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S2 licensed
That's kind of what I was thinking; and that it might affect not only LFS, but other computer functions, also, perhaps even causing the computer to lock up.

Here is a definition of realtime, from

"A real-time system is one in which the correctness of the computations not
only depends upon the logical correctness of the computation but also upon
the time at which the result is produced. If the timing constraints of the
system are not met, system failure is said to have occurred."

This seems to imply that, when a program runs in realtime priority, the computer basically becomes a slave to the program; any timing constraints, written into the program (and LFS, being a physics simulation, likely involves time constraints, to a significant extent), govern the computer's behavior, absolutely, preempting any other considerations. This is merely conjecture, really; the little searching that I have done, on the issue, has returned only the above quote, which merely suggests my interpretive description, and I don't actually know, at all. But "realtime" is qualitatively different, as a characterization, from "high," "low," etc., which gives cause for caution.
Last edited by David33, .
S2 licensed
Cool. Thanks very much.
S2 licensed
This is a good answer, especially because of the explicit example. Thanks to you, also (I hope that I will not develop a reputation for thanking everyone, so that people feel hurt if they are not included ).
S2 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :

This is a very well reasoned and supported argument. Thank you.

Quote from gezmoor :b) The slower driver will move over on a straight in order for the faster driver to pass "on the racing line".

I wonder if this is really a good thing to do, since if the overtaking driver has not passed by the end of the straight, the "slower" driver will tend to want to get back on the racing line, and when/where he does this, may not be anticipated by the overtaking driver (unpredictability, resulting in a collision).

I also don't think that there is any justification for expecting any driver intentionally to slow down, since finishing places and relative positions can be distinguished by small fractions of a second; it would basically be equivalent to asking a driver (temporarily) to drop out of the race, while others continue, just so that someone else can further advance his already advanced position. The generally reasonable expectation is that the overtaking driver must overtake safely, and that's pretty much the whole of the essential consideration. The slower driver should simply avoid intentionally obstructing (let the blue flag be a signal that the guy behind you is not someone with whom you should be competing, battling for position, right now; otherwise, proceed with your participation in the race).

Quote from ajp71 :In reality fault will always be biased towards the lapping car

This is also a very good point. Thank you, too.
Last edited by David33, .
S2 licensed
Please read the first sentence of post #14, in this thread (also quoted in post #15).
S2 licensed
Thanks very much for these instructions. However, I would rather stay with high priority, since I don't know what "realtime" means, in this context; if it were merely the highest priority, I would expect it to be called that, or something similar.

So, what would the batch file say, to set high priority? And where did you get such information (so that I don't have to bother people with questions, and I can maybe learn some other stuff, too)?
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :The USA would wade in to bail them out, probably killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process like they did in Iraq.

Actually, the correct number is allegedly 807.4 billion million; and they were all innocent 3y/o children.
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :lol blue flag if they try too pass u just ram them off lol ur their too win not too let ppl past u for no reacon dats wot i do neways


Please allow me to correct (now that I've sort of figured it out):

LOL! In the case of a blue flag, if they try to pass you, just ram them off (LOL). You're there to win, not to let people pass [or "go past"] you for no reason. That's what I do.

(I don't know what "neways" means; possibly, ", anyway" would be an appropriate substitute).
Last edited by David33, . Reason : for the purpose of generously adding an alternative version that would have been immediately intelligible
S2 licensed
Is it possible to set a default/automatic priority for a program, or is it necessary to set the priority, using task manager, each time that it is started? If it IS possible, then how does one do it?

Thanks for any help; I also have experienced frequent, horribly annoying slowdowns with LFS (and, for that matter, rFactor), specifically. Every few minutes (apparently random interval), the framerate will drop from ~50 to ~2, for several seconds (it seems maybe to be related to an "svchost" process taking over CPU time), which problem is alleviated by setting the LFS priority to "high." But it's a pain to have to do this manually, each time.

The slowdown problem was not always there, but I don't know what changed, with my computer, to make it start happening.

Also, BTW, what means "realtime" priority?
Last edited by David33, .
S2 licensed
Although I have no drifting skills, these layouts are excellent to drive, nonetheless.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I am impressed by your effort to create (and describe) such a diverse and detailed layout. Thank you.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :i refuse to comment publicly on the situation down there as apparently thanks to the flag next to my nick im not allowed to for life

It is YOUR life, and since I'm guessing that you are too young to have been an actual member of the 1940's Nazi Party, therefore you are welcome to comment, in accordance with the common standard that your comments be reasonable and factual to the extent of your sincere ability. Any criticisms based solely upon your nationality would constitute ad hominem argumentation and therefore be fallacious, although there is always a risk of being confronted with others' perhaps unpleasant prejudices (as well as reasonable counterarguments that one may not like); such is the nature of engaging in controversial discussions, perhaps especially in this forum where there is a notable lack of inhibitions from expressing criticisms (maybe because auto racing is, by nature, a competitive enterprise). Anyway, other Germans have, in my experience, expressed their opinions on Middle Eastern politics, without trouble's ensuing.

