I only apply sharpening filter on PS to them and some brightness/contrast/saturation adjustments, also some wheel blur when needed. I guess there edited. I don't use any texture modifications whatsoever, everything looks fantastic in default
First of all you should turn up your graphics settings when your taking pictures, because i cant see if the interior modification is good quality or bad. Second of all i dont thinks its a good idea to make green turn signals and blue stop lights and NOS stickers etc. The default interior looks much better
P.S eik tu nahuj tu paziurek koki cia suda padarei.
well the camera movement was choppy, in some places it would just go all over the place, didnt like the low fps, the car kept lagging. I hated the camera's in the first half of the movie, i just couldnt see anything besides the black car witch was lagging. The other half of the movie was a little better camera angle wise. Wrong music. 5/10
No, i'm saying that a good skin should have atleast a custom paintjob, or some graphics on the side.
Everyone would be driving in default "drift car shadow kit" skins if they thought one solid color and 3 stickers were nice and clean. lol