i did things in instruction but......... i only see
- Start LFS with the shortcut
- When LFS is started you will see these lines in the upper left corner
Welcome to Analog Gauges by mb redruM"
Press strg + pos1 to save positions
Press strg + End to load positions
Press strg + Up-Down-Left-Right to move Gauges
Press strg + PgUp-PgDown to cycle Gauges
in game but i dont see any gauges?
HI guys i did not finde anything abaut a PSP gauge i only seen its on youtube
can anbody tell me wat programs do i use to instal psp as a gauge plz tel me all abaut ir poste links to download
PLZ help me
First, connect your PSP to PC via wifi to see Windows Desktop on your PSP, you need programs that I don't remember, later try some program like sim-tools to see Gauges.
i conect my psp but wats the pint tell me if i dont know wat programs to use and were to get them
anybody help me ?
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