If your statement is intended to be merely facetious, then it is slightly successful.
S2 licensed
Quote from Corey_XR4I :Wow dude you need to chill out, dont flame him because he made a track based upon a track he found on youtube, you people ask for video of the track and he gives you one, yea it might not be in lfs itself but you can clearly see how the track is.........cones

i will take some pics tomorrow for you people who cant keep dummies in, peace out

"I would much rather..." is not technically "flaming." It is a personal statement about myself. "You need to chill out" is probably a better example of "flaming," although perhaps yet too mild to be regarded as such.

I am not "you people," and I did NOT ask for a video; in fact, I stated that I would prefer a .jpg (that's a type of still picture).

Perhaps you have noticed, as I have, that a notably large fraction of announcements of layouts, in this section of the forum, are followed by posts such as:

Got any pictures?
Please post a picture.

There is a reason for this. Some of "us people," it seems, would like to know whether a layout is worth the effort to download, install, and try out. Such a concern is likely to be effectively answered by accompanying the announcement of a new layout's being offerred, with some information that is more useful than the fact that it has a ".lyt" extension.

The most useful information, for myself, is an overhead picture of the entire layout, quickly accessible for viewing. A several-minute-long video of what the layout was intended to resemble, is less useful - by a very large margin.

I could thank you for your contribution to achieving greater courtesy on this forum, but that would be silly (notwithstanding your "coolness" in proposing peace - particularly weird, considering the context).

P.S. - Please don't take offense, from this, Ali; it was not addressed to you.
Last edited by David33, .
S2 licensed ... thsByCountry-Barchart.png

Compare the numbers of military and civilian deaths, of the principal Allied powers (US, UK, France) to those of the principal Axis powers (Germany, Japan, Italy), and imagine that you can conclude from these statistics, who were the good-guys and the bad-guys.***

"Palestine" is territory having been captured, and since controlled, by Israel during the course of one of the SEVERAL wars initiated by Arab nations, seeking to destroy Israel. Israel has many times sued for peace, and has made, and demonstrated a willingness to make, concessions - for the sake of achieving peace - that some have called even suicidal. My understanding and expectation is that Israel is QUITE willing to live in peace with the "Palestinians," and other Arab nations, IFF they will cease trying to extinguish Israel and kill Jews. Currently, Egypt is the only Arab nation that has rescinded its declaration of war against Israel (and in response, Israel returned to Egypt, that territory having been captured from it).

With regard to the "Palestinians," specifically, it is my understanding that the great majority of them are descendants of Arabs who voluntarily departed Israel, upon the advice of their fellow Arabs (this is well-documented, including by explicit statements of government officials of Arab nations), who recommended that Arabs depart Israel, while it was being conquered by the five Arab nations that attacked it upon its inception, with the promise that, upon completion of the conquest and destruction of Israel, these Arabs could return to their homes and take, as well, the property of the killed or chased-away Jews. Unfortunately for them, Israel successfully defended itself, and has continued to do so, leaving them, and now their descendants, as refugees (unwelcome in any other Arab country, BTW). Those Arabs who did NOT depart, are now the most free and privileged Arabs in the Middle East, able to vote and hold governmental offices in Israel.

It is certainly sad that there is much suffering among "Palestinians." But I am inclined to suggest that, in a manner of speaking, it is their own damn fault, and if they were WILLING to live in peace, they could have that. Israel has REPEATEDLY demonstrated ITS willingness to live in peace with its neighbors, but Israelis are not so stupid as to allow themselves to be genocidally killed or their nation extinguished. So, the "tragedy" continues.

***Oops! I am very sorry! My evaluation did not include the Russians, who were very much a principal Allied power and suffered the most, by far, during World War II. Even so, the reasoning stands, with regard to the US, UK and France, who suffered fewer deaths than Germany, Japan and Italy, but were not the aggressors.
Last edited by David33, .
S2 licensed
I would much rather evaluate, for the purpose of deciding whether to download, a layout by spending 10sec. to look at a .jpg, than by spending several minutes to download and look at a video (especially one that is not even, apparently [I didn't watch all of it], a video of the LFS layout).
S2 licensed
You can go to a hardware store and buy "castor cups," which are like little saucers (with flat, rubberized bottom surfaces) that you place under the castors, to prevent them from rolling. My computer chair sits on a wooden floor and has five castors. I place castor cups under two of them, when I need to keep my chair from rolling around, and it is completely effective.
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnUK89 :1. In the application of a car turning a corner centrifugal force *does not exist*. You're looking at centripetal force there.

