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S2 licensed
I found some better pictures. And a vector file of the Yokomo logo. So I'll be skinning this car in the near future.
S2 licensed
I'll take a look around to find it and if I do I'll post back if I'm making it.
S2 licensed
Pretty good, but quite a few bodykits mixed in there.
I'm girl play lfs
S2 licensed
Quote from spenter :I've made my very first FXO skin. I used some parts of the daloonie's FXR kit. I also tried myself at rendering... Here it is, my first skin and first render

Should I interprit this as a request to make an FXO version of my bodykit?
S2 licensed
A quick recolor of the MoE safety car. No sponsors no nothing. And sorry no 4096 version since the bodykit isn't in that resolution. May add a 4096 version later, but no promises.
Download :: 2048² :: 1024²
S2 licensed
Quote from GTR_Yuni :A Taiko no Tatsujin skin for the XRR.
Perhaps too over the top for even drifters.

For a cartoon style skin that is actually pretty good. I like the quality of it and it's not half bad looking.
Good job.
S2 licensed
Per request a Gigi Galli Stobart rally skin. So I did the one from the Swedish Rally 2008.
Clean Version Preview
Download :: 4096² :: 2048² :: 1024²

Dirty Version Preview
Download :: 4096² :: 2048² :: 1024²
S2 licensed
I haven't gotten so far yet. I'm still missing a few sponsors and the roof numberplate(Anybody have a Kick Energy Drink logo in high res?). And yes I know I didn't get the excactl shapes and 100% perfect colors on the artwork.

But here's a WIP shot.
S2 licensed
I'll do it. Just give me a few days.
S2 licensed
Quote from kimberly :sorry guys but i didn't want them to post 1 by one so i posted all of them here and say what u think of it

remember this are private skins so dont use them^^

It's funny how I can spot several different bodykits, including some of my work, on there, yet no credits to any of the original authors.
S2 licensed
Due to the nature of the car it's obviously not optimized for dirt racing at all. Stick to the RB4 if you want 4-wheel drive dirtracer.

But for the heck of it I would actually like to see a high power rally car, that is a rally car and not a GTR with knobbly tires.
S2 licensed
Pretty good. Definately not the shabby quality alot of the anime skins have.

Anyways your 2048 links aren't 2048. You need to set it up in your photosuckit account.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from smove :Glad you seem to like it.

Here it is in green, other colours will be following later.

Btw, Thunderhead, your one is really, really HOT!

Very interesting concept, and well executed. I might borrow that idea for a "body" kit with a similar type paint.
Though the front silver thing bugs me, the rest is looking really great.
S2 licensed
What this forums needs is less idiots. And the removal of .bmp as accepted upload filetype.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer556 :daloonie, it would be nice for Paint.Net users if you could do some "basic" templates, with, lets say, 5 layers, because this kits you make are too heavy for Paint.Net to handle, I've tried with the others already

You can get Photoshop full version trial working in 30 days. It's free.
It's better than the freeware editing software out there today and I would recommend it any day.

But I'll see what I can do about it. 4096 or 2048?

I actually have an XRT kit, which is an edited version of this, lying around. I used it for an XRT pace car for MSz skinning competition. Just never got around to releasing it.
S2 licensed
Quote from FCS13 :Damn daloonie, thats one awesome skin, the only thing i would change would be the font of SAFETY CAR and the colours of it, maybe using the one's from the event logo.

But still, my personal winner.

I did use the colors from the logo. The 2 purple and the orange though was improvised. The green one is from the multibc logo.

Thanks though
S2 licensed
My entry for the Masters of Endurance safety car skinning contest.
S2 licensed
My entry.
Small preview:
Fulle preview attached to post.

Yes I went a little overboard on it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Thunderhead :

IM A BUS!!!!!

Interesting concept. Though for numberplates I recommend using a contrasting color to the background(not black in this case) for best visual effect.

Download or private?
S2 licensed
Not bad. Though it needs more flashy graphics and details.

Good effort in 2 hours. Can't seem to work out my skins in less than 5 hours. Atleast not great quality ones.
S2 licensed
The bodykit is available here:
Download link provided by Bunta
S2 licensed
PSD and PNG mirror links(Provided by Bunta)
PSD File
PNG File