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Compare the numbers of military and civilian deaths, of the principal Allied powers (US, UK, France) to those of the principal Axis powers (Germany, Japan, Italy), and imagine that you can conclude from these statistics, who were the good-guys and the bad-guys.***
"Palestine" is territory having been captured, and since controlled, by Israel during the course of one of the SEVERAL wars initiated by Arab nations, seeking to destroy Israel. Israel has many times sued for peace, and has made, and demonstrated a willingness to make, concessions - for the sake of achieving peace - that some have called even suicidal. My understanding and expectation is that Israel is QUITE willing to live in peace with the "Palestinians," and other Arab nations, IFF they will cease trying to extinguish Israel and kill Jews. Currently, Egypt is the only Arab nation that has rescinded its declaration of war against Israel (and in response, Israel returned to Egypt, that territory having been captured from it).
With regard to the "Palestinians," specifically, it is my understanding that the great majority of them are descendants of Arabs who voluntarily departed Israel, upon the advice of their fellow Arabs (this is well-documented, including by explicit statements of government officials of Arab nations), who recommended that Arabs depart Israel, while it was being conquered by the five Arab nations that attacked it upon its inception, with the promise that, upon completion of the conquest and destruction of Israel, these Arabs could return to their homes and take, as well, the property of the killed or chased-away Jews. Unfortunately for them, Israel successfully defended itself, and has continued to do so, leaving them, and now their descendants, as refugees (unwelcome in any other Arab country, BTW). Those Arabs who did NOT depart, are now the most free and privileged Arabs in the Middle East, able to vote and hold governmental offices in Israel.
It is certainly sad that there is much suffering among "Palestinians." But I am inclined to suggest that, in a manner of speaking, it is their own damn fault, and if they were WILLING to live in peace, they could have that. Israel has REPEATEDLY demonstrated ITS willingness to live in peace with its neighbors, but Israelis are not so stupid as to allow themselves to be genocidally killed or their nation extinguished. So, the "tragedy" continues.
***Oops! I am very sorry! My evaluation did not include the Russians, who were very much a principal Allied power and suffered the most, by far, during World War II. Even so, the reasoning stands, with regard to the US, UK and France, who suffered fewer deaths than Germany, Japan and Italy, but were not the aggressors.