2. If you don't start sliding you have rolling friction between the road and the road. If you *do* start sliding then it is dynamic friction. Where does static friction come into this? Does a car magically turn a corner while not moving?

Rolling friction is a resistance to rolling (forward motion), and it is quite small in magnitude.

Static friction is friction between two surfaces that are not sliding against each other. It is the centripetal force, turning the car, if you are not skidding.

Dynamic friction is friction between surfaces that are sliding against each other, so it occurs when you are skidding.

Frictional force is mathematically equal to the normal force (i.e. - perpendicular to the surfaces; equal to weight, if on a horizontal surface) multiplied by the coefficient of friction (experimentally determined, for a pair of specified surfaces under specified conditions; commonly between 0 and 1). The coefficient of static friction can be any value up to a maximum (its generally quoted value IS the maximum) that occurs just before the surfaces start to slide; that is to say that static friction is maximum at the threshold of sliding/skidding. The coefficient of dynamic friction, is typically smaller than the coefficient of static friction, for a specified pair of surfaces and conditions, so that there is less frictional force between surfaces, when they are sliding (dynamic friction), than when they are not (static friction). This is why skidding is discouraged, for most effective vehicle control, including braking, steering and acceleration with the drive wheels.
Last edited by David33, .
S2 licensed
Thanks, Troy. It worked as you described, and my brother is now S2 licensed (the registration key, as a proof-of-purchase, was entered after registering as a new user, rather than making a purchase after registering as a new user, which was how I did it).
Last edited by David33, .
Help Needed: new LFS purchase
S2 licensed
I am an S2 owner, and I bought another S2 license for my brother, for Christmas. I received an email from "BMT Micro Orders" with a "registration key" which I forwarded to my brother (he lives some distance away). How is he to use this key, to unlock LFS?

I don't recall exactly how I went about purchasing my own license, but it eventually amounted to entering a user name and password for "unlocking" LFS. However, my brother has no user name and password; only the emailed "registration key." So, how can he unlock LFS, using that code?

Thanks for any help. I am very much looking forward to my brother's enjoyment of LFS, as I have enjoyed it, and I would like to be sure that I have received a functioning license for him, in exchange for the charge placed on my credit card. So, if someone knowledgeable, will explain how to unlock his copy of LFS, I would be grateful for that.

S2 licensed
OK; that works. Very cool. Thank you.

S2 licensed
Well, as I described, the essential issue is not one of documentation. I CAN save the file. I just can't use it for anything, since LYTe apparently does not recognize its existence, after having saved it; I just get a file on my harddisk, but no group object that LYTe can access and place in the scenery, which seems to have been the point of this feature.

Anyway, I shall eagerly anticipate further development of this otherwise welcome and useful program. Thanks.

S2 licensed
I am unable to figure out how to use the "pack" feature.

I select a group of objects, using click and drag select. The "add to pack" button appears and I click on it. A file requester appears, for me to enter a name for the pack, and I provide one and the file is saved.

However, there is no way for me to access it. The list of packs remains empty.

(As an aside, the instructions say to provide a filename, only (without a "AU_" or "BL_" prefix or ".pack" suffix). However, attempting to comply, results in notification that the prefix and suffix are required, and a filename without them, is not accepted.)

Anyway, this is a cool program (it would be especially nice if it could be used with all tracks), and the pack idea seems to be potentially very useful, but I'm not sure if it is an as-yet-unfinished feature, or if I'm just not doing it right. Please, explain in sufficient detail, how to use the pack feature.


S2 licensed
Thanks for your response. Yes, I had read that. In fact, I now have it working; the problem was that my firewall wanted permission to allow it to connect, but I couldn't see the request; the display was stuck on LFS, while my computer was stuck on the firewall request.

Anyhow, it works now, and I like it. Thanks, Gai-Luron.
S2 licensed
I am having trouble running this thing.

I have renamed the "bin" folder as "LFSRelax", and I have placed it as a subfolder within my main LFS folder.
When I am in the game, in driver's view, I type "/" and a window appears, into which I type "insim=29999" and press "OK".
The game then freezes, and I have to power off my computer to regain control.

Am I required, also, to make some adjustments to LFS's "config.txt" file? There is virtually no info in the manual about how to use insim, and I am pretty new to this game. Still, I have followed the directions, as I understand them, and I just get a computer crash.

I am using LFS patch x10. I really only want the pit spotter, but I read a post, here, stating that it does not work with patch x, with a recommendation to use LFSRelax, instead.

Thanks for any help.