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S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :This is no longer true.

New Year's kiss? Good job.
S3 licensed
BT - Flaming June (BT and PvD Mix)

4:30 onwards is just perfection. That piano sequence.

Also, yesterdays Global DJ Broadcast by Markus Schulz. One of the best sets I have ever heard.
S3 licensed
Wrong thread?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
We need to talk about Kevin

Very good.
S3 licensed
Right... His argument is lame when you're the one who is straight up calling everyone insane for liking a very well done film?

Okay then...
S3 licensed
Did they even have them this year?
S3 licensed
The most amusing part of this is the people that are still defending this and are trying to justify it. Just wow... They even have the guts to call people, "whiners". Ass licking much?

Before everyone gangs up on me, I do not EXPECT updates. I got what I paid for, and I am happy as I certainly got more than enough entertainment for those 24 pounds. However, I agree with Nuse that they should come out and say if the project is dead or has been put far down the list in their lives.

Having people wait for something that might never come out is just beyond silly. Also, I am sure this is not helping current and future sales - Doubt people would still want to invest in this game when they find threads like these on the official forums.
S3 licensed
Went to see MI4: Ghost Protocol today. Was surprisingly enjoyable. Stereotypical / overused storyline, but apart from that it was a fairly good couple of hours with plenty of action. Props to Cruise for doing his own stunts - the Dubai skyscraper part was breathtaking.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :No, no you're not. You havn't at all and every one else is justing listing stuff they've been given. This thread is like some kind of weird gratification of the expression of personal wealth and greed measured in the fortune of the generosity of others. It's just surreal, and it happens every year.

I know you are excited about your new toys an' all, but I dont understand the need to list your presents to other people on a forum. It's like you are all saying "Be envious of MEEEEEE people, because I have a relative who can afford to spend £150 on ME. Yes, it is ME who has the hugest epenis cock of bloodwealth of you all. Fear me, for I am Super Capitalist Man. The personification of greed itself, the one, the only, mighty internet forum enviousor of the heathen peasant masses, the jock with the biggest pocket wedge of them all, I am Christmas Gift Recipient of the Year 2011. Hell yeah people, bow down and worship my awesome new capitalistic greed possessions denoting my near middle classness.".

First world problem.
S3 licensed
Both new and original.
S3 licensed

Best present ever.
S3 licensed
2012? Right...
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :That sounds like so much fun, flying the MAV and spotting people :bannana_g

He is probably more useful to the team than you are.
S3 licensed
Well Gabe did say that their next announcement will have "3" in it.

So either Left 4 Dead 3, or HL3. TF3 and Portal 3 are highly unlikely.

HL3 or Episode 3 would certainly make the most sense IMO. But then again, we're talking about Valve here...
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
"Sacrificing this baby will give you 6 tenths"

I'll get my coat...
S3 licensed
So his son comes into power now? I guess South Korea should start rallying those troops...
S3 licensed
Nothing. Shittiest year in my life so far.

That is all.