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S2 licensed
Just close thread tbh, it's going to go nowhere...
S2 licensed
It's <manure>, played 5 mins at my mates and didn't want to go back on.

I played mw2 last night for half an hour, felt like i was playing it again on a different map. Its the same god damn game, looks identical!!!!!!!!
S2 licensed
You mean hitting the nail on the head
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans : 653 million views 3 million views.

But yeah, million flies can't be wrong..

What has unique visits of non-related video's got to do with active player numbers?
S2 licensed
This new "online" part of rf2 is supposed to put an end to mod mismatch misery, we shall see....
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Why play SA:MP when MTA:SA is superior to it in every single possible aspect?

That may be so, but user numbers state otherwise.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :It's getting so old to just blame piracy...

It's also due to the fact that EA wants to promote their own stuff instead of using a fine-working service like steam or give the option to not use any of these services (put in the DVD's, install and play).

To be fair though, if i was a large publisher like EA i wouldn't want to pay the percentages that Valve would want for the digital distribution including upcoming map packs etc. More so if you can design your own version in-house.

Granted, it is nowhere near the same level as steam, but for me it does what it is designed for, yes it may be quite basic, but it is functional.
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :
[/CENTER]649547]I just really hope it'll be available for PC right from the launch. Doubt it though.

Already confirmed Ported by Rockstar Leeds, trailer looks to be from pc version tbh :S
S2 licensed
Los Angeles/Los Santos Meh tbh.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Double Post and an update.

About 10 cm expected today and it's only August! I called BS on this one but I was wrong, we've got some big flakes coming down now.

S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Saints row is purely about having fun, will give me the gta style fix until 5 comes out
S2 licensed ... staff-2011-10-27-1.425648

His leg was hanging off the side, looks as if he tripped over it :S
S2 licensed
I think the campaign is not to bad for a multiplayer oriented game. Guess that's what happens when the game is rushed to beat cods release date. There's no doubt single player and co-op could of been so much better.
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :/fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

I'm playing it on hard, taking me a bit longer to get through missions than expected, however not really a bad thing. The jet scene (should I be quiet?) is pretty intense, but I'm a bit confused on how to actually do it on hard. They pop the flares each time you shoot, no way of getting around it.

Oh and I normally beat the campaign before jumping online. Yes, I'm old school like that.

Did SP on hard also, just hold lock on til they pop flares then fire
S2 licensed
Race exhaust always spoils the sounds of the cars, I stick to sports exhaust on cars I upgrade, sounds much better.
S2 licensed
Quote from JBiturbo :My second entry, i just went a little nuts on this one!

On a side note, I can always edit some details and re-color the helm.

Best so far imo, but change the ace of diamonds to the ace of hearts
S2 licensed
Try disabling SLi, i had issues with stutters until i disabled it.
S2 licensed
Plenty of people on the bf3 forum reporting that when using VPN origin states there bf3 unlock is the 24th so it does work. Probabaly depends where and how your using vpn's though i'd imagine.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :That was my thought, without the electronics would he simply have dropped the bike and slid down the road safely, or would he have been able to recover the bike without going across the track?

Unsure, guess we'll never know
S2 licensed
He'd lost the front coming into the apex, the way the riders are they try to stay on as much as possible and carry on. The bike already had a large right angle lean so naturally it just followed the direction the weight of the bike and Sic was pulling it towards. Highly doubt any mechanical failure, if anything the electronic gizmo's probably hindered his recovery of the bike.
S2 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :It was Edwards that did the fatal hit. I feel for him more of. And Marcos family, and kids and or GF/wife.

Not so sure mate, i was watching it live on V+ and paused it and replayed in slow motion a few times.

As Simoncelli is coming across the track, Edwards hits the middle/top of his back, as Rossi is right next to him on the inside it looks as if Rossi hits Simoncelli around the shoulder/neck area resulting in his helmet coming off. That contact along with the thorax/chest impact was a major contribution to the cardiac arrest he suffered.
S2 licensed
Pre-load BF3 normally.

Open up the vpn as previous page link shows, do the korean method, then start origin and you can unlock at 7/8am GMT tomorrow
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :It don't take much to search in youtube for it.

Already did that last night, all i stated was that Channel 5 is UK and copyright was based on country.. ty.