Hi there , some writing you did there.
As my English is not first languge sorry for mistakes first of all.
I just want to say what a smart post you posted , I totaly agree with 120%
Maybe i was just to hard on them to with my signatures treats and etc.
I just wanned a new car but if il get a new car i will not be happy with it because it will only be a new car nothing else if il get a new car with a diferent South city track i wouldnt be happy.... you know why? because the texture will be the same and boring maybe this patch will be special who knows? maybe they have somthing new for us. I hope they do.!
I think this patch will be with a car and A LOT OF BUG FIX like better textures and even miner bug the bugs you don't see every day by meaning evry day i mean if we seen somthing one time.
I would realy be happy if they would fix that barrier think when you run in to it you baunce back of fly back if they do fix that then more tracks will be made and more taurnaments or races servers will be there.
So i mean if they give as a new patch now they will TOTALY SUCK . or maybe if they gived as that patch alredy before christmas they would suck that time but good think they spot the bug ! think what cauld happen if they give the patch too erly ? bad name for comunity.
Thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english.