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S2 licensed
Yes, I did have a car land on top of me during lap 1 of the 2nd race.
S2 licensed
Could we increase the number of laps?

I was just practicing and after 17 laps of 15s and 16s I still wasn't close to melting my tires. I think we need more laps. :evil::duck::biggrinfl
Last edited by Cabby, .
S2 licensed
In the RB4 you can't adjust anything from in car Dan, so make sure your setup is good before you leave the garage.
S2 licensed
I don't believe him... we'll need those topless skins.
S2 licensed
Let's just hope Paul forgets about this race like he did the first round.
S2 licensed
Or you could just set the race to 1 lap for the lag lap and let everyone complete a full lap so LFS thinks the race is done, then set official laps and a restart will then make the grid random, or at least it should.

Oh, and I see your 1:50s and raise you 1:45s.
S2 licensed
Well, if you really want me to do that good then I guess I'll go ahead and make a setup tonight.
S2 licensed
Ehh... maybe I'll get around to working on a race setup sometime before Wed.
S2 licensed
No pics.... no proof.
S2 licensed
Was a fun couple of races. Got really lucky with the first race to start off front row inside for T1 (altho I think Dan just forgot to set the grid to random ) and managed to open up enough of a gap while T.Sho was dealing with traffic to hold onto the lead. Another couple laps and he would have gotten me for sure. Second race I was dreading with starting from the back but managed to pass half the field on the outside line of T1 and within a couple laps managed to take the lead while T.Sho was still back in 4th or 5th trying to get past traffic again. He really set some blistering laps trying to catch back up and again if it were just a few more laps in length I'm sure he would have gotten me.

Next week will be an interesting one at KY2. Ten laps there and trying not to cook the tires while staying fast might be a hard one to pull off.
S2 licensed
Also, after Relax says something like 'inside' it will then switch over to saying 'still there' for about 30 seconds before it will confirm which side the car is on again with either a 'left side', 'right side', or if you're in a turn again at that point another 'inside' or 'outside'. You should consider downloading Relax and trying a few races with it with just the pit spotter turned on (works well with Aonio as long as you don't have Relax close the outgage in the config file) and get a feel for yourself how it does things.

It also does a random pick between 'left side' and 'car left' or 'right side' and 'car right' just to help break up the monotonous aspect and give you something a bit different to hear now and then.
S2 licensed
Check the volume settings for your computer. It's playing a .wav file so maybe one of your volume settings that affects this got turned down or muted. I've never had any issues with the pit spotter so this is all I can think of.
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :I'm not quite sure what inside and outside is. I would think in left hand turn the inside means on the left while in right hand turns inside is on the right. But does Relax make this distinction? I do not know, I have certain doubts though.

You are absolutely correct. Inside will be used in just that manner for the inside of the turn, either left or right. Same for outside. Relax does indeed make this distinction which I find to be very handy when someone tries to slip up the inside during the middle of a turn. Keeps me from having to think about if what the pit spotter is saying means I need to keep a tight turn or leave more room at the apex. The same goes for that 'in the middle', it's very handy to have that when entering a turn with a car on both sides.

I know it sounds like there shouldn't be much difference in thinking between 'inside' and 'car left' while going thru a left hand turn, but I find I don't really pay attention to which direction I'm turning as I'm just focused on the track and getting around it. For me I just find I can react and adjust faster to an 'inside' comment.
S2 licensed
So what you're saying is that in order to score points for an event you have to finish both heats? Also, is there a server password for tonight or is it being left open?
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :There is actually a kind of pitspotter incl. customizable sounds in Aonio. It is not quite like the one in Relax, but it can say/show the closest car in 8 directions and announce safe distance (clearing)... But I guess you know about this, just do not like it the way it is done.

Yeah, I use the Relax pit spotter because it's a bit more advanced than what you currently have in Aonio. Having the pit spotter say things like 'In the middle' or 'Inside' vs. 'Outside' are really helpful in close racing quarters.
S2 licensed
I'm acutally only using Relax for the pitspotter, all buttons and on screen info I'm using Aonio. If you're ever able to incorporate a pitspotter like Relax uses then I'll no longer have a need for Relax.

I was actually wondering if any of the other Aonio users had set up the RPMs and nodes yet just to save myself the time of trying to figure out where the node points are for all the tracks.
S2 licensed
Figured out what was causing the fuel stuff to not be working for me properly. I still use the LFSRelax for the pitspotter and I accidentally had that set to close outgauge. Once I told it to leave outguage open then all worked properly again.

Has anyone done a complete car and track setup for the bottom of the Aonio config file yet? The max rpm and track nodes section that is.
S2 licensed
The only drawback to this is that depeding on the gearing of your setup you'll get different fuel consumption compared to another driver. If you've already had to figure out your particular fuel consumption, you've probably figured out your total fuel needed already for that particular race.
S2 licensed
You forgot to mention in the OP that there is a Practice/Warm-Up round on the 6th. Might also be good to add in behind the Eastern US time something like (-5 UTC).
S2 licensed
Yeah, I was just running in a race with 0.9.2 (didn't know you had updated) and the TB stuff was fine for the first split but any remaining splits it wasn't remembering what you ran before so was just entering in what you currently did for the split.

Also, for some reason the fuel wasn't being shown for anything I was doing, qual or race. Don't know if it makes a difference but I use a custom view to raise the driving view some to better see the front of the car.
S2 licensed
I'll be there.

S3R Cabby
S2 licensed
Yeah, I see that message too all the time. Do you connect (3rd button) after the race has started, while in spectator mode, in the pits? I have seen sometimes that the app doesn't seem to get sync'd up with the packets right sometimes and often a simple spectate (shift+s) or pit (shift+p) will get it to work. Try that a couple times to see if works.

There is also one other small possibility. In your config file you have the lfs directory set to c:\lfs\. Try changing it to C:\lfs without the trailing \. It might be trivial but there's a possibility that it might be messing with something.
S2 licensed
Quote from driversbriefing :wonder if anyone can help me?

I have installed as per instructions, installed the fonts etc.

The app works on the LCD but only on the rev/speed and split time screens but not the screen with the main information screen, which is what I was after most.

Here is the contents of my configuation.txt

I am running Vista Home Premium x64 if that helps.

Many thanks in advance

You do know that the main information will ONLY show up on the lcd when in a race right? This means that if you're in practice or qual you'll only see the rev/speed and split time screens. The other main window isn't activated until it detects a race in progress. Double check this by making sure you are actually in a race and then flip thru the screens to see if the main window is there. Normally as soon as the app detects you're in a race the main window will automatically be displayed.
S2 licensed
Burnsy rolling out the apps... way to go!
S2 licensed
Getting ready to change my OS over to Vista 64. Has anyone gotten this to work on that yet and if so how? Was it as simple as compiling in Vista as suggested earlier?