ye sthis was 2 pages ago but i felt i needed to clear an ignorant remark. Shifters are probably the most popular well known forms of karting (besides commercial karting) and all shifter leagues require front brakes by the WKA standards ( here in america)
why would we do all types of raceing when the club is a touge club(mountain racing.)? i think drifting a road racingh is fine and maybe drag..but not oval
just search for a regular r34 interior and get the red steeringwheel..its exactly the same..i think i might have an r34 interior on my other computer .. ill check in like 3 days lol
hey nice rim pack bro..
motary/ Siim, im kinda interested in joining a small drift tream and i was wondering if i could maybe join yours..if so do u have a server or something where i could tryout if need?
cause its kinda hard to get the creds..takes to much time..and dont tell me "by the time u posted this you could have had the credits already!".thats bull
i dont get what hes saying, BUT i do think that we should have the prestaging burnout to get the tires up to temp. and to make us stage and not be at the line already. cause thats just plain retarded!