getting better, but i often get a "crash to desktop" or even "crah to "computer off"" most cases @ changing windowed > full screen mode ...(got newewst driver updates n everithing else is fine , but W2K!)illepall
that was in almost every version since s2 came out...local prob?
(no...the grfx card doesnt overheat, its active-coooled)
maybe some of u came across same probs this can be annoying...very !
go contack iamkoyote or mr.boombastic, they modded some php 4 that reason, i combination with a "cronjob" ( is it a pleasant tool ... maybe 4 ur purposes, tooo...just ask one of them guys ...
complete crap...simulation, freax n fans, ...i dont think u can go out on any racetrax in the world, maybe 4 a dayracing or smthg (dont remember right word, hope u understand) and say: hey, lez cut it here, get this part of the corner elvated and so on... i think we all are comfortable with the given trax n cars.... btw...the stats pages and mhr, hlranking and so on would expand 2 blow up...illepall
also, this would make it necessary to change game code massivly, as the trax we´re driving @ atm, are generated on client side, only preferences, like weather and so on, are downloaded from masterserver (i hope i got that right in mind...)
aha...just a stoopid question in between: is it possible 2 set them (2)screens, so one is the "view of driver" and the other is "view of co driver"?
(no space here for 3rd monitor, no phys.and no 3rd port on gfxcard)...didint find "2048*768" resolution 2 choose somewhere... ?!?!:noob: in multiscreening
u can also use corel draw/photopaint, done that @ work, u gotta get used 2 it...
using photoshop @ home, iz much more comfortable 2 me ("learned" photoshop some years ago)