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LFS Manual (documentation)
S2 licensed
Since the above sticky is down or what not, does anyone have a copy of the manual they can send me or post up? I'd like to check it out and have it for reference etc.


(Just bought my S2 license!) :nod:
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I was thinking about it and I know what's wrong. The wheel is trying to do it's full rotation on bootup but the lock is in for 200 degrees so it can't make it around for 900. It's just knocking against the block for 200...

Not that it helps me any!
DFP Prob.
S2 licensed
Out of nowhere my 4 day old DFP is acting up. Left light blinks and the wheel goes all the way right and every 5 seconds or so the force tries to push it right some more. Can't get it to do anything else...

Any ideas?
S2 licensed
You've found the right one. The DFP is made for the PS2, but it works on the PC. Thanks to where you'll need to grab the Logitech Gaming Software 4.60. Sometimes the download link seems dead so you might wana hit that program here: ... aming_Software_d4584.html
S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :Those pedals look like they belong to an airplane rather than a car.

There designed to be used as rudder pedals ya, since CH is a flight sim company more than anything. They are adjustable from rudder to car pedal though. I'm just thinking that down the road my DFP pedals can become handbrake and clutch and these for brake/gas.
Seperate pedals
S2 licensed
Does anyone here use a seperate setup for pedals? These are looking pretty slick, but expensive I guess.
S2 licensed
What pisses me off is the amount of positive reviews online about this wheel. I couldn't find a single bad work about it so I figured it would be worth it over the DFP pedal issues. Figures all these sites talk like there getting paid by Saitek...
S2 licensed
Answered my own question today. Had a DFP as a loaner and bought this R440 today to comapre. What a joke. The Saitek is just an all around POS compared to a DFP. Terrible wheel feel, fairly crappy force, and the pedals have almost no resitance. Taking it back tomorrow for a DFP...
What about Saitek?
S2 licensed
I'm in the market for a new wheel and am considering the Logi Momo, DFP, and maybe the Saitek R440 ( It looks chezzy as most Saitek stuff does but seems to get good reviews. I'm worried about the pedal problems the Logi's are prone too.

As well I'm considering nailing down a Act Labs RS off ebay. I haven't noticed a mention of it on these boards. Does anyone have one? I always figured it to be the best, even better than the Red Momo.