What else do you play
(114 posts, started )
#1 - Myst
What else do you play
As this is off topic,

just thought out of curiosity i'd ask what other games people play or is it all LFS/Driving types?

Personally i have just got into LFS and blummin good it is.

Personally, i play 2 types of games, flight sims -Air attack the main one which is free to get and play online (old but good) & IL2 which is ultra realistic on hardest settings.

The other is call of Duty, an excellent FPS which we run a few servers for different mods of the game.

Beyond that as i am getting on, i play a lot of old classic retrogames mainly for the speccy.
I used to be heavy into nascar 2003 in the S1 days, but once s2 came out its pretty much just been that...
right now, only managerzone (www.managerzone.com)

a management (hockey and football) browsergame
I play quite alot of different games:



IL2 + AEP + PF. I love it allthough, during large airfights over the fleet, my comp gets stuttering a lot


I used to play a lot Red Orchestra (in the "famous" clan [-project.twilight-]) But it gt boring after 1 1/2 years

Just started Playing Gothic 2 again

Once in a while I log on to my World of Warcraft Char... but I will not continue paying for it, as it is really boring once you reach the lvl 60cap and do nothing else than farm for items...

I play Bet on Soldier, which is quite enjoyable after applying a 800 Megs Patch.
#5 - avih
Just installed Psychonauts lately. Looks quite fun to play with but I've only played it very little so far. Before that I've played the Splinter Cell series. quite good.
Pro Evolution Soccer 4, with all the real teams and players. Also with Logitech Rumblepad 2
Battlefield 2, few times a week.
Also Call of Duty, tho nowadays very rarely, but when Call of Duty 2 is released it might be a different story.
Well, aswell as LFS, I have been heavily into MS Flightsim since 2000, sometimes I am known to dabble in CS:Source and BF2, and also play an awfull lot of other sims, in particular GTR, RBR, IL2 and all its expansions, aswell as GT4 on the PS2.

#8 - Myst
I havent been able to get into either CS or BF2, have them both, but they are just gathering dust. BF2 to me is just Desert Combat with nicer gfx.

Need to play Il2 more though, just seems too many games but no time to fit them all in any longer - trouble when you have demanding kids/wife/job etc (well the 1st two anyway)
i dont play mayn other games, lfs just takes too much pratice.

sometimes im playing america's army or until uru, both quite different from lfs.

last offline game i played was earth 2160 and im eagerly awaiting myst v - end of ages, wondering that you didnt mention it with your nickname. will be the only time im absent from lfs.
#10 - Myst
Myst is just a shortened version of Mysteron m8, nothing to do with the game.
More just from being a kid and watching Captain Scarlet & Mysterons on the TV.
i should watch more english cartoons (??) then.
i used to play alot of different games once..

but now i stick to just a couple

Call Of Duty :UO
LFS S2 Alpha
There are 3 games installed in my computer: LFS, Richard Burns Rally and Operation Flashpoint GOTY with some mods.
#14 - avih
Quote from R3DMAN :i used to play alot of different games once..

but now i stick to just a couple

Call Of Duty :UO
LFS S2 Alpha

FarCry was pretty cool to complete. great game
currently nothing. just stopped playing gtr, coz s2 rocks
Unreal Tournament
Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat (BF2 wouldn't run, I have got a GeForce 4 graphics card)
C&C Generals
I picked up Microsoft Flight simulator 2004 about a week before S2 alpha was released. I flew it around for that week, then got my S2 license. Haven't really had anything openned up on the PC but S2 since then (including non gaming programs).
#18 - Myst
Quote from Wiehrwolf :Unreal Tournament
Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat (BF2 wouldn't run, I have got a GeForce 4 graphics card)
C&C Generals

I loved the 1st C&C and then Red Alert 1 and 2, used to have a small Lan plying it almost 48 hours non-stop - havent been able to get into Generals at all - it seemed to have lost its way a bit, even though graphically its a bit better.

Starcraft was good (might have to get that out again)

Total Anhilation was also good, and very underated
I only really have time for BF2 and LFS at the moment, and neither get much attention

I started life as a QuakeWorld nut (yes, that original quake mod ), and progressed after a while to Unreal Tournament (I took my time). I'm a gamer at heart
Operation Flashpoint, Dangerous Waters, Richard Burns Rally, OpenTTD, Doom Legacy, Alpha Centauri, Heroes of Might & Magic 3, some C64 and Amiga games with emulators... Good games are quite rare nowdays
Quote from Kegetys :Good games are quite rare nowdays

Very true I was made to give up EVE: Online recently, for 2 reasons - the girl or EVE, and for my own health Now that is a gorgeous game, for gameplay and eye candy

As a rule for me, if it hasnt got MultiPlayer, then I'm not playing!
whats this word "play" you speak of? last time i entered the track for a race was too long ago (ok a few days ago, but before that it was weeks).

if someone invents a device to either slow time down or add 10 hours in a day please tell me
now I play more to Rome Total War than to LFS :P
waiting for the add-on , but I would prefer playing the S2 full
The only games i really play now are S2 Alpha, Battlefield 2, and a little bit of Counter Strike here and their.
Quote from dUmAsS :whats this word "play" you speak of? last time i entered the track for a race was too long ago (ok a few days ago, but before that it was weeks).

if someone invents a device to either slow time down or add 10 hours in a day please tell me


I've invented one. And I've told you I invented it. So I've satisfied that part of the deal...

Of course, I'm not going to let any old tart use it :P

What else do you play
(114 posts, started )