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i really should renew my account, i bought all content then just got bored
S3 licensed
finally got my lower bumper last week on the arosa, whilst i had the adjusters off trying to unseize them i stuck the springs in and wound the front suspension down.
i got some pics with a friends dslr, check them out here ... 101.1517169549&type=3
S3 licensed
finally got round to cleaning the arosa today, just waiting on my lower bumper to arrive then i'll get some pics with a friends dslr

S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :ah the lower lip is missing...thats it.
couldnt tell

ahh yeah forgot about the missing lower lip XD

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :That isn't through choice. He crashed on a roundabout.

damn roundabouts
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :
hmm...did u change anything on the front?
looks quite different...

smoothed bumper, but apart from that no
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :i actually never thought about the winter when i saw those low cars...
i already know theyre kind of useless as a daily driver, but now that u mention it...rofl
i hope his lip is well secured, plowing all that snow

//edit: what car is that Derv?
kinda looks like a lupo/arosa on the back, but not in the front.

it's an arosa but with lupo rear lights instead of the usual 'pizza' arosa lights
S3 licensed
finally got my car back running in the past few days, just need some sump bolts and a u-bolt for the exhaust along with a new tyre as i have a huge gouge in the sidewall

S3 licensed
just got a set of fanatec porsche shifters to replace my dated act labs

S3 licensed
Quote from extrakid12 :Not really a car, but yea.. ... ads/2011/05/IMG_8643-.jpg

nice, i had a swiss auto 250 but sold that last year unfortunatley.

that a shifter kart?
S3 licensed
Quote from vourliotis :Nice combo.
I had this as sample kit from AMD, but the version with the liquid system. Then i replace the motherboard with Gigabyte 990FXA-UD7.

FYI, this CPU can work at 4.2-4.5GHz with ~1.35v, means less than what Turbo Core crap gives.
With less than 1.3v can achive 4.0GHz very easy.

Anyway, disable the Turbo Core. You will have better temps
(stock cooler isnt enough for that hot CPU)

going to look into replacing the cpu cooler soon, curretly running 4.2ghz
S3 licensed

AMD 8150 3.6hz orichi core
Asus crosshair V motherboad
8gb DD3 corsair ram
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Yes and after that wax

polish first if using a solid wax
S3 licensed
Quote from DeKo :It's downloading right now, I'm having problems finding my GTL disc though (haven't used it in years, it's here somewhere), and even more problems trying to find a mini-image.

use 7-zip to extract both parts of the exe, that gives you two rar files containing all the mod files then just extract them
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Lol, school boy error. A supple car is a fast car. The suspension is why you crashed, when you rebuild it put back the original springs and dampers. I suspect you could easily take that roundabout at 30 then. It is a fun trade off, you want the lowest car with the least amount of roll, but the softest suspension you can get away with. Too soft and it'll wallow around like a yank tank. Stiff springs only work on a race track, the smoothest roads are still worse than the roughest race track.

Also, when it comes to diesels, unless you spend HUGE cash, all they are doing is turning up the fuel pump. It is a brute force way to increase power, it works but is very dirty.

That all said, since you're a VAG boy, low and slow is the way to go. Good luck with your rebuild, although I don't agree with that scene, I respect your right to do it and your car actually looked good.

252nm of torque in a car that weighs around 900kg through 175 tyres isn't a great combination to start with but on a dry B-road the car does come alive, sticks to road like s**t on a shovel. while rebuilding i'm going to raise the suspension up by 60mm to give me a dropped look but saving my sump from any damage
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :It wouldn't surprise me, but obviously without seeing how you took the roundabout it'd be impossible to know, looking at it though, I'd easily say you could take it at 30. Although I know in standard spec my Escort Van would understeer like a bastard at relatively low speeds. I never crashed it though.

i thought i could take it at 30 but with the car being lowered around 110mm and being on ridiculously stiff springs it does kind of take it's toll on the wet handling characteristics, it's a 1.4 tdi remapped with a surprising amount of torque so it does like to spin it's wheels in the wet
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I'm guessing you entered the roundabout, tried to turn and went straight on? How fast was you going when you entered it? Probably a good thing you didn't have your alloys on front either or I imagine they'd have buckled on impact.

the road was a NSL but i saw the roundabout and slowed to 30-35 and just went straight on, not trying to put the blame on anyone else as i was driving but there was a jcb factory just to the right of that picture so i'm guessing the road may of had diesel on.
Last edited by Derv94, . Reason : spelling :O
S3 licensed
Quote from Tinytacohead :Ouch. plans?

going to replace everything and hopefully get it back on the road. hopefully the engine should be ok, may have to replace the gearbox though
S3 licensed
Quote from Tinytacohead :Sorry to hear it, though many times skinny tires are the ticket for some weather related driving situations, including standing water, (as they tend to cut through water much better than a wider tire, which will more often want to hydroplane sooner) "Low & stiff" makes one ponder on suspension setup though, as if wrong, will often cause a car to suddenly lose control in just such a situation, (as I eluded to in a previous, somewhat related conversation) That and speed of course. In any event, you made it, which is the important thing. Maybe a little morbid but, got any before and/or after pics?



https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamai ... 6009678034_71840182_o.jpg

gearbox casing
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamai ... 11518080_1173194604_n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamai ... 13838138_2144825925_n.jpg
S3 licensed
crashed the arosa on friday coming back from alton towers. a low stiff car on skinny tyres + standing water and diesel patches isn't good news. hit a kerb and cracked my sump and subframe, bent a wishbone and snapped an engine mount
S3 licensed
lamborghini super trofeo?
S3 licensed
he's a spoilt brat
S3 licensed
doesn't know his master
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Super i love it!

cheers ginho, your car is looking sweet, did like the bimmer though