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macanik patch Q?
S2 licensed
is there a macanik for patch q??
S2 licensed
whats outgauge+outsim?
car veiwer without running LFS?can u see power?
S2 licensed
hey i was wondering if there is a program that u can see the car and the stats of ur car without running or beeing in the game..see im not supposed to play video games during the week so if there is a program for this i can mess with tweak on the week i was just wondering..
S2 licensed
where do i go after i go to the link??
S2 licensed
yea i relized i needed patch Q so i got that...TWEAK is FUN!!
S2 licensed
hey moonforce..would u mind telling me the name of the sound software thta is in that screenie??...thnx..i looove how it sounds
S2 licensed
well...i draged and dropped it into companion clicked launch and thenn i star playing the game and no backfireing..i have the volume all the way up too....what happened??
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :The clip you're talking about is this? Did Jörg Muller say that cars don't behave like real cars? (I don't speak German ) ... 20editorial_backstage.mpg

Well it's PR stuff after all. I hope they where using driving aids (lol). At least someone used chase camera view.

I have higher hopes for Race than GTR2. Because of the Simbin/Blimey contract stuff GTR2 feels like it's done with lack of motivation. At least that aspect should be different with this WTCC game. Best news is that SimBin will forget ISI engine after this, according to some little birdie at SimBin.

WOW germans have g25 all ready???man U.S. sux!
S2 licensed
how do u get the folder "intact"?
GT FIA racing game?
S2 licensed
is GT FIA online?? looks pretty good...any one got any ideas?
S2 licensed
they do that in real life too...reverse them on the rigth side
S2 licensed
know what i dont like about simon is that he makes all of the D1 cars and claims them for his team and gets mad if u use it illepall
S2 licensed
hey becky i try to run the main program from u (LFS companion) and it says memory acces violation...what do i do??all i want is the back fire thing..can i just dowlaod the backfire??
S2 licensed
well in case u guys didnt see there is no black momo frex's for sale..iv seen ppl that do it there self so...
S2 licensed
yea thats what i want..i thnk ill unscrew the steering wheel get the wires and buttons out of inlets, the get a control box for those buttons and find a way to mout a steering wheel on it...good idea??
downloading patch P from patch U
S2 licensed
ok....i need to install patch P..i have patch U right now but i want to download patch P i down loaded it but i dont know what to do know...any ideas or do u have an experience of downloading an old patch??
S2 licensed
well i dont realy se any i like a plus none are a valible anymore and if they are no price..iv seen ppl have taken the stock one off and put on a wheel rom autozone or sumthin...thats what i want to do
monting a real steering wheel on momo
S2 licensed
ok guys...i was wondering how to mount a real steering wheel onto a momo ( black) steering wheel....i dont really have a clue how to do it if i could have some advice plz then thatd be great...
Last edited by carmaniac1993, .
XRT drag time..record??
S2 licensed
so guys...i was wondering what the best time of the 1/4 drag is...i got a 13.39(picture below)..anyone gotten better then 13.39?? just wondering so if i have the record i could feel good