erhm, yeah, good job, more fps, less "BUG: tooo much physics stuff on track" is displayed, wheel worx proper again (maybe this is caused by w2k), english n german language work excellent...
y the colouring button 4 text changed, i wondered, why ^1! didnt give a red ! till i read it somewhere...found out yesterday, it worx with mouse, too
have it here, FF is great...u can adjust in LFS and! in logitech software.
its quite powerful, if both were set to FULL...driving like this is training for ur arms or it destructs ur desk
...and bunnys, hopping over track from time to time, so if u dont react, ur gonna crash it :lol: D:
While racing, the pit girls mentioned above, can take care of the poor bunnys... hahahahahaha
I just saw some of them in this forum!!! w8tch out
will there be any "smoke" coming out of the exhaust and , most important, will there be backfire (would be QL in combination with the nightmod/lighting stuff
just save as .txt and rename to wmv/mpg (whatever it is/was) or let ur browser show u all characters n stuff, then u save site as..(menu>file) and name it with extension. I think this should work
messed up brain in combination with other "brainsmashers"
no free time
better reaction in real traffic
better shrt n long englich (forum + inSIM)
4 year old daughter that drives FE(short one) only 7or 8 seconds slower than me (25% ffb @ wheel)...
lot more mechanical/setup knowledge