struct IS_ACR // Admin Command Report - any user typed an admin command
byte Size; // 72
byte Type; // ISP_ACR
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Zero;
byte UCID; // connection's unique id (0 = host)
byte Admin; // set if user is an admin
byte Result; // 1 - processed / 2 - rejected / 3 - unknown command
byte Sp3;
char Text[64];
@struct CompCar
byte Info; // flags and other info - see below
#define CCI_LAG 32 // this car is lagging (missing or delayed position packets)
vars Conn = Connection[GetConnIDX(PLC.UCID)];
//Reset their cars first. They have none
PLC.Cars = 0;
//Start giving them cars
if (Conn.CarsList.contains("XFG")) PLC.Cars |= 1;
if (Conn.CarsList.contains("XRG")) PLC.Cars |= 2;
if (Conn.CarsList.contains("FBM")) PLC.Cars |= 0x80000;