Very nice work guys. Looking great.
Okay, a gentleman asked me online to write up basically a How-To on installing this stuff.
Step 1 - Download the ZIP archive in redruM's first post.
Step 2 - Unzip the archive contents into your LFS folder.
Step 3 - Play the game.
If you have any issues, be sure you don't have an admin password on your "Host Online Game" section of your game. That one really threw me for a loop. Everything else should be self-explanatory.
Oh, also, be absolutely sure you've got your shortcut icon set up like so:
The InSim portion is necessary for the gauges to interface with LFS!
** ** ** ** **
Also, here's an archive of gauges I'm currently working on, that you can load to use in LFS. They're rough designs, and most don't have indicator lights for fuel, upshift, or brake, but will eventually. Enjoy!