As some may know if they have been on Liberty Cruise, they have a system say if you want a job, you've got to use a skin which was made by lfs developers.
e.g to have a pizza job, you have to use the uf1 pizza skin.
e.g to do taxi driving, gotta sue uf1 cab skin.
Well if they can do this for them default skins made by lfs developers, why cant they do the same thing but for a default setup used by LFS.
I have been thinking of this for a while dan, were a meeting is structured e.g old school just using the [Hardtrack] setup but i cannot see/check weather racers are using that setup
Hello all, ok i am requesting another program for my server to make it more fun and enjoyable to race on. I have 4 addons for my server already however i have been searching for this specific 1 for a while.
I am looking for a program which only allows racers to use the default set for UF1, XFG & XRG which is the [Hardtrack] setup which is provided by LFS developers when you get LFS.
I just feel that when people use their own modded setups, it makes the server hard for new people to play on as the people with very good setups can clear ground much quicker. My server LFS Banger Racing is generously hosted by so come visit my server and see what you think.
same as i posted on other threads.. irrelivant suggestions & improvements again. I am waiting on the realease of patch Z and i guess alot of others are too.. but you would prefare that to be fixed or a new patch?
As scawen said, he is trying to get the priotiy stuff fixed first i dunno on what, but dont waste his time asking stupid things which really dont need sorting..
*sigh* Say the same thing over & over & over again..
you can change the position of the driver from options! this is a irrelivant request. i want the Z version to be out soon and not want people like you askin for points improvements.. new cars are a big part on the suggestion section and hope thish patch Z is out soon. Let scawen get on with programming and stop posting junk for him to wade through..
Hi, i run my own server ( LFS Banger Racing ) and their is only 10 laps to a race. My concern is that people keep re-joining the race after lap 2.. and i cannot avoid this with /midrace=no and my layout is on skid pad which means i canot block the pits because its the start of the race
Is there a addon or anything i can do so that people cannot re-join the race say.. after the leaders lap 2?
Hi, quite a number of people latley have been racing bangers on LFS S2. There are 4 bangers server ATM and we looking for hard walls & improved barriers so they dont bounce you 200ft in the air and spoil your race. We get alot of complaining and moaning as i run/own one of the banger servers. about 150-200 race bangers on LFS as i have seen a large number of new drivers wanting to race. Alls we need is hard walls and its would be amazing.. (hard walls that dont bouce when you hit them sideways, or anyother way). Another one of us banger lads would love to see if improved damage to cars and less bounciness. The cars at the moment damage is rubbish . Maybe a bit more realistic? the cars bouce too much aswell and you can be roofed in a matter of seconds. Maybe 1.. just 1 car that would suit us banger lads your be awesome! If anyone would like these improvments, add to the post to get LFS Makers to add the improvments in the up-coming future!
Hi.. just wondering how i can get on my mates server ( im admin ) a coundown timer to auto restart.. E.g..
The race has just finished and server is counting down from 2:00 minuites to restart! ( I'd like the countdown to be displayed at top of the screen also )
The [Noobs]Sumo server has this auto restart count down timer on there server!