not really. on the huayra video there is a bit of contact after last turn. it seemed to be handeled pretty well. It's still too sensitive (they said) and they'll be tweaking it.
I read it, and I think (if mein Deutsch doesn't suck too much) that it means that they are going to release it when it's done (no ETA). it's just that they will not wait till friday to release it if it's done.
I wouldn't call it a miracle. good games tend to live a very long life. like CS1.6 which is still going. why? the game is good and has a great competitive or fun aspect where people simple come back for. Same goes for LFS. Same goes for rollercoaster tycoon
it destroys the championship, because it's usually a wreck fest. If it stayed in the championship it would scare those away who don't like to depend on luck