i have 2 30gb OCZ vertex's running in raid 0 in my i [email protected]/6gb ram/gtx 295 I'm swapping them for (faster drives) 2x120gb ssd's soon and will sell my current 2x30gb's. Bigger drives generally = faster speeds. Plus, ssd's are getting quicker and quicker, raiding them can result in some immense speeds
load times for anything are virtually non existent, all programs in taskbar are instantly ready to use as soon as i log into windows 7, and i'm in servers on my own before anyone else in every game - so they do what i wanted them to
I have a samsung f1 1tb for my storage and games that aren't as important
So glad i went ssd, will never go back to hdd as main drives
There's a few things to disable in win7 like prefetching/indexing/defrag and other tweaks. Some ssd's require maintenance like wiping and trim, but alot of the drives now have firmware that can achieve this whilst in idle.
Yup to many games coming out, forza 3, gt5 (will also require a ps3 for me) assassins creed 2, modern warfare 2, operation flashpoint 2, bad company 2 - grrrrrr need more money
Can only blame themselves though tbh, don't know how much it would of changed the outcome, but surely they should of worked their balls off to present a good case???
yeah i would imagine they are talking about the nvidia glasses as LFSn00b pointed out.
Nice speedhunters pictures, after reading them i picked up on a comment from Rod Chong in the 2 bmw's article, he also makes those NFS articles on speedhunters:
It looks awesome for pc, and it's good to see him talking about the sim side of things, saying he comes from a hardcore pc background, virtua_lm member etc.
The thing is, i don't know wether or not to discount all of his ''realistic gameplay'' talk when he goes on to mention using a "360 controller" surely he should be using a wheel?!?!?