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S2 licensed
I've been playing with music for the last 2 weeks and it's great. I find it gets me going, more into the game etc. I've been listening to Sirius (sat radio) on Octane (hard rock) streaming in the background at 50% vol and it blends well. Doesn't take anything away from the game. Howard Stern is fun too, just like driving to work but in my race frame!
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm not in a team or any leagues either so I'm usually up for casual longer races, but I don't like the look of those combos tbh. Sprint 1 would be a bad idea because there's no pitlane so half the cars (or more) wouldn't finish, XFR's a bit too quick (and probably too hard on its front tyres) for Cadet, and SO1 and Blackwood are just generally overused.

Good point on the lack of pit lane, forgot about that! Oh and I think I mixed up cadet with club? I'm at work and can't remeber them all off the top of my head!
[]*[] Racing, want to do longish race.
S2 licensed
I'm kinda bored with regular public online races. As well I don't have much time to dedicate to a team. So I'd like to do a long'ish race on Sunday (Nov 26th) at 11am. Anyone interested? If so please come to []*[] Racing and the poll win will be running. I'll do a 10min Qualy starting at 11am.

I'll only bother if response is worth it of course!
S2 licensed
SOUND! Nothing else matters!
S2 licensed
I'm running dedicated though. A friendly Redline guy told me it's via (1) or (2) in the conf so I'll give that a shot.
Colors for my server name
S2 licensed
How can I apply colors to my servers name?
S2 licensed
Quote :- and the easiest (i do that alot especially on not well known combos) right after the start drive on the side let all cars pass, watch them crashing pass them and enjoy the race

Since I'm relatively new to LFS this is what I've been doing quite a bit. I find I can pickup half a dozen spots after T1 by doing this. Instead of ending up upside down due to T1 madness!
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :I had a problem with XFR too that it just refused to play any sounds in that particular car. CSR re-install fixed it, I think this problem is related only the CSR - I tried changing the sound pack and it didn''t make any difference.

ps. yamakawa, anybody home?

Exactly. Anyway I checked into my MRT and it seems to be working fine now.
S2 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Yeah that should work. There may be some pitch issues. Anyway, why would you want to do that? My pack uses samples taken from a real Yamaha R6 recording for the MRT.

Oh damn! I have no CSR sounds playing for the MRT. I had this prob with the XFR too and a re-install of CSR fixed it. I've been using your pack from the moment I saw it available so I don't know what's up with the MRT now. I've just checked and I do see data in the MRT folder.
S2 licensed
What would it take to copy sounds from say XFR to MRT5 for now? Basically I can't drive any car in LFS without the new sounds so even if it's not legit or 'right' I gotta change them. Would I just rename all the files to MRT5_?
S2 licensed
Unfortunaly NFS Carbon doesn't actually 'support' driving. Your more or less watching a BRUTAL movie. Imagine they took the movie budget and put it into making the game fun?!

On another note, I can't get the G25 to be drivable in Carbon. Maybe it's the radius but it seems so on/off when it comes to steering. Either I'm WAY understeering or I'm way over.
S2 licensed
I've been using CSR for a few day's now, good stuff. I only have one prob though. I can't get XF GTR sounds to work. Well at least engine, seems gear changes are fine. I've tried re-loading and different sounds for it and nothing works. Any ideas? It's only this car.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcman :It works the other way around: the holes you see in the bottom are threaded to accept a M6X1 machine screw. The intent is to allow the Pedals to be attached to a board (counter sink the screw heads!), or attached to the metal frame of a sim seat. Please read the instructions (templets) to make sure you do not use too long a screw and damage the Top Case of your pedal set!

Ah I see that makes more sense. I notice the wheel has something similar on the base. I'll have to check this out some more!
S2 licensed
Has anyone screwed the pedals to the floor? I see holes that I think would accomodate this. I have my setup in a closet with a wood floor so I'd love to just screw them straight down. Worried about taking the cover off the pedals to do it though...
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :This is f--ked, I still haven't recieved my wheel and its been a bloody month, and like 2 weeks from them "recieving it" and now they won't recieve it until the 15th!. I wish there was another retailer in canada that had it as cheap.

What are you paying for your no show? I've had an order from Sept. at $234 but gave in and paid $279 and got it right away. In the end the diff would have been $25 because of tax shipping etc. One was local one wasn't.

Anyway I got it from here within 3 days: ... pid=011550&cid=PE.468
S2 licensed
Quote from daveb948576 :well i have been looking for a dfp who can give me the best price the pedals im not fussed about i have some pots here i can fit to them. PM me with a price bearing in mind im currently unemployed so be nice to me find out the postage cost aswell CO15 2LL. i do have a limit on what i am willing to spend on one so i can only say yes or no.

Dave did you not get my PM? My DFP is ready to ship as my G25 showed up today.
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :My dad will not let me forward a port to my computer from a router, because he doesn't know what I mean. So, today I tried to bypass the router and plug my computer directly into the modem. When I did this, the internet did not work. My question is, what MAC adress does our ISP verfiy? Does it check the MAC adress of the computer/router connected to the modem, or do they check the MAC adress of the modem? Because I logged in to the ISP website, and they had the MAC adress of the modem. But then why would I not be able to directly connect? illepall

Your dad needs to chill! Anyway when I take my router down and or use a diff router I have to cycle the power on the modem. I'm guessing the cable modem picks up and IP and assigns it to the current MAC of the router. So you want it to do it all again with your PC plugged in. Keep a software firewall turned on though if you do this, or you wont last too long.
S2 licensed
Local supplier (in Montreal) told me Oct. 5th for his distributor to have it.
Want to sell my DFP!
S2 licensed
Is it ok to post about it here? Don't know if we have rules on selling/buying?
S2 licensed
So my hardware is nothing spectacular, A3500, 1g, mish mash of SCSI and SATA drives, and a X700Pro.

I've setup a seat in a closet across from my desk though which I just love! 19" CRT w/ 5.1 crappy speakers and a pile of peripherals mashed in! This is hooked directly to my desk system and I swap the monitors.

From my desk I can pull down a curtain to cover it all up (curtain in the bacground)
S2 licensed
3. NFS1, everything after has been crap
2. FlatOut 2, fun as hell in an unrealistic way
1. LFS, just can't beat it.
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :Hellos, does anyone know the server owner? I was banned by somebody who does not know the rules. They told me to pull over and if I didn't they banned me. The same guy also tried to ban several others... He thought that if we did not obey when he said that we must pull over, then he was intitled to ban us.

In any case the server is fun and I would really like to play there again. However, now I'm banned for I don't know how long

Bottom line: Who is the server owner?

EXACT same thing happend to me. No rules explanation and it early and I didn't know what spec 1min meant. Duh...I got it RIGHT as the guy kicked me.
Stupid one! How to screenshot... [SOLVED]
S2 licensed
yea, can't find it in the manual...
S2 licensed
Just licensed LFS and loving it. Is there a beginners league or cup etc? I'd love to find a structured race as it seems just doing on line is mostly a mess.
S2 licensed
Ah thanks! Reason I asked is that site error 500'd on me on the last try. It's good now...