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S2 licensed
Quote from OldBloke :We run an S2 'V' server and, unless I'm mistaken, this is compatible with any 'U' or 'V' client.

Assuming this is so, does this mean that clients running versions prior to 'U25' will still see the "LEFT pit lane" and "ENTERED pit lane" that were removed in that version?

If this is the case then could I request that hosts have the ability to enforce the minimum client version required to join a server so that we can ensure a level playing field for our guests?

S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :when you press the button it starts a vote, even if your admin

When I press the button, it says "Are you sure you want to ban [name]?" and you can press Yes or No. When I press Yes, they are banned.
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Fair points there. However, according to the Mayans, armageddon will arrive in 2012, and I would like to have a couple years of racing S3 before we leave for Mars. Besides, 3 years from now, I'm probably still gonna be on my P4 2.6 with my 9800 AIW, so the graphics in LFS are the only game graphics I'm likely to see anyway.

Not if they improve the graphics in LFS.
S2 licensed
How do I set a signature that appears on every post that I make?
S2 licensed
Quote from niffer022 :used to dual boot, but vista seamed stable enough to run as main o/s... oh well

You could try the Virtual Machine - I think VMWare is free to use for 30 days and there's a Microsoft one as well.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :I've run the LFS dedicated server on much lower specc'ed machines - assuming the laptop isn't doing much else, that should be perfectly fine

Just make sure the laptop is not running off batteries, otherwise it will run slower.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :I totally agree with you that false starts, more tracks, better physics, etc is more important than graphics. However; keep in mind that S2 is still in alpha right now. We can assume that it will be quite a while before it's in beta and then another long while before it's final, then a LONG while after that before we see S3. So, even though the graphics are "good enough" right now, three years from now they're going to look pretty raggedy when everyone is running ultra high resolution with infinite view distance and all cars on high detail with full polygon counts. However; if the devs lay a good foundation the textures can be improved immensely. The community has already done a lot of the work in that regard but the tracks need better texture mapping for things to really improve much past what's already done. Also, don't forget about other graphical improvements like animated flag marshalls, people and objects in the pits, windshields that get dirty or cracked, etc. It's not all about textures. Better graphics = improved immersion. That is what is important to me.

I think updating the graphics would be more important than the physics.
S2 licensed
You can drift with the Default setups with a bit of practice.
S2 licensed
Quote from p137-009 :what this game setup web is good??give me please!!because I saw which web is about this game setup.
S2 licensed
Just type !wheelie while you are in a race.
S2 licensed
Quote from fazza430 :when i race the ufr on city long the right front tyre wears within seconds and i cant really drive i a full lap
would the reason behind this be because of my setup
because my setup is extremely fast when i can get the car to corner, if the tyre doesnt puncher
any ideas?

It could be that your engine is running too hot.
S2 licensed
Quote from d6nn :little jump.

Nice crashes.
S2 licensed
In the Car Park, there always seems to be parts where you fall through the ground and into blackness, and get stuck. This seems to have been happening for ages, is it actually a bug?
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Vote-ban lasts only one day.

Even if you are the admin?
S2 licensed
Go to your LFS Folder --> Data --> Ogg and then put any .ogg music file in there and it will be in the game.
S2 licensed
Quote from Flycantbird :I would imagine more car physics, possibly sound reworks, for beta.
At least one new track location ( with many configs) would be great.

Some type of server function that would prohibit people from crashing, then pulling directly out in front of the on coming pack of people still racing would be huge.

I guess we'll find out when we find out

It wouldn't be very realistic then though.
S2 licensed
Just click on the button that says 'Ban' next to their name, it's much easier!
Dacosta's Destruction Derby
S2 licensed
You could try turning off some services by going to Run --> Services.msc. Make sure you close any CPU-heavy background programs (e.g. Norton Antivirus).
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
What are the fups?
S2 licensed
Quote from bejs machine :Hi guys, I have recently installed LFS V on my computer and chose the full installation, it downloaded ok and when i started it all fonts appear as squares =/, and everything has no skins, anyone know what has happened?

Try downloading it again, and if it doesn't work, check that your system fonts are installed correctly etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from niffer022 :no that didnt work, this time i got blue screen of death :o

im tempted to get rid of vista and put xp back in..

You could try dual booting with Windows XP and Windows Vista, or get a Virtual Machine and run Windows XP on that.
S2 licensed
Quote from niffer022 :just buy ultimate then, the complete package....

Doesn't it cost over £400?