hi guys , do you guys got how i can get Stock/Standard/Original Reflections back for patch x ? i forgot back up when i replace it with real reflections . Please help me . Thanks
movie and music are like that.not everyone like it.example,latest cinema movie-transformers the movie , to me and other transformers's fans..we comment it was awesome and have to watch few times more.some peoples comment it was shit,boring,childish or regret to watch.
your 7th/8th d2-episod 4 video blurer than my 7th video.nice effects.not bad music.some camera angles was good and some camera angles look normal.the thing i feel the best are effects.after d2-episod 4 video,your videos look better and improved
hahaha.you are the first comment it bad among almost 100 players said it was good . i'm still count newbie in making movie. nevermind,i accept any comment. . but one things u can see is i'm improve . this 7th video it's alot better than previous 6 videos.