Question is, who moves into a house near a racetrack and then complains about the noise? It's been there for like 80-odd years so it's not like it was built around the current residents or without them knowing about it - they CHOSE to live there.
I've been interested in this one for a little while, but I'm still not sure I'm interested enough to add it to the list along with things like Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake. I hated Oblivion and didn't really enjoy Fallout 3 much more so I'm a bit sceptical about whether this game is for me or not.
That said, maybe hooking up with some friends to play co-op might make it feel a little less directionless.
I was dressed up this year, but only because we were playing a Halloween gig and we'd all decided to go as traditional Hammer Horror-style monsters. Problem is, the postal strikes were bad timing for me being able to get decent eBay stuff - I should've planned more in advance. So I was a sort of lame Dracula, our guitarist was Frankenstein's monster and our bassist was a werewolf. My girlfriend's Carrie outfit was pretty cool too.
Our drummer just turned up in regular duds, but he's been ill so we let him off. I still think he should've gone as a flying monkey since he pulls great monkey faces while he's playing.
Sounds good to me too, although unless they're like C class I expect to be lapped like the sea on a beach. Will you be recording it and have commentators and stuff like the Cyber Racing guys did?
My SpeedFreeks seem to have gone missing though, which is pretty annoying. They must be around somewhere.
I'm not a big fan of the ASBO colour scheme trend at the moment. I don't like it on hot hatches, I don't like it any better on supercars
I don't mind Lambos in that nice yellow they come in though, and not many can pull that off with style.
The electricity is produced at power plants irrelevant of whether it gets used or not; it's not like there's suddenly going to be a massive increase in demand that the suppliers can't handle. It's not a change that'd happen overnight.
And yes, power plants burn fossil fuels, but surely it's better to only burn one load of fossil fuel at a centralised location than millions of little fossil fuel burning vehicles all over the place AS WELL as that centralised location.
And the energy required to create the batteries is pretty negligible since these days they last the lifetime of the car. Toyota has been pushing the Lithium-Ion ones with massive success. Honda has been doing similar for a longer period of time with no "OMG my battery is busted" stories appearing yet.
And power plants are only going to get more green - a petrol engine throughout it's life only gets dirtier.
When the fossil fuels run out and you can't see more than a few feet in front of your face because of the toxic fumes across the planet, you'll be wishing you'd given those electric vehicles the time of day
What exactly is her problem? Does the site appear but looks wrong or does it not appear at all? There's a lot of Javascript on there, and it uses .asp extensions, but her browser would need to be prehistoric for it not to work.
Why thank you, it is brilliant
And you got it at a reduced price too - as soon as they raise the cap from 10k it'll be on a par with an S2 license at 24k instead Speaking of discounts, my nifty Mazda 3 skin is now free.
The shadows flicking about the place seems to be a LOD issue. They disappear about 50 feet ahead of the car and flick into view at the angle they were at when they disappeared last (so if you were a way round the track they'll appear at that angle then slide round. At least that's what I believe is going on.
Nope, I think it's still on the stock 1.8 engine. As I said earlier though, it had to be turned RWD or it would just flail around instead of turning. Could use wider tyres though - the 225s don't really cut it.
The Yaris Ninja, brought to you by Dajtek. Inventors of crazy sh*t that nobody in their right mind would ever use.
I bought my first PC from the dodgiest place I've ever seen. Was in Glasgow, right out on the very edge under railway arches. Cant' remember the name now, had the word "silicon" in there somewhere. They gave me a 1-day guarantee - on Xmas Eve. And then we had to walk all the way across Glasgow carrying a CRT monitor and a full tower. On public transport. Awesome.
Worked a treat though, after we installed an OS
My local garage does tracking for free, as does the tyre/exhaust place up the road. Presumably with the idea that you'll just get them to fix it while they're at it.
Be careful with Black Circles though - my local place undercut what I paid for my Falkens and offer decent Michelins for a better price. Price them all first, I wish I had.
I agree. Most cars are wide enough to not even touch them when passing over them. And that sort of defeats the purpose of them being there. Cost saving measures, eh? Genius.
Yet more new screenshots out today. This time it's Toyota's concept FT-86.
Don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting a bit tired of hearing nothing about the actual game and just getting a new selection of screens every few weeks. If you're going to keep delaying a release for years you'd think they'd have something awesome to announce by now.
As I said in my CVG post - less show, more tell.
The idea is it eliminates sidewall flex so that your steering is more responsive. It should improve handling, not make it worse. It will make the ride more rough though, since you've not got as much cushioning between road and shocks.
I've thought that would be a good idea for a while. Even if they only made up a couple of manufacturers. They don't necessarily need a full and detailed company history, but it would make the car names much more memorable for beginners.
Fail? Did? They were selling faster than they could make them this time last year, with high-profile buyers like Clooney and Arnie. And it looks like the Model S is going to do the same, since pre-orders for that have been going mental. And the company is now planning on minivans and SUVs after the S, which says to me they're making plenty of money from it.
So for a market largely driven (c wut i did thar) by the oil barons, I reckon they've done pretty well actually. Just because you don't see them as much as you do mass-produced nonsense like Civics doesn't mean it's been a failure.
Back on-topic though - that's ugly. It's got bits of Enzo on there, but somehow manages to look even uglier than Ferrari's monstrosity. Lambo Reventon sections too, I reckon.
But more power to these companies for trying to change the industry.
We've had loads of Manga/Anime skins from the Japanese designers. Next thing we'll see is a massive influx of NASCAR-themed skins. What did us Euros give, eh?