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S2 licensed
Quote :Event OnEndPit( $userName )

openPrivButton( "pitleave1",50,40,100,34,1,4,32," " );
openPrivButton( "pitleave2",50,40,100,34,1,4,16," " );
openPrivButton( "pitleave3",50,40,100,20,14,4,16,"^1! ^0R E M E M B E R^1 !"
. "&^7Watch for other cars when leaving pit box!" );


Thank you, I'll give it a bash

Thanks Elmo - I'll start googling, lol.

And Gai - I'll download psppad now
S2 licensed
Meh @ adding file contents here.

I'll attach it

(the password is temporary )
S2 licensed
I'm using Lapper

Quote :If you look in the guiconfig.lpr file (can be found under ..Bin/default/includes/guiconfig.lpr) you'll see a line that has

$GUI_drift = "no" ; #Drift option yes or no ( see the part at end of this script)

Change the no to yes.

$GUI_drift = "yes" ; #Drift option yes or no ( see the part at end of this script)


How can I attach my lfslapper file here without killing the forum?

Is there a spoiler tag or something?

S2 licensed
I've tacked the whole 'Lang' section on at the end of the file... like this...

Lang "EN"
main_TDS01 = "^8?";
main_TDS02 = "^8?";


And copied the Drift section over the top of the original.

Still nothing.

Has it got anything to do with the !gui needing to have the drift set as default to on instead of using !gui after the Lapper has loaded?

Also.. this appears to be the same script that came with the downloaded Lapper in driftmeter.lpr- and I really don't know which is the best set of instructions to follow and neither seem to work

Am I better off editing the LFSLapper.lpr with all the driftmeter info or telling lfslapper.lpr to look for it with pitboard etc.?

Or both?

Or neither? :grumpy:
S2 licensed

It seriously didn't like that.

Copied it directly over the one I had there... and as soon as I reloaded it, it fell over and nothing happened :o

That's not good...
S2 licensed
I <3 you Elmo mwah x
S2 licensed
Wanted a tidy up - I'm a messy begger lol.

1). Is there an escape code for the TM superscript logo?

I want to have a trademark logo show up in the Lapper welcome screen - but I can't figure out what the code is

My nickname comes up as Drew [™Pirate] but it doesn't work on the Lapper screen.

2). I'd like to have a message pop up on screen when anyone leaves the pit box - I assume this is possible using something like 'OnLeavePits' but I can't find anything like that in the lfslapper.lpr file

3). And... how do I get the welcome screen (where it says friendly rank -/-) to use drift scores to rank instead of laptimes?

4). Last one for now Now that I have got !drf working, is there a way of getting the top scores that are saved by the users Nickname - NOT their username?

Thank you.
S2 licensed
I came up with this...

as being the ascii code.

This is the line of code I ended up with...

openPrivButton( "welc",25,50,150,15,12,-1,16,"^1Welcome " . $NickName . " ^1to [™Pirate] server!&^0Type ^7!help ^0after leaving garage to see commands." );

And it didn't work - it actually displayed:


And I want...


:edit: ffs - I can't get the forum to show the ascii code, buy you get what I mean. Instead of the TM logo, I'm actually getting the ascii code minus an 'and' symbol.
S2 licensed
lol, thanks Elmo.

I've tried copying and pasting and unicode and allsorts - Marius is stumped also.
S2 licensed
And to make it a round 3 posts ....

The driftscore personal bests don't appear when using !drf - the table is blank although I have done several runs. << Fixed, I was a noob, hadn't set the default car to XRT

And... I want the welcome screen (where it says friendly rank -/-) to use drift scores to rank instead of laptimes.

All help gratefully recieved - I suck
Last edited by drew555, .
S2 licensed
While we're at it...

I'd like to have a message pop up on screen when anyone leaves the pit box - I assume this is possible using something like 'OnLeavePits' but I can't find anything like that in the lfslapper.lpr file

And is there a resource online that covers all of the avaliable commands so I can leave Gai alone for a little while?
Simple quick questions..
S2 licensed
I have lots of little questions... I'll keep them all in here :-)

Is there an escape code for the TM superscript logo?

I want to have a trademark logo show up in the Lapper welcome screen - but I can't figure out what the code is

My nickname comes up as ^1Drew ^0[^1?^0Pirate] but it doesn't work on the Lapper screen.
S2 licensed
Thank you Gai :-)

Now to start a new thread with some simple, quick questions...
S2 licensed
I'm starting to think I'm a moron.

Right... I've got Lapper working - but I can't seem to get this to work.

I've copied the code (from DRIFTING OPTIONS to LANG) into lfslapper.lpr over the top of the otriginal DRIFTING OPTIONS - and that stops the drift scoring from working.

If I add the LANG section to lfslapper.lpr very little seems to work (including !gui).

Am I putting the LANG section in the wrong place? because I can't find an original LANG section in my original lfslapper.lpr file.

Oh - and how do I get the drifting option set to 'yes' by default instead of having to set it in !gui every time?

Thank you
S2 licensed
Nope, my problem persists.

It appears that:

Without a password -

LFSLapper.lpr: ""
default_1.ini: ""

Lapper connects, and then aborts.

12/18/2009 8:39:10 PM

Lapper Instance abort!

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pInifile, String pSuperUsers) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:line 243
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.goWorkMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 82
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.start() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 126
Void .ctor(System.String, Int32, System.String, System.String, System.String)
Closing Instance...

Also that although I have tried all these password/ file combinations (and more):

LFSLapper.lpr: password
default_1.ini: password
server: password

LFSLapper.lpr: "password"
default_1.ini: "password"
server: password

LFSLapper.lpr: poobag
default_1.ini: poobag
server: poobag

LFSLapper.lpr: "poobag"
default_1.ini: "poobag"
server: poobag

LFS and Lapper can't agree on it

What am I missing?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Use stadard char in password and no quote or double quote

Quote from Gai-Luron :Yes really simple if you try to think a little. put your password into double quote

$password = "poobag";

I'm a little confused.

But I'm going to try it anyway
S2 licensed

$Password = poobag; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server


$password = poobag;

Still not working - back to the InSIm telling me that the password is wrong

I'm sure this is something really simple
S2 licensed
Changed the password to poobag, and I'm still getting this in LFS:

InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password

And this in the Lapper command line window:

Lapper instance abort. Look at log file :./Testserver/logs/

Contents of

12/18/2009 6:03:11 PM

Lapper Instance abort!

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at InSim.CodePage.GetString(Byte[] pack, Int32 offset, Int32 len) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\Commun\CodePage.cs:line 176
at InSim.Decoder.pakGetString(Byte[] pak, Int32 first, Int32 len) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\InSim4.cs:line 781
at InSim.Decoder.VER..ctor(Byte[] packet) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\InSim4.cs:line 835
at InSim.Connect.insimConnectTCP(String host, Int32 port, String adminPassword, String mode, String nameApp, Boolean isLocal) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\InSim4.cs:line 310
at InSim.Connect.insimConnect(String host, Int32 port, String adminPassword, String mode, String nameApp, Boolean isLocal, Boolean TCPmode) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\InSim4.cs:line 255
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.openStbMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 98
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.startStbMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 197
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.start() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 153
System.String GetString(Byte[], Int32, Int32)
Closing Instance...

Mean anything to anyone?


I've removed the passwords altogether now, and it seems to be working - but I'm obviously going to want a password


lol.... when I try to !start the Lapper.... it tells me:

Only for admin!

And I've put my username into the admin.txt file, and the superusers.txt file
Last edited by drew555, .
Password issues
S2 licensed
Hi folks.

I'm having issues...

I keep getting an incorrect password error message when I start lapper... but the passwords match.

Is there something else that may cause the same error?

The password I use to set up the server (via 'start new host') is exactly the same as the one in LFSLapper.lpr and default_1.ini - and 8 characters long.

I'm not using the dedicated server and lapper version

Here's extracts from the files...


#General options#

$Password = "password"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server

$StoredValueDbs = "storedvalue"; # Name of the database in which additional values are stored


$password = "password";
$configFile = "LFSLapper.lpr";
$superUsersFile = "superusers.txt";

Thank you
S2 licensed

Thank you very much for your help, it's just about working - at least enough to fiddle with until I get it right!

Now to go and ask stupid questions about Lapper 5....
S2 licensed
And is there an option to supress the pit lane penalties?

Gawd - and what bit have I screwed up to stop the !help command from working? I killled all of the !<command> functionality
Last edited by drew555, .
S2 licensed
Thanks Gai-Luren, you are a star.

Now to find (or blindly create) a drift server script

Mojo: We use V because we prefer that version of Tweak

I don't suppose for a minute that earlier lappers can do the funky angle meter things that the newer versions can?
S2 licensed
lol, thanks lads.

I'm cool as a cucumber - just keeping up to date

I have Lapper 4.0, is there an earlier one avaliable?

I'm running the server on the same machine that I am running Lapper on - not using the dedicated host.

Now changing all the IP options to

:edit: When I type into LFS:

/insim 29999

Nothing happens. Nothing.
Last edited by drew555, .
S2 licensed
I've also managed to get it to say:

InSim::Initialise : bind failed

by using a different insim port in LFS (/insim 66392)
S2 licensed
Getting somewhere now....

Now I'm using lapper 4 and getting this...

InSim : packet received before ISI packet

I've checked and double checked the password settings and they all seem to match.



The server port is set as 63392, and the insim as 29999..
Last edited by drew555, .