Oh look. You and your nonsense, AGAIN. You sure do love reading my posts in a way that you want to, and not in the way that they are actually written.
He changed ever since his dad left the manager role. The direction he took off in is doing him no good, and its clearly showing. Now whether that is to do with his new management team or not I dont know, and I am not going to point fingers. However, its pretty clear that things were going a lot more smoother in 07/08. Even in 09 when the car was terrible...
Also, his pace today was fine... He got unlucky with the puncture, thats it.
I think a lot of people are getting annoyed over the fact that there was very little actual driving... Certainly less than one would expect from a movie called, "Drive". And the driving they did have, was done quite poorly. The audio anyway...
What did make the movie for me was everything you actually listed as the negatives. The overdone gore (so to speak) scenes, the dark, "mysterious" characters, the slow burning story. The romance in itself was fairly interesting as well, and that IMO had a lot to do with the main character and the way he is portrayed.
If you actually read up on the movie and some of the connotations behind it, you would see that there are loads of different meanings in it. Heck, even the jacket which is absolutely epic may I add, had thoughts put into it to make sure it has some kind of meaning to the story and the way the character develops.
Obviously, if you like instant-non-stop action movies, this wont do it for you, and I can understand why. However, the movie really is amazing.
I found Reason too clumsy and "intimidating" so to speak. The whole "wiring" process just scared me away from trying to learn the program. I got the impression you spend more time trying to do all that stuff than you do making actual music.