Nobody. I just said "if" and that makes difference.
Anyway i`m still looking for code. Hope somebody still have it unused
P.S I forgot the most important word. THANKS
Like every day i`m racing at various servers. Everything was ok until today. When i come to Fox Junkies i started to spectate players. After i choosed the right set for that combo , i left the pits. Airio started to remind me that if i wont drive , i`ll be spectator. I was driving in the pit lane and everything was ok until i really got spectated by airio. When i looked at other players , they had very big lag. The most strangest thing that chat was going on , just like lag. Can`t see any car going , but players are racing without problems. I thought my NOD (smart security) is causing problems. Changed from manual to learning mode (firewall). Still the same. Reinstalled LFS. Still the same problem. I have no idea what`s happened since today. Pc rr - still the same.
Lap/sector/time: 24 (last) / before 2nd / from 53.10.93
Cars involved: Me (G.Orla) and T.Thal
Description of incident: I was all lap long near T.Thal and in (53.10.93) i choosed different way to go in turn and i were faster. T.Thal left me no space to overtake him (actually he blocked free space in my way and was turning wheel to righ side , when i was very nearly him). After that i crashed at rear left T.Thal`s tyre and we got off the road. In last turn i were faster , i was trying to scare him a bit with heavy turn to right (after that crash i`ve said , near the finish line) but there was only small contact , T.Thal finished before me in 9th place
EDIT : Time may be different because i involved time from my replay
Now look again at results. A.Jonaitis finished let`s say 21s in front , let`s add 20s penalty for cutting pit lane line in exit , and now we have only 1s behind me and Jonaitis. Let`s say i`m not involved in crash , i finished 7-8s faster than now. So after all penalties i would be finished in 7th place Well next combo has plenty of room so incidents will be more avoidable
Firstly i want to sorry for that mess in chicane (lap 1). Braked lately , bumped into teammate`s back , and then some estonian guy almost killed me (maybe i need to write another report for this? )
30lap / Near pit entrance / From ~35min
Me (G.Orla) and T.Thal
T.Thal and U.Karu is driving side by side. They will be lapped by me and suddenly (a bit later in replay) T.Thal lost control and crashed near pit entrance. Impact was so big , that T.Thal bounces back to track , and hits me. I lost ~7s , i could be 7th , not 8th.
Next combo is more "slippy". Unexperienced drivers can make chaos. So i suggest to make a qualification like not "only 10 fastest" but "only players with x.xx.xx pb and xx laps driven on lfsw". That is just a suggestion
And by the way Z.Biskars - your driving was totally wreckless. TWICE i almost avoided crash by your "tough" defending. Just in 2 turns! Just in 2! And just in 1st lap.
I agree with you , but when you crash and person which is involved in that crash says "this is an creators (maybe i should say developers) fault , because they created chicane" it is more than stupid. Ofc it`s drivers fault , because he braked too late , but no!
Lucky you , my race ended after "tough defense". I`m starting to understand that if you see somebody is quite faster than you , let him go , just DONT defend your place , especially in this track. Because when you defending your place all damn race , you crash , then somebody crashes into your car. And after that what can you say? "I`ts CHICANE FAULT! And everybody`s who created this thing! I`m not guilty , it`s my foot did this , sorryx"
Lap + Timecode: 1st lap in feature race. From 0:59min in replay (Turn 3)
Cars Involved: Car 07(me) , car 8 , car 5
Description of events: Car no. 8 trying to pass me (07) , but i`m trying to block. Then looking at the steering wheel , car no. 8 steers into my side to crash me out of the way. Wreckless and unsafe driving from car 8. Then i returned after hard touch to ideal line and car 5 crashed me too , but this time i was way too agressive , so sorry M. Vegega for ruined race. Result : almost last place in race start after T3.
In 1st view we see that you`re braking at (maybe 85-90m till turn) when others braking at 75m till turn. You think everybody has super awesome reaction to brake earlier than you and avoid crash? Of course he is also guilty because he could brake later inside the turn (divebombing)
And the best way to see if he is braking ON purpose is to see WHEN he is braking
If you don`t have much time for qualification - you don`t have time for race.
Ok then , let`s say your country qualification ended. Only 8 drivers did fast lap. Next day few drivers who don`t had fast lap time and even don`t participated in qual comes to the server. Then HOW we can decide in what place that driver should be?
Lack of time? Discuss about that and change qual date. Is that so hard to do it?
It`s like : only first 30 people takes part in 2nd event , they must finish race , i am number 31 , i will go to 2nd event without racing in 1st part. A bit stupid yeah?