people, that lack common sense, that cause most accidents. Thats a whole different epidemic though.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :so most cars in lfs are actually 2wds instead of rwds and fwds as theyre usually driven with locked diffs ... that doesnt make the slightest bit of sense

How does anything i said relate to RWD or FWD? RWD and FWD have nothing to do with this thread what-so-ever.
S2 licensed
Quote from dark_vandal :
Finally... does the clutch pedal and the 6 gear shifter work well in LFS, or do you have to just use the sequential shifter? what about other racing games? the clutch/shifter are really what attracts me to this setup... seems really cool!

It works perfectly in LFS, and there are a few other games out now that work with the clutch and H-pattern shifter. Most new games coming out will support it as well.

The force feedback on the G25 is amazing, I had sore shoulders for a few days after first using it. It adds quite a bit of realism to the game, it doesn't feel like some cheap toy, it feels like the real thing.
S2 licensed
I have 2 trucks in my driveway. A '98 Dodge Dakota, and a '93 GMC Typhoon. I consider the Dakota 4WD, since when I put it in 4WD the differentials lock, as i've noticed when making sharp turns when 4WD is on, as a previous poster noted. The Dakota, stock, is high off the ground, the 4WD is meant for offroad conditions. The Typhoon is AWD, tight turns cause no problems, and the truck is low to the ground. It's designed to have AWD for stable acceleration and cornering.

To me AWD and 4WD are different in that they are designed for 2 different things. 4WD to me means that its "off-road capable" and AWD means on-road stability. You might say these Subarus and such go offroad, as in dirt tracks etc. But IMO a dirt track is still a road, there are such things as dirt roads.
S2 licensed
I wouldn't reccomend using the repair function on a Win XP CD, unless it has SP2 embedded, it would cause more problems than it'll solve.

If you really are missing that file, you'd need a boot disk to get into a command prompt. Google it, and make sure it supports NTFS, or try How to obtain userinit.exe is a whole different story. Going about repairing a WinXP installation without the actual install disk is going to prove to be very difficult.

I have a toshiba laptop as well, and it didn't come with a WinXP CD either.

One thing you can do to gain access to your filesystem is download a Linux "Live CD" but I don't know how familiar you are with that OS. Atleast with a Live CD you can see if userinit.exe is missing or not and allow you to backup files in case you do end up needing to reformat.
Last edited by c0nv1ct, .
S2 licensed
You can't log in as Administrator either? Either you got a virus, or you seriosly borked something yourself :P It probably could be fixed, but TBH, its easier just to reformat and reinstall everything :\ You can try the "Last Known Good Configuration" option in the boot menu and see if that works, but in my experience it rarely does.

If you have data on there that you need to save, there's a few ways to get in there to back it up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Well, I set up my wheel to 720 degrees so the wheel acts just like in the game. Its kind of annoying when you have to keep your wheel slightly to the left to go in a straight line :/ And about the pedals, yes I got used to them already so they arew not a problem anymore.

If your center is off a bit, download DXTweak2 to fix it.
S2 licensed
I think i had that exact same MS wheel, though it was lost in the great apartment burglary of '03. Trust me, the G25 is amazing. It doesn't feel like a toy like the MS wheel does. It's well worth the price tag.
S2 licensed
Since when is fraps a movie editor? I own a copy and AFAIK its a video capture tool. For actual video editing, i've used Ulead Media Studio and Adobe Premier, both are very good. Both can be downloaded for free if ya know where to go *wink wink*. Fraps is a great tool for capturing in-game video though, its totally worth the 20 bucks or whatever it is, i've had it for a few years now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Meanie :It would be really great if all newcomers had that attitude of yours.

Have a good read, man.

Very nice! Clarifies everything I needed to know.

After a bit more practice online yesterday, I've really improved my overtaking skill and generaly avoiding accidents with other drivers. Now if i could just be more consistant and stop wiping myself out, i might win a race, though my recovery has greatly improved :P
S2 licensed
So far, i'm liking the AWD and FWD tintops, as those are the setups i'm used to in RL. My first car was a Prelude, and my current vehicle is a Typhoon, i've never had a RWD car. The RWD ones are gonna take some practice, you don't even wanna know how many times i've lost the rear end on my mom's Dakota in the rain.
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :
I started off in a FOX and I hated it because as soon as I throttled it out of a bend, I would lose the real end and they are near impossible to catch again in the FOX, now when I drive the TBO classes, the only thing I am not used to is the lack of speed, nimbleness and lack of braking power.

LOL! After spending so much time driving the FOX, and knowing what its like losing the rear end like you say, then driving these tintops and losing my rear a bit in almost every corner, I find myself panicing thinking like i'm in the FOX and about to wipe out hardcore, then pulling out of it just fine and holding my speed pretty well. Its a different feel around the corners, but you guys are right, the tintops are easier. Even though right now it does feel like controlled chaos around the corners.

Anyways, I really appreciate the help. I'll work on the TBOs and GTRs for now, and see ya online as soon as i get a setup i'm comfortable and consistant with.
S2 licensed
So what would you say is a good car and track to start with then? All the servers I seem to find for tintops are drift servers, and drifting doesnt interest me much.

I have no problem trying another car, the FOX seemed pretty easy to handle and I noticed an abundance of servers for it. Eventually, of course, I plan on learning all the cars and tracks, but I'd just like a good car and track to start with to get me used to driving online. Ya know, to lay the foundation, so to speak.

From what TiJay said, I seem to have the right idea when it comes to "right of way." I just wanted to clarify so when I get bitched at I know whether to apologize or defend myself. I understand that me being new, and relatively slow for that matter, I need to drive extra defensively.
Last edited by c0nv1ct, .
[Newb] How to not get hit?
S2 licensed
Hi, i'm pretty new to LFS, only had the game maybe a month. I've been playing since i got my xmas present (G25) early this year. As a total nub, having not played a racing sim since 1998 when i got the first MS FFB Wheel, I decided to pick 1 car and 1 track and get used to it. So for the past few days i've been hotlapping the FOX on BL1, and getting faster every day, though still crappy at 1.10 as my PB.

Recently i've been giving online racing a shot, the only problem is, I keep getting nailed and ran off the road. I do my best to avoid myself hitting other people, but usually someone else hits me.

Now to the point of my thread... What is the general rules for avoiding contact in a race? Who has the right of way, i guess is what i'm asking. Who has the obligation to avoid who? I'd just like to clarify things because i'd like to race clean.

Let me give you a situation as an example. I'm on the straight in BL1 and I make the next turn slightly late (i gotta work on my consistancy) and the guy behind me takes advantage and attempts to pass on the inside. Now we are parallel to eachother around the corner, but when I finish my turn and am on the edge of the track, the other player continues his turn right into my side and wipes us both. Now, if he's slightly ahead of me at this point, should I brake and allow him to finish his line? And If i'm slightly ahead of him, is it his obligation to brake and get behind me?

I just want to know, so I'm not the a**hole that ruins peoples races.
Last edited by c0nv1ct, .
S2 licensed
Ya, screw animated gifs! :P

I do agree though, signature pics are lame, its not that they make the page load slow (got 10mbit cable?), its that they distract from the actual posts. You get a bunch of huge signatures in a thread and its hard to actually read it.
S2 licensed
I'm using a G25 with Barlin's configs, and loving it. The new one he posted rocks too, I seem to get a bit more speed in the straight, which is very helpful considering i never seem to hit turn 1 correctly, lol!
S2 licensed
The one from Jack Green's post, its much better than the "easy race" one i had before.
S2 licensed
I like that setup, my 2nd lap with it shaved 3 secs off my personal best. I still need a lot of work though, the setup helps, but I know its my driving skill holding me back.
Player connecting....
S2 licensed
Whats the deal? You cant pit, restart, or even LEAVE THE SERVER while a player is connecting? I'm assuming there is some sort of bug because the server I was on got stuck like this, nobody ever connected, we were all just stuck in the game. I had to end-task in the windows task manager just to exit the game.