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Congratulations with your new line up, that's quite a strong force for sure : D
S2 licensed
Quote from Rudy van Buren :What can you expect from a old wr what was done in 2 tries

and being drunk, having fever, just been running 3 km's, being tired etcetc ..

but well done italians, good picture there too
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :So far the worst have been the karters

oh, come on
S2 licensed
Another warm message for niki! Congrats!
S2 licensed
Quote from Chriskart :1ST » Racing

1ST » R. vd Kooij (Team leader)
1ST » K. Malcomson
1ST » P. Mäekivi
1ST » H. Piiriste
1ST » A. Barbu
1ST » K. Østvold
1ST » C. Krognes
1ST » L. de Wit
1ST » T. Arends
1ST » A. Terrahe
1ST » T. Douven
1ST » C. Roescher
1ST » R. Diederen
1ST » M.Lehnert
1ST » T.Vedenoja
1ST » S.Weingran

Since i wrote this post, we at F1RST Racing has undergone a few changes:

(Nickname/LFSW name)

R. vd Kooij (traxxion) - teamleader
F1RST A. Terrahe (appiepils_) - co teamleader
F1RST S. Weingran (fapex)
F1RST P. Mäkeivi (priitmek)
F1RST H. Piiriste (lastpunisher)
F1RST J. Nieminen (RamboJorGen)
F1RST P. Kubinji (m4verick)
F1RST B. Bouma (Darkone55)
F1RST L. De Wit (kartboy)
F1RST A. Roque (Rocabiliz)
F1RST T. Arends (thommm)
F1RST M. Lehnert (bratwurst)
F1RST R. Van Buren (Rudy Van Buren)
F1RST T. Vedenoja (Teaz-r)
F1RST C. Roescher (Kaspur)
F1RST M. Brunzel (Maddin15)
F1RST C. Krognes (Chriskart)

As you see , some people has left, some have joined We also changed our website design since this post, check it out at!

Cya on the track guys!
S2 licensed
As i see it, LFS uses so much CPU power compared to GPU. I only upgraded my own cpu from an old 2.8 Ghz Pentium 4 to a C2D 2.4 ghz, and could set all settings to max right away (including aa/af)! Formerly i had low textures on, low level of detail on all elements, and of course no aa/af. Huge difference, only on the CPU (around 60 - 100 fps increase)!

The ballance between gpu and cpu became better with the last patch, but with the new and well performing graphic cards we have today, i think the developers could still make LFS more GPU thirsty
S2 licensed
With mouse as well, i might add.
S2 licensed
Quote from arco :exactly.

There Are Automatic Gears In Real Life That's Faster Than Manual Gearing. Anyway, To Keep Hotlapping Fair, Each Method Should Be Equally Fast. Or We Need Separate Hotlap Lists For Each Method.

S2 licensed
Quote from ChristijaNL :Thanks for the event F1RST and specially fapex, first race was alot of fun. Second was spoiled by one of your members , but good to know for the future

Sad to hear :/
I had 2 very entertaining races! Was way off pace the whole way, so i had some problems keeping everyone behind me after a lucky qualifying practise

Especially the 2nd race was fun, i was fighting in absolutely all of the 18 laps we drove! Congratulations to Pallukka with some really convincing driving with his mouse :P Thanks to fapex again, really enjoyed this event : )
S2 licensed
He's found a very good ballance point between rushing/not rushing the tyres i guess Vincper's allways been extremely fast in this car, plus he's got a lot more milage than you currently do (thread starter).

As you haven't posted any replay, it's difficult to say what you're doing wrong.. However, just take it easy as no one will evr be able to pull off such fast laps as the top 5 guys with little experience in the car. Take it step by step, check the cornering and (especially) the exit speeds in your own replays compared to the top driver's ones. If you do so, i think you'll have a natural progress over time

EDIT: I'm obviously a bit late, good luck anyway :P
S2 licensed
Going to be superexciting to watch this competition! Great that it eventually became international as well, very tight among the top 5/10 drivers there i guess

Best of luck to all!
S2 licensed
Ray and René said it already, Cyber was indeed the stars of LFS when i entered as well. Still, the drivers were allways fairplayers, helping out with sets and tactics - even if you were a direct opponent to them. Definitely a team that deserved all the respect it had the latest years!

Very sorry to hear this, i hope though that i'll see some of you guys on the track soon
S2 licensed
Congrats spdo both with your new drivers and the birthday!
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Super signing! congratulations Merc and Mike = )
S2 licensed
congratulations both
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :It actually had very little cambers compared to others and quite a bit less than the set I had made in the hour before the race. :P

Aij damn, they got quite hot anyhow towards the end of race 1
Congrats Rambo, well deserved win! : ) Shame bag got his damage though, else it'd be a real exciting fight
S2 licensed
If you're not racing in leagues and organized events who generally likes pick-up racing at public servers, then i'd say no.
On the other side, if you're into the above mentioned i think a good team could add a lot more to your experience with lfs. It also gives you access to great leagues like MoE and BOTT, where you can drive against the best of the best out there..

Before i joined a team i was generally bored about lfs - it was the same thing all the time, just driving around with peaople i got to know through public racing. I enjoyed it but it was boring over a long term.. When i then finally was lucky enough to join up with a good team i was introduced to a whole new level of simracing. Suddenly you got to know heaps of fast guys through leagues and such, and i immediately felt like my interest and motivation went up a lot!

Also, lots of teams communicates through teamspeak while racing, which adds some more excitement into the race itself. Before events it's often useful to create special teamsetups for that little extra speed, making tactics and discuss the set with other teammembers.. A team will probably give you lots of new elements to handle, and much of it is probably just like a real life team would operate.

However, it depends on both the team's/your motivation and what you want to do
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :Sorry noodles, wrote it in a hurry, I meant to say it was his Quali set.

;P I was kind of wondering if your super aggressive cambers was put so intentionally while speccing the race..

@ Kaynd - shame to hear, let's hope for a better day next time!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :
Race 1, was pretty good, I had one of Hannus sets which I thought was for the race, but it was his race set....

Dude, whats funny about that?
S2 licensed
Looked quite good to me, allthough a few really fast guys suffered from some damage in the second race. Reversing the whole gread might seem a bit much, but never the less it really offered some excitement for the overall win..

You gotta be smart and wait for the right moments, looked like there were a few who got especially nicely rewarded for this

Great race to watch anyhow, i guess fapex will put the replays here soon : )
S2 licensed
Remember guys; the grid will be reversed for the 2nd race! If you've crashed, timed out or so you'll have a second chance!
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S2 licensed
Been reading allmost the whole thread now, and it's really nice to see how the progress has been. V1 looks like a really serious and well organized thing which i think will find a good race driver in these three chaps

As for the discussion going on about dedication and interest towards racing, i think Alans version is a bit too simplified, allthough most people can afford for example a kart. Remember that just buying a kart often ain't even half the cost of a racing season and you have to be able to keep your machine at a resonably good condition at all times, as there are very few people who wins with a kart which is not kept up to date, or looks and is like a wreck to drive... All this together often requires a push and support from either family or other people.

However, it looks like most of the guys at this forum tends to only mention their parents when there is talks about economic problems, but ain't there any other people in the world who could help you out? I know myself it's not easy to ask relatives in your family or even people you don't know about support economically, but if you believe in yourself, and think you can get far, why not just do it? It'll never hurt anybody to ask

I'm not trying to be harsh or ignorant here, just trying to find solutions

I started racing karts in 2002, and bought a well used little racer for 1900 euros included racing gear at the midsummer. I gotta mention that i had support from my family back then, and i'm really forver thankful for that! Anyway, the engine we used could go 8-10 hours at maximum performance, the tyres could go half the summer with lots of practise, and luckily enough there were allways 30 - 50 karts on the starting grid in each event in this particular category. After a very good 2003 season, me and dad made a list of 30 - 40 companies we saw as possible sponsors for the next season. We wanted to move up in the categories, and to race in an international category we'd have no chance with a regular family budget of ours. We got 10 sponsors out of the 40, who allmost covered the whole 2004 season, and we'd built up a good network of contacts. You know... one head of a company knows other guys who we could possbly ask, or they even have tips on how to present ourselves differently or in better ways to the sponsors. Even the companies who said no had really valuable words to us, which we've used ever since..

Today i am 17 years old, and i'm racing at a top european level with a factory team from Italy. Our sponsors and the team covers up most of the season, while my family use money for 2 races up here in Norway. We arrange special karting days for our sponsors, letting the fastest of them try real racing karts, making homepages, doing sponsor work every, exericising every day and so on.. Also, i started to cooperate with another former LFS member who's also in the same team. That has really made things a lot easier for us, as one deal with press releases , another make graphics for homepages, pictures, sponsor calendars and so on.. That might as well be a tip for those who are willing to try to start up racing

Generally, be creative! Send in notes and pictures to your local newspaper on your results, motorsport magazines and more. There's allways things you can do in order to get attention on yourself. After all, you have to be a bit of an egoist to get the spotlights on yourself within motorsports.

And please, i'm really not trying to put my own career thing on the table here, it's just to give you an example (and maybe a few tips)on how we dealt with the economic problems that most usually have to face during their career. We're still only on a karting level though, and moving up to cars or formulas is the next step (Thought, that's way more expensive at a professional level). Via V1racer you guys have got an unique chance of really getting your careers going! Don't waste this on a 50% effort, eat the right food, exericise regurarly (The norwgian olympic centre says every 16 year old top artist should exericise a minimum of 20 hours a week), get a job which doesn't require too much time, and find ways to make yourself even better and professional as a racing driver. Remember that you are the object the sponsors want to support

Just to give some support on Alans recent posts, the kart is a very simple car to handle. After a couple of practises, you can easily handle the thing yourself... Most of the karts now even has electric start, so you won't even need help to push it to practise. Also, at most of the tracks there are a whole load of very friendly people at all ages who can help you out if you have problems!

Good luck guys, i'm looking forward to see how this goes further on!
Last edited by Chriskart, .
S2 licensed
\ o /

Good luck both of you
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :(...), you have to be agressive to be fast..

That might just be the problem. I usually found myself driving faster when trying to take it slightly easier around each corner, as aggressive driving often results in more unconsistant driving/more minor errors, thus higher tyre temps.. It's all a ballance of course, and the limit there is different for every driver

I haven't tested the XFR in the new patch, so i'd say try flotch's suggestions. It sounds like you're on some kind of a old hotlap set, which naturally would come with quite low tyrepressures : )