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S2 licensed
Hey Viper, to directly answer your question i don't think it'll make you a worse karter at all. 900 or 90 degrees, when yoo sit down in a kart you should be quite familiar with it by the first meter

To answer the other people here about what i've experienced, i won't say it gave me much advantage speed wise, though there might be things that i don't know of.. : ) Being an active driver for 7 years now, i think karting is so different as it has no suspension, and i feel much more comfortable when i can feel g-forces and so on... I think i've got more benefits from this game from a mental point of view, as you're put in racing situations just like in real life. Your opponents are thinking strategies, just as you, and i see lots of the same patterns on real life karting tracks and races as in lfs
S2 licensed
congrats ducky, saw this coming ages ago though
S2 licensed
Hey guys, results are posted further down this post ; )

First of all i got to say thanks to all attending! Allthough this didn't turn out excactly how we wanted, i really think all of you did a great job under the circumstances we had : )

I admit i did a big mistake with just coming into the server and totally change the quali format, allthough i thought i did the procedure we were supposed to use. With one lap qual, i thought we were all going to join the track at once, doing a qualifying lap each.
Fapex had obiously the other format in mind, which i now realise would have been better and more tidy. I came straight in from 5 hours straight work and wanted to just start the whole thing up at once, so sorry for that

However, i hope some of you had fun though, as that was the intention with this race
I think the reversed grid worked quite well for the second race, allthough i heard others had different opinions.. This requires really strict and fair driving from everyone, which is quite hard in a race situation i guess. Everyone wants to win of course, and it looked to me that most drivers generally respected each others very well in the fighting situations we had today.

I'm already looking forward to do this next year as well, as i honestly think it's a good thing to gather some good racers for a "end of year contest" like this. I've learnt lots today, and i will most likely put up a thing like this next year as well if there are any interest for it. With clear rules and good preorganising, it should be a good race for everyone?

Anyone got any ideas/critism to come with? I'd like to know everything you have in mind, as things can only be turned out to the better next year


Time to honour the winners of todays event!


1. (\/) R.Mooney - 5 pts
2. 1ST » B.Bouma - 5 pts
3. 1ST » C.Krognes - 13 pts
4. cP DaveWS - 13 pts
5. (\/) S.Franke - 14 pts
6. cyber|misko - 17 pts
7. [dSRC] dodo.ger - 17 pts
8. [XFR] Xenoa - 19 pts
9. ®Alex - 23 pts
10. n1 J.Silvo - 25 pts
11. n1 J.Toikka - 30 pts
12. [FM]troy
13. Kei.O Siim - 33 pts
14. n1 T.Kuhanen - 33 pts
15. 1ST » J.Nieminen - 34 pts
16. 1ST » M.Lehnert - 37 pts
17. cP N I K I - 37 pts
18. 1ST » P.Mäekivi - 38 pts
19. spdo huppis - 40 pts
20. (\/) G.Swan - 43 pts
21. c4R|kirill - 43 pts
22. 1ST » H.Piiriste - 44 pts
23. ®Worm - 46 pts
24. [FM]laudi - 48 pts
25. spdo kill3r - 50 pts
26. fusion.kaw - 51 pts

Race 1 Results
Race 2 Results

Superfast and consistantly driven by Bawbag again, congrats!
Also congratulations to [FM]troy for winning the second race, after a really unlucky first race. Great comeback!

I'll see if i can put up some stats tomorrow : )

Thanks for today guys,
Last edited by Chriskart, .
S2 licensed
Changed the track/car to the right ones. In case anyone wonders, we're using test - patch x36 (or latest one released)
S2 licensed
Quote from sidi :Has anyone got a server up for this as i could do with practicing against real ppl.

At the moment, we don't have any server specified towards this combo. Combo options and so on should be adjustable ingame in the "F1RST Racing" server though, might drop a visit there if you want

As a reminder, i'll send out the passwords tomorrow, so check your inbox then ; )
Last edited by Chriskart, .
S2 licensed
Allright, thanks for the notes guys. We'll add the attending reserves to the list asap
S2 licensed
Quote from Kirill.D :Ok, i did 1:13.81 after a lot of practice Am i in now ?

That's more than enough
Fapex has had some partyfever lately, i'll talk make him correct the first post asap
S2 licensed
Woch, thanks for all the positive response!

Just to add, all the pm's will be sent 24 hours before the event here, so check out your inbox by then
I will send this to both unsure racers as well as the already confirmed ones. The confirmed drivers will of course have prior over the "unsure list" drivers, if the server gets filled up before the start : )

Cya on the 22nd guys!
S2 licensed
\ o :clapclap:
S2 licensed
Better get it working tomorrow then

As Primoz said, 13 high/14 low are all decent times. The reason why we've put these "restrictions" into the event, is quite much for your own fun. Driving here and being 3 seconds off pace is quite boring (which none within this thread is btw), and not very motivating all in all
S2 licensed
You're more than welcome : )

As i said, this event is purely based on fun
S2 licensed
Just some quick opinions about this from my point og view.

I was lucky enough to be handed out an invite for the international etm, but kinda had the feeling that i think most UK guys have now.. We were told that we would have official skins, numberplates, everything was gonna be planned and executed in time etc etc. All this appeared on the website in the last
minute, and i think the whole bunch of racers who was going to participate in this was quite unsure abut the whole series. It looked quite unprepared, and the general feeling within the F1RST team was that this was indeed rushed up...

Luckily, all drivers has so far shown really nice dedication and motivation towards etm, and i can tell you that i really enjoy being a part of this now. Live streams are good (tho, stop eating jo :razz, information has become good, races are great, nice reports on the website, admins are doing a great job overall, providing support whenever you need it.

I'm driving in etm purely for fun, and i did honestly not know much about those prizes before i opened this thread today

All i can say is that this league is indeed wip atm, but it has only changed to the better so far. It's definately a league i will spend time on, also in the future
S2 licensed
Hope you have time indeed : ) Very nice grid so far! Thanks guys!
S2 licensed
Thanks guys!

The more people the better, so tell all your teamies/friends/enemies
S2 licensed
Was kinda expecting this Ray

This list has been reserved the "hotlappers" the latest few years, nice with some change
S2 licensed

Congrats to you both. Any possibility for him being norwegian/chinese?
Two new driver additions at F1RST Racing!
S2 licensed
Some may have noticed this already, but i'll post it here anyway

Within the latest month F1rst Racing has signed two new drivers;
After leaving F1RST in the spring of 2007 due to other commitments, "Bas Bouma" (Lfsworld: Darkone55) found the time and the commitment to be active again. We are happy to see Bas return as our 'open wheel wonder boy', and he's a great addition to our already diverse team.
The second driver joined us within the last week, who's name is Martin Brunzel. He's been a multiple wr holder in LFS world ever since the physics update, under the username "Maddin15".
The 16 year old driver has shown great attitude and motivation during the latest period of time, and we're definately proud of having him onboard.

You'll recognize them as 1ST » B.Bouma and 1ST » M.Brunzel on public servers : )

On behalf of the whole team, Welcome!
Last edited by Chriskart, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :
Some questions I have here:
1. If there is prizemoney involved, would you pay a little fee for a season?
2. What type of racing would you prefer? Sprints of 30 mins, longer races? open wheel or GT racing? Or both?
3. What prizey would be needed to get you "hot" to definitely taking part in this?
4. What else could you think of?

1. I wouldn't mind paying a little fee at all. As long as the league is seriously organized.

2. Allthough i didn't drive in the first ESCC season, i really think the "5 laps sprint race" and "30 laps feature race" sounds cool. They both gives different types of racing, as the sprint race naturally will be more intense, you'll loose more on mistakes etc. Too long races are boring afterwards if it's too much of it, but still needed as a part of each race imo.
As for the cars, i'd like to keep it to one class, but it's no huge deal. No rl league involves many different car types today, but it could of course, make the whole league more interesting and pay out to the best overall driver.

3. Prize money ain't that important, but rather that the league collects many and good drivers from all levels. The old days with 80 drivers competing seems difficult to reach now though... Maybeh some prizes could highen the amount of drivers anyway
For those prizes, we should maybe have a different system from what it is today? Prizes for the best teams, runner ups etc, as it seems that people who is around midfield, loose their motivation through a long season
S2 licensed
woooo, good you found a team audi, and a very nice one it seems!

S2 licensed
That's an amazing progress on ur career norbi!
Congrats so much!
S2 licensed
Quote from Doorman :
As we say on Dead Men Racing "Racing is a non-contact sport"

Actually, i would say racing is kinda a contact sport(depends on the class of course. In real life, bumping into each other is kinda much more reliable than within lfs where we have connection lag.

The difference in lfs is between taking risky chances and be calm and wait for the right moment. This is difficult for everyone i believe, as it's in our nature to pass slower cars I must admit that i like taking chances sometimes, and if i fail, i usually say sorry quite quickly. If we don't take any chances, we'll never learn how to overtake in a proper way. All this depends on where you are in the race of course. I allways give it a chance if i'm fighting for the lead

I guess this is something you and me learn afterwards, i'm not crashing and bumping around that much as when i started with lfs at least(i hope)
Last edited by Chriskart, .
S2 licensed
This is my setups for the mentioned combo.
the _r set is a race set which lasts about 30 laps, while _q is for qualifying
S2 licensed
Grats (again) bugbag!
S2 licensed
Quote from Adampell :Let me tell you, I have a Rotax. Its a 125cc Senior. BEASTLY! 80 - 90, wouldnt like to think how fast it can get to that either.

Been doing karting since I was 8 - 9, im now 16. So I have experience, its a beast.

Would love to see a kart on here. Maybe do a few different classes too, 100cc TKM, 125cc Rotax Senior and maybe something like a 250cc gearbox(BEAST). Would be nice if it could be done in later versions, would be alot of work though, they handle VERY different to cars.

Here is my baby . Progressed from a litte Coma, think there like 60cc, to a 125 Junior, then onto a Senior. Senior has a power valve on the back, give you a few seconds extra per lap, depending on your weight.

If it's a beast people are looking for here, why not make a KZ2(ICC)?
125cc, 6 gears transmission with 0-100 km/h on around 2.7 seconds

This year it was a global change regarding engines as 100cc was replaced with 125cc engines. KF1 replaced FA, KF2 ICA and so on...
These engines are also very powerfull, laptimes are around 1 sec faster on every track driven in Italy this year compared to last year.
I would guess that rotax is some secs behind this again.

Also, as someone here mentioned, if karts would be implemented to LFS somewhere in the future, i would love to see the (old) 100cc engines.
20000+ rpm, choking and carburator adjustings as the humidity and so on changes while racing is quite entertaining!

All this do require good karting tracks though, i would think that a kart even on fe club woud be quite boring.
Now, this is most likely a long time job, as with todays physics engine it's not possible to get the physics on a kart right(?). Wouldn't see it coming in s2
Last edited by Chriskart, .