130 is the going price. even 2nd hand. check ebay and google shop. there is lower prices but always out of stock. and what good is finding a lower priced G25 if it's out of stock.
you should use a crop tool and manually shake the shot. but with the angle you're using, having the camera shake would look wrong as the position of the camera would suggest that it's a TV camera. best place to use the shake effect is on curb cams or onboard.
i guess taking sarcasm as gospel is a good way of trolling. if you're starting to take sarcasm literally, then maybe it's time you stopped reading these forums?
apparently, if you go over 88mph in any car, you can time travel. that's why the national speed limit is 70mph. the government know that if it was any higher, they'd be risking another blitz. but England might win the world cup again. it's a dark science.
this is when the girl is on her knees syphoning your life force. when you're about to blow, pull out of her mouth and arrive in your hand. while she looks up at you, quote this line "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL" and flick the sprog yogurt into her face while she squirms about trying to get your paste of her face, she'll look remarkably like the battle-cat.
mission complete.
it's just a contract. two people are showing their commitment to a joint venture. it's a shame really because marriage used to be so sacred about 20 years ago. now people get married for financial reasons and what not. getting married is like getting a tattoo. you shouldn't do it drunk. and you need to make sure it's what you really want because that shit's for life. but now they've got laser removal....
i think you'll find that there's a higher chance that it's a nervous reaction from someone suffering from stress. could be getting a touch of bullying. could be finding it difficult making new friends. could even just be puberty. but one thing it isn't, drugs.
it's your choice to believe him or not. but to say he's full of shit and then add sweet feck all to the convo is just making you look like a troll. a poor one at that.
you should get her a lovely ankle bracelet so that you can tell when she's out of her "office". the only time that should happen is when she's looking to be lone ranger'd. or He-Man'd but that's a different story.
a relationship is like a swan. on the surface it's beautiful and graceful. but once you look under the surface, you'll find a man kicking like hell to keep the f*cker afloat. lol.
i've found that applying ball sweat to any object renders it yours. it completely nullifies rule number one. if she still wants it after you've gotten your ball sweat all over it, then maybe you need to look for someone who isn't a dirty little bitch. lol
i think rule 2 only applied when in the company of your woman. as soon as she out of the room, it's flies down, hand in, Napoleon all the way. so, the trick is to make the skirt think she's in-charge. like letting your kid sit on your lap and "drive" the car. the only one who doesn't think you're still driving is the kid.
for me, that's what a relationship is all about. make her think she doing it on her own. but if you look close enough, you'll see that it's the man who still driving