so you are talking stuff without knowing for sure what happened. You post something what happened 4 months ago on a random moment in public, not over pm. you are just trying to get LLM their reputation down. There are moments where calling someone an idiot is right. here's one.
even if he squeezed him a bit, that is not a reason to turn into him. also, tom turned right, but bennani turned more. causing tom to crash into the wall. when contact was made bennani had the choice of not turning right and keep turning him
only in you eyes you are a dick defending your lead position. Tom already straighten his car out when he got hit in the REAR, when he felt that bump you can see him steer to the right, but bennani also started turning right. obviously his fault
it doesn't make anyone's bad behavior less bad. some drivers do more bad things than others, but that's just a severe case of being human.
why the kingsburys get most of the shait:
1-they are well known
2-they speak up when they don't agree with something
3-because of 2, they also have some clashes with each other (which is facking hilarious)
4-they are midfield drivers, guess where drivers like velikov and botev are... putting them and LLM together is like hot oil. any tiny spark sets it on fire.
5-they have bad internet